? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Footsteps On My Guitar

yeah, that's my baby =)

School's starting tomorrow. And, there'll be some performance for the late Merdeka celebration. Which means more make-up for me, AGAIN. Ugh. Hate it. And with that air ventilationless costume, worse. Sighs. I'll just have to learn how to cope with it.

Anyway, just came back from aunt's house. I think I might have found my own guitar teacher. Heh. Will tell you who he is when I officially start learning, after PMR. But my fingers do hurt, now. Cause busybody here couldn't keep her hands to herself and kept playing with the guitar. Thank God it was an electric guitar. If it was an acoustic one, my fingers probably need some bandaging right now. And I thought that my blister days were over. Hah. On the bright side, I finaly know what power chords are. And I've learnt a few more chords. So, I guess the blisters are kinda worth it. Hey, no pain, no gain.

Ah, I gotta start getting ready for school tomorrow. My bag needs packing, uniform needs ironing, so does the costume. Oh yea, Happy Merdeka everyone! Malaysia's finally 52 years old. Hah. I'm so much more younger than that. Smiles! =)


Saturday, August 29, 2009


One thing's for sure, I'm hating those robbers more and more each day. How many lives were gone just because some heartless people barged into some people's house, stole their stuff, AND stole their precious lives. The hell, it's already bad enough that you're stealing from them. Just leave. But, nooo. Those heartless people had to kill their victims. For what? To stop them from lodging a police report? To stop them from identifying you on the streets and dragging you to the police station? Puh-lease. People get terrified when their robbed. They panic and get scared. Do you seriously think they'll hunt for you and bring you to justice? All they'll do is just call the cops to let them know that there was a burglary. It's up to the cops to hunt you or not.

Thursday night. I don't know was it a coincidence or was it meant to be. Mum was going to Giant after dropping sis at tuition. Anyway, there was this pair of shorts that I wanted to exchange. At first, I just gave it to mum and asked her to help me do it. I was rather lazy and felt like staying home. But after some time, just as they were going out the door, I changed my mind and decided to join them instead. If I had stayed at home, I don't know what would have happened. Maybe I'd have a chance to stab the stupid robber with the butcher 's knife? I don't know. But I was safe cause I went out with mum. And, with so many cases of thieves entering your houses from the roof, I'm starting to develope a habit of looking at the ceiling each time I go upstairs. Mind you, the part of the ceiling that can be opened is right infront of the stairs, right infront of the toilet, RIGHT INFRONT OF MY ROOM. If some idiot was to enter my house from the roof, I'd be doomed. I hate these people. If you're really that desperate for money, go get a job la. I know that the economy's bad, thousands and thousands of people are losing their jobs. But still, there's always a way to settle whatever financial problems you have. That doesn't mean you have to borrow money from the loan sharks tho. Only idiots would do that. You already know the consequences of getting money from those loan sharks, and you still wanna do it? There's a whole bunch of examples out there in the world. If after seeing all these and you still do it, then you're really an idiot. But, stealing? Robbing? That's too much. And the killing too. Whatever reasons these idiots have, it's still not right. I don't see people from other families I know going around robbing other innocent people. I've never had the thought of stealing when I'm short of money. Why should you steal then? How would you like it if I, somebody you don't even know, came to your house in the middle of the night and steal your stuff? Would you like it? I bet you don't. Well, we don't like it either. It messes up our peaceful lives. And, those who are stealing just because you need some money to buy cigarettes or drugs, go to hell. You're all a bunch of heartless, selfish, brainless, cold-blooded, idiotic morons who have no respect and compassion for others and yourselves.

Gosh, what's wrong with me? Cursing others again. Gah. Oh yea, I just so happened to come across this on the net.

"He broke his left arm and cracked his skull three times, broke his nose while playing rugby union, broke his right leg skiing in Switzerland, broke his left leg in a motorbike crash, broke his right wrist while snowboarding. He also broke his back when he slipped trying to reach a roof terrace of a friend's house and fell three floors."

Guess who? Orlando Bloom. A total of at least 9 breaks and he's still so alive. Amazing. I wonder how many times I can break myself and survive?


Thursday, August 27, 2009


I really feel like hauling a whole bunch of curses at myself for doing so 'well' in my exam yesterday. I totally bombed it. It was like, throwing a nuclear bomb in the examination room. Ugh. I don't know what to say to my teacher now. Worse still, I have to face her tomorrow. I should probably bomb myself.

Nevermind, what's done is done. Forget about it. I'll start crying over it when the results are out. Anyway, today's a very special day to a crazy new friend of mine whom I met this year..


See that picture? (Vi Jia please don't kill me, kay? Love ya =D) That's a picture of her and her ex-boyfan. Yea, boyfan. I don't have any speeching problem. Let me introduce all of you to the used-to-be happy couple. One day during our Footloose practise, Vi Jia was busy day-dreaming instead of paying attention to Nicole's crap. All of a sudden, Vi Jia felt a cool and gentle breeze blowing from her back. She slowly turned her head, and voila, Panasonic was there. It was love at first sight. Vi Jia and Panasonic fell in love immediately. Since then, both of them could not be separated. Vi Jia would not let anyone go near her darling boyfan, and Panasonic would only give out cool air for Vi Jia. Mind you, it was really hot and stuffy hiding at the corner all the time. On their very first date, which was the day they both met, Vi Jia gave Panasonic his very first kiss. Seriously, I'm not lying. I have proof! Look at the picture above. Heh. But, unfortunately, a few days later (or was it the next day?), Panasonic could function no more. He was dead. Doctor Nicole treated him and confirmed that he died of a heart attack. The cause of it was not sure, but she suspects that it was Vi Jia's kiss that triggered the attack. Ah, the kiss of death. Lol. Okay, cut the crap. Here's a more decent picture of our darling pianist.

Pretty, right? After you block out Wei Qin the spoiler behind there, it's purrfecto. Right? Heh. Yea, so this is our beautiful pianist with the sadly abused but beautiful grand piano. Vi Jia, I seriously envy you. You always have that professional and sweet look in all your photos, especially those with the piano. Seriously. Look at the picture above, and the picture in the footloose programs book. People would've thought that you're some professional young pianist. Anyway, today's your special day. Wishing you all the best in the future (which includes your studies, your career, your school stuff and other stuff, and oh, not forgetting, your love life. Heh.) Once again, Happy Birthday! =D


Monday, August 24, 2009

Shopping. =)

Went blouse-hunting yesterday. Yes. I was hunting for a blouse. White one. Practical exam's this wednesday, which is 2 days for now, and my scales are so not ready yet. Sighs. I guess I won't be getting my D after all. Anyway, mum thinks that not a single piece of clothing in my cupboard is 'decent' enough for a practical exam. Well, there is one actually. My favourite brown skirt which I'll be wearing on that day. But, there's nothing to go with it. Well, I do have a few blouses that I could wear with the skirt, but, mum thinks that they're not decent. Wth. FYI, those blouses are very sweet and pretty and they're definitely decent enough la kay. She makes it sound like my whole cupboard is full of nothing but clothes that are full of rat bitten holes. So, nevermind. Mum wants me to get a new blouse, I'll get one. It doesn't hurt to buy a new blouse right? But, you know what really made me mad when I was shopping? If my favourite blue blouse didn't have that stain from who-knows-where, I would have worn it with my skirt. Ugh. Stupid stain. I still want my blouse back. Sobs. Anyway, back to the shopping. After trying a few clothes, I finally found one that is nice to me and decent enough that mum agreed to buy it. It's kinda nice tho. White and sweet with a lil' classical look in it. Not that old-fashioned of course, I can still wear it with my jeans when I go shopping next time. But, the best part ws, I finally got to go out and shop. The last time I went shopping was like, once upon a time. And, cause of the virus, mum wouldn't let me go out with my friends. I was dying to go shopping. Yesterday was great. =)

Ah, 2 more days. I'm so dead. I can't believe I actually spent almost one hour sitting there practising my E minor arpeggios in root, 1st and 2nd position. Not like it did any good. They're still as horrible as the day I first learnt them. One hour for only one key in three positions. After I finished that key, I just shut the piano and started messing with sis's rubiks cube. I couldn't take it anymore. But, still had to resume practise in the evening. I didn't even start on my pieces. Oh, by the way, I almost ruined the cube. I swear, just a slight turn and it would have burst into pieces. Thank God I left it there. I destroyed my very first cube years ago in Penang, and now I almost spoiled Nad's. She would have killed me if it was broken. Sighs. Last lesson with teacher tomorrow before exam. My aural still sucks. Scales and aural. What a torture. Oh, I just remembered, the last time I really did any sight-reading was weeks ago. Great. Just great. I'm definitely gonna flunk this time. Sighs. Wish me luck. =) Bye.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Movie Marathon

Finally went for choir today after missing so many practises. So, mum allowed me to go to the choir year-end party. Yay! But, I'm gonna have to find someone to get me there and back. Mum won't be free. Nad's going for her operation soon, so, yeah. Lotsa stuff to take care of.

Anyway, I'm sorta turning into a movie freak now. I'm like, searching for movies to watch everyday. Cousin bro just brought some movis for us to watch. Night at the Museum 2. I know, I'm kinda out-dated. Now only watch the movie after it's been out for so long. But, hey, I didn't had the time. In fact, I have a whole list of movies that I want to watch. Ah, movies. I'll probably go on a movie marathon this hols. There's just so many movies to watch.

Ah, gtg now. I'm gonna focus watching the movie. It's damn funny. After the horrible stomach cramps I've been having for the whole day, I think it's just going to get much more worse. Thanks to the movie. Sighs. But, it's worth watching. A lil' pain's nothing I guess. Bye bye people. I wanna watch my movie now. =)


Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ah, staying home is kinda boring. I feel like going to school tomorrow. But the thought of having to see some teachers that I don't like and getting my horrible results makes me want to stay at home. Ah. I miss my friends. I want to see them so much. Holidays are starting soon. I won't get to see them til after more than a week. Sighs. Maybe I'll just sneak in during recess to have a lil' chat with them. Okay, now sneak in. I do have to hand in some stuff. So, yeah. Most probably going during recess. Sighs. I'm feeling so lazy nowadays. I miss everyone. Especially my old friends. And, oh oh oh! I wanna watch this movie! I wanna watch Orphan! Watched the trailer just now. It looks kinda interesting. No, wait, it IS interesting. Read this:

Kate (Vera Farmiga) and John Coleman (Peter Sarsgaard) are experiencing strains in their marriage after Kate's third child - "Jessica" - was stillborn. The loss is particularly hard on Kate, who is still recovering from a drinking habit that cost her her job. As a coping mechanism she has scattered Jessica's ashes in their garden around a white rose bush, with a plaque to remember her by.They adopt Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman), a 9-year-old Russian girl they had met, from the local orphanage. While Kate and John's deaf-mute daughter Max (Aryana Engineer) embraces Esther almost immediately, their son Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) is less welcoming.

Kate grows suspicious when Esther, who watched Kate and John have sex, expresses far more knowledge of sex and its slang than would be expected for a child her age. Not long after Esther arrives, she pushes a schoolmate down a playground slide, who had picked on her, breaking her ankle. Max saw Esther shove the girl, but covers for Esther by saying that the girl "slipped". However, she is further alarmed when Sister Abigail (CCH Pounder), the head of the orphanage, warns her and John about Esther's tendency to be around when things go wrong. Esther overhears this and later kills Sister Abigail with a hammer to the head. She convinces Max (puts a gun to her head) to help her hide the body and the hammer. Daniel sees Esther and Max descending from his treehouse from behind a rock, not knowing they hid the hammer there. Later that night, Esther threatens to cut off Daniel's "hairless little prick before he knows what its used for" if he tells anyone what he saw.

Kate is told by the orphanage that they cannot find any record of the Russian orphanage Esther came from. However, John does not believe her, despite continued ominous behavior by Esther. That night, Esther deliberately picks flowers for Kate that are from Jessica's plant and Kate pushes her to the ground. Later, Esther breaks her own arm in John's vice and convinces John that Kate broke it in the scuffle from earlier. On Esther's first day back at school, she slips Kate's SUV into neutral, nearly killing Max. Badly shaken, Kate buys two bottles of wine, but at the last minute pours one of them down the drain and leaves the other full.

Kate learns that Esther was housed at a mental institution in Estonia called the Saarne Institute, but when she expresses misgivings to John, he and her counselor think that Kate is relapsing into her drinking habit. After John produces the other bottle Kate bought the night before, he threatens to leave her unless she gets help.

Daniel learns of the hammer from Max and decides to get it and go to the police. However, Esther sets the treehouse on fire, intending to get rid of the evidence and kill Daniel. Daniel escapes by falling out of the tree, and gets a severe neck injury. Esther tries to finish him off by smashing a brick over his head, but Max shoves her out of the way just in time. Esther again tries to kill him at the hospital by smothering him with a pillow. As doctors rush to save Daniel, Kate angrily knocks Esther down for doing that and is sedated by doctors.

That night, Esther tries to seduce a drunk and sad John. John realizes Kate was telling the truth all along and threatens to call the orphanage. Esther, angry at being spurned, ransacks her room and later stabs John to death. Max witnesses this and hides in her laundry hamper.

As Kate is coming out of sedation, she gets a call from the Saarne Institute's director, Dr. Värava (Karel Roden), who reveals that Esther isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth, and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl. The doctor tells Kate that Esther is dangerously psychotic, and Kate should rush home to her family. Kate rushes home, where Esther shoots her in the arm before searching for Max.

Their chase takes them outside to a frozen pond, where Kate and Esther struggle before falling through broken ice from the knife Esther tried to stab Kate with. Kate crawls out of the hole, followed by Esther, who begs for her life, addressing Kate as "Mommy". Kate angrily responds that she is not her mother and kicks Esther in the face, breaking her neck and sending her back into the pond to drown.

A movie with that has drama, horror, mysteries and gives us the thrills. Ah, I wanna watch! Too bad though, it starts showing in Malaysia on the 3rd of September. Sighs. Mum won't be free to bring me anywhere. Not that she would allow anyway with the stupid flu killing people out there. Sobs. I guess I'll just have to wait for the dvd. Sighs. Kor! I want! I want! I want!

Oh yea, watched World Trade Center on HBO (I think) just now. It's really sad. Nad and I were practically crying and staining the sleeves of our shirt with salt water. It's really sad.

The true story of Port Authority police officers John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno, who, while patrolling the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown Manhattan, see a plane fly low overhead.

As all of the police officers return to the station, they see the TV, and find that the North Tower of the World Trade Center has been hit by a plane. Sergeant McLoughlin assigns many of the officers to assist in an evacuation attempt of the (still undamaged) South Tower, and they board a commandeered Metropolitan Transit Authority bus. On the bus they hear reports that the South Tower has also been hit.

When they arrive at the site of the World Trade Center, they see many disturbing things, including one of the first victims jumping out of the tower to their death. As Jimeno drops off their police equipment in 5 World Trade Center, officers proceed to get safety equipment and walk into the concourse of the towers. The group consists of McLoughlin, Jimeno, Dominick Pezzulo, and Antonio Rodrigues.

An officer, named Chris Amoroso, runs along to tell them of the other events such as the Pentagon being hit by what they believed to be a missile, and the South Tower being hit by another plane. The group does not believe that the South Tower has been hit. As the group prepares to enter the North Tower, the buildings begin to rumble. Looking around, McLoughlin realizes that the South Tower is collapsing onto them, and their only chance of survival is to run into the service elevator shaft. Chris trips and doesn't have time to get up. Rodrigues isn't able to get to the shaft in time. McLoughlin, Jimeno and Pezzulo manage to escape the huge amounts of dust and rubble flying down from the South Tower. But as the rubble continues to crush the elevator shaft, the three are knocked out.

As the group wakes up, Pezzulo realizes he can free himself, and manages to go nearer to Jimeno in the rubble, who, along with McLoughlin, have survived the collapse of the South Tower. As Pezzulo becomes optimistic that they will live, the rumbling starts up again, as the North Tower is now collapsing as well. Although Jimeno and McLoughlin are unharmed, Pezzulo is fatally wounded and, after firing his gun up through a gap in the rubble to try to alert rescuers to their position, dies.

After Jimeno and McLoughlin spend hours under the rubble, two United States Marines, Dave Karnes and Jason Thomas, who are searching for survivors of the tower collapse, find Jimeno and McLoughlin and call for help to dig them out.

Their families are called and told that their husbands have walked out of the rubble in perfect health, but this is wrong; in fact, they are both in danger of dying. When the wives arrive, they are told that their husbands are in the garage and rush to meet them. McLoughlin's family manages to find him just before he is pulled into the operating room to be put in a medically induced coma.

Two years later, as they attend a celebration to receive an award for courage, the families are happy again that the two officers, McLoughlin and Jimeno, survived the biggest terrorist attack in US history.

Watching those towers tumble down like a game of Stacko really made me cried. All those people stuck in there. All those people who died. Thousands of people died. Thousands of people were stuck, and only 20 were managed to be rescued. Even at those parts where the cops calls the families to tell them that their husbands or kids or whoever was alive, I cried. I don't know why. Tears of joy maybe. I mean, if something like that really happened to me, I don't know what I'll do. I'll most probably cry til my eyes drop out. But, to know that the ones you love are safe and coming home is a huge relief. Sometimes you'll just cry to know that they're safe. Or when you see others suffering, you'll want to cry too. You guys should watch the movie. It's really touching. To think that it's a true story. To think that such a thing really happened. It's not just a movie, it's a movie based on a true story that saddens us all.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RIP People

Cause of the goddamn virus, I won't be going to school starting tomorrow. No, I do not have the virus. I'm just starting the hols early. Mum and dad are being a lil over protective. When I told them that there are students in Lick Hung who passed away cause of the virus, mum was like, 'what?!' Then, she asked my neighbour, my neighbour asked the transport lady. Aunty told my neighbour that she's not sure bout the Lick Hung case, but she does know that a teacher from Smk USJ 12 has passed away. Neighbour told my mum, mum told me. Anyway, I'm not sure what kind of person the teacher was, but, it's kinda sad. To think that the flu killed one of our friends teacher. When my maths teacher told us that 3 people in Lick Hung died, I thought she meant the teachers. Honestly, I almost freaked out. To imagine that one of my teachers who thought me back then has died is really hard to accept. Thank goodness they're all alright. But, the children. It's really sad. They're still so young. Kids that are under 12. They've barely seen the world, there's like, so much more to learn, so much more to see. They didn't have the chance. Rest in peace Miss Chai and Children.

So, since I'm not going to school tomorrow, I'll be spending most of my time sticking my butt on the piano seat and torturing my fingers with scales and pieces. Sighs. This is what I get for being lazy throughout the year. I guess I deserve it. I should have practised earlier when I had plenty of time, not last minute. One week before exam. *slaps head* Sighs. I really really really want that D. Ugh. Practise practise practise!

Anyway, went to school today. I'm guessing that too many people in my class are using the Vanish soap thingi. Cause almost half my class vanished today. Yup. They didn't come. School was really boring. We didn't study at all (not that I enjoy studying), all we did was talk and play in class. But, we did have some fun. Did you know that we have a very talented student who can create different kinds of hairstyles using a comb, rubberband, pin and anything you can find in your pencil case? Tan Tzia-E the hairstylist. You guys should call her to do your hair, especially for prom. She's a genius. Go get her number people. Dear See Yeng got so many free hair-dos. Lol. Too bad we didn't get to snap some pictures of her. Next time, kay? After Pmr. And, oh. My history marks are horrible. A 'C'. A bee-you-tay-full 'C'. I should start counting my blessings now. Yikes.

Ah, skipping school tomorrow. *jumps and dances around the room like a mad woman* Okay, that's all. Off to continue working on my Ugly Bratty story. =)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Black Hole

I should probably start finding a hiding place now before my mum finds out bout my results. Sighs. We only got back half of the paper and I already feel like dying. My marks? Unpresentable. Unspeakable. Unmentionable. (is there even such word?) Point is, my completely blew it. Like a typhoon that blew off the roofs, or a tornadoe that swirled through town and ripped up everything in it's path, or a hurricane that sucked everything near it to the bottom of the sea. Or even better, being sucked by into the black hole. That would be interesting. Getting to know what's the mystery about before saying byebye to the world. Maybe I should write that in my final letter next time.

To Whom It May Concern,

Should I, Nicole Chan Kit Mun, happen to be the unfortunate (or maybe the lucky) one to meet any freak accident and lose my life, I hereby clarify that I shall not be buried underground to rot and be infested by disgusting maggots. I do not want to turn to grey powder and be scattered around some part of the world. Therefore, I shall not be cremated. Also, with the brains of the future generation (most of them) getting smarter and smarter, many things innvolving technologies and medics are improving. Maybe one day they'll figure out a potion that brings the dead back to life. So, I shall not be preserved for fear of being turned into a zombie to be the domestic worker of some family in the future as seen in the movie 'Fido'. Instead, I would like my stinking dead body to be released into space and let it be sucked into the black hole for I would like to know what's going on in there. Who knows, there might be a dance club owned by some freaking rich aliens. As we all know, aliens are smarter than humans. So, they probably already figured out a potion that brings the dead back to life eons ago. Maybe they'll bring me back to life and I'll live my second life out there in space with the aliens. If they don't have the potion, then, heck, I'll just float around til the end. At least I got to enter the black hole. I once again remind those who read this letter, after my death, I want to float in space, not buried, cremated or preserved. Thank you.


Not bad eh? I should write that letter. I might need it someday. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe tonight. Maybe now. Ah, craps again. I should probably go to sleep now. Been waking up late for school almost everyday. Wait, not almost. It is everyday. I used to wake up around 5.30am. Then I extended the time til 6am. After musical practise everyday (which I wake up around 7-ish cause practise starts at 8 and I don't have to go to school cause my attendance is already taken) ended, I started waking up at 6.30am due to laziness. Now, when I open my eyes, it'll be like, 6.45, 6.52, 6.57. Then I'll jump out of bed and start rushing. Good thing my house is near the school. If I'm still in Lick Hung, goodness knows how many times my name would have been written in the prefect's tiny notebook. Sighs.

Anyway, I'm in the process of becoming a Rakan Pembaca. I had no idea why we had to go to the library today. I had no idea what was going on. Until we got the papers. Pfft. But it's kinda fun. Chuen, See Yeng, and me. The crazy people who writes craps. Heh. Okay, seriously gotta sleep now. I just spilt water on the table. Mum's so gonna kill me. Shit. Bye.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bye Bye Blousy

Been in a really bad mood today. My favourite blue blouse has just gone bye bye. Stupid stain. As if staining my blouse wasn't bad enough, it had to be RIGHT AT THE FRONT where there's no way I could hide it unless I wear a sweater or jacket to cover it up. But it's not sleeveless. Adding another layer of clothing to a shirt with sleeves would just get you a heat stroke in this country. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. But still, that blouse is unique la kay. Ugh. If it was at the side I could still block it with my bag or my hand, but nooo, it had to be right at the front. Stupid idiotic stain. Up til now I still don't know what it is, but it really pisses my off. Of all the shirt I had hanging out there, WHY MY BLUE BLOUSE?! Gargh. I can never wear it out anymore. I can wear that shirt everyday and not get bored of it, unlike some of my other clothes. Sobs. I don't think they still have it in the stores. I bought it more than a year ago at jusco. They usually don't sell the same blouse for more than a year, don't they? Sighs.

Anyway, it's only 10 more days to my grade 8 practical exam. And, I'm still not prepared, AT ALL. All 3 of my pieces are like, going on the roller coaster ride. Sometimes they're extremely good, sometimes they're okay-okay only, sometimes, my teacher feels like covering her ears and throwing me out of her house. Most of the time, it's the throw-nic-out-right-now kind of playing. I wonder if the examiner would throw me out of the examination room on that day. Next, scales. My scales are horrible. I haven't practised them for so many months. Starting now is kinda late, but better than not starting at all la. I just hope that by any sort of miracle, on that day, my hands will become magical and play smooth scales with beautiful dynamics and wonderful speed on the keyboard without breaking down. Moving on, sight-reading. I don't know if my sight-reading's okay. I mean, I've already practised the whole book, so basically I'm not sight-reading anymore. All my other songs are already learned. I seriously need more reading materials. Should put that on my shopping list the next time I go out. Lastly, aural test. I don't know what to say. Let's just hope that on that day, some miracle will happen and save me from humiliating myself infront of the examiner with my extremely embarassing playing for a grade 8 student. Oh yea, I don't know who's my examiner yet. Teacher won't tell me. But I sure hope that I get an old man. I don't want a lady examiner, especially young ones. They're too strict. Besides, they're really kiamsiap when giving marks. Old examiners, especially men, are more humble and less frightening. One of the reason, men don't wear make up. The last examiner I got was a lady, and boy you should have seen the amount of make up she had on her face. Where was she going after the exams? The opera house? She looked ferocious and scary. Whatever it is, male examiners (especially the old ones) usually give higher marks compared to female examiners. I don't know why. Maybe they're just really humble and kind-hearted in nature.

Oh yea, holidays are like, so soon. I know it's just a one week break, but hey, it's still a holiday. You get to sleep in and lounge around the house doing nothing. Well, not most of the time, maybe a few minutes a day. My mum would kill me if I did nothing for one whole week. But, due to the virus, all my plans have to be cancelled. No movies, no shopping, no going out with friends, no nothing. Mum won't let me go out cause she's worried that I'll catch the virus since my antibody sort of weakened as the years went by. Not that I blame her, she's just worried bout me. Sighs. One whole week at home. I guess I'll just have to date my revision books everyday. That is, if, I can dicipline myself to do so. I'll probably end up using the computer all day or sleeping like a pig. Heh.


Birthday People

This post is specially dedicated to the following people..


It's your special day, wishing you all the best and have a blast, kay? And, stop being so shy. I've heard you talk the most this year compared to when you were in form 1 and 2. Great improvement. I bet after form 5, you'll turn into a medium chatter-box. =D
*am really sorry for the block-faced picture..but..since you wont let me take a decent picture of you..this will just have to do..you better watch out..next time..i'm definitely getting a picture of your face..no excuses..heh..



You're finally 16 now, the oldest among us, but the one with the most spirit to dance. Keep up those spirits, kay? You'll probably be the last one among us that will be still be standing after our exam next year. Gambateh!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Phase One. Check.

So, today's like, the last day of our trials. But that's just for now. There's still another exam before PMR. Anyway, I think I'm gonna fail history. I shot through the first half of the paper, struggled through the first part of the second half and finished the rest with my eyes closed. How can I not fail this time? It'll be a miracle if I can actually pass. Sighs. ERT. Hmm. I don't know what did I do, but I know that I managed to finish my paper and hand it in. I'll probably get a 40/100 for that one. My English essay. Let's see, I can't say that I did it really well, but it wasn't that bad either. But, I didn't really elaborate and make my essay interesting. I could have added in some stupid stuff to make people laugh. But, with Mr. Gan as my teacher, I'd better not. That guy DOES NOT know how to joke or laugh. Seriously. And, with him as my teacher, I'll probably get a 70/100 after adding both papers. *wince* Ohgawd, that's horrible. Ah, I miss you Pn. Joyce! Why'd you have to go? You have no idea how grateful I was to her when she did not fail me after reading my horribly unlogical essay which I wrote for my first term exam. Rabied monkeys, Mojo Jojo, evil ninja monkeys and Starbucks Caramel Frappucino. Yeah, I actually wrote all that crap in my essay. After the exam, I realized my huge mistake, but it was too late to change or rewrite the whole thing. I only had seconds left before teacher came to collect my paper. But, being the awesome teacher she is, Pn. Joyce gave me a 24/30. I love you teacher! =)

Anyway, I don't really remember what I wrote for the rest of my papers, but I do remember that I did them horribly. It's bout time I really start to focus on my studies. Gosh, help me. I have like, a major problem in focusing especially studying. The last time I really sat down to read my Geo, I ended up waking up to find out that it's waaayyy past my dinner time. Yup. I fell asleep somewhere halfway. Same thing for history. Basically, I screwed up most of my papers. Wait, scratch that. I screwed up ALL my papers. I'm so doomed. Hopefully mum won't ask me bout my results this time. I got lucky for mid year. She didn't ask me anything bout my results. Maybe she forgot. Maybe she was too busy with Nad's results. But whatever the reason was, I hope she won't ask me too this time. I'd be so dead. I wonder if she'll notice a 'F' in my report card when she signs it the next time.

Went to grandparent's house just now. Had dinner at some chinese-japanese-western restaurant with them. It wasn't that bad. In fact, the food there was kinda good, and the price was reasonable too. You guys should try it. I don't know how to get there though. And I don't remember the name. Lol. Good luck finding it for you food hunters out there. xD


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Famous Old People

I don't know why, but I get the feeling that I'm gonna graduate from high school with a horrible background and I'll never get accepted into a good uni or college. Sighs. This is what I get for not paying attention to stuffs that I should have been paying attention to. I think I got more than half of my science paper 2 wrong. I actually read them before exam started. I was reading it. But, when I saw the questions, my mind just totally went blank. I'll be grateful to get an average 60 this time. *cross fingers* My chinese essay was, wow. Unbelievable. I had lots of trouble trying to understand the text. After spending more than 15 minutes staring at the paper, I just picked up my pen and started crapping on the paper. I ended up writing that the bride's mum and dad were getting married and the bride was the witness instead. And, I had no idea at all that the name there was the groom's name. I thought it was just some words old people use to call themselves. *slaps head* I wonder if I'll pass.

Chinese paper 1 tomorrow. I haven't studied anything yet. Damn, I'm so dead. All those sentences those famous old people HAD to say back in those days. You know, if they hadn't said anything, we wouldn't have so many things to memorise now. Right? Ugh. How come nobody have to memorise what I say? I bet people in the future would simply love studying bout 'The 100 Things Nicole Said' It'll be so easy they can just ace their exams if they just remember one sentence. '1. Nicole talks lots of crap. 2. Nicole talks lots of crap. 3. Nicole talks lots of craps. 4. Nicole t......' etc etc. Easy, ain't it? But nooo, those famous people had to talk so much and everything they talked about is like, damn long and confusing? And, you have to remember what dynasty was it and stuff. As if memorising years in history isn't bad enough (not that I memorise them anyway) they have to make us memorise more. I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded yet. Well, at least mine won't, cause I don't study much. But what about those people who study 24/7? Wouldn't their heads explode?

2 more days and that's it. At least for now. It's only the first trial. After this there's another one, and then PMR. What we've been waiting for ever so long. What we've been studying (most people, excluding me) for since we first set foot in high school. I wish it was over by now. I'll be running around the neighbourhood crazily. Ah. It's raining. Belle's hiding again. Poor doggy's afraid of the rain. The slightest sound of thunder sends her running to her hiding place. Twinkle, on the other hand, loves the rain. She always runs out to play in it. So we have to tie her up when it's raining. Crazy dog.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fake Yay

It'll all be over by this Saturday. I'll be over by this Saturday. Wait, maybe not yet. At least, not so soon. I'll still have to wait for my results. Ugh. I hate exams. Seriously hate it. But I can't really blame anyone for my lousy results. I hate it cause my results suck. If I actually worked a lil' harder and made an effort to study, I might actually like it. Cause if you study you remember things you need to remember for exams. If you remember things you need to remember for exams you'll be able to answer your papers easily. If you're able to answer your papers easily means you're smart. If you're smart means you'll get good results. If you get good results means you're happy. If you're happy means everybody's happy. If everybody's happy means..uhm..hang out a sec. If everybody's happy means? I don't know. Everybody's happy then happy la. At least you're not pouting and crying over some horrible results. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who have to cry over their results. Not tears of joy. But rather tears from a broken heart. Cause I DID NOT study. I'm so dead. Today's papers were horrible. I totally blew my Bm paper 2. I mean, wth la. The last exam I memorized the plot so clearly but they gave me teknik plot only. Which is totally different from plot. Plot, teknik plot, plot, teknik plot. IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT! And you know what? Dumbass here thought that it was the same. I THOUGHT it was the same. But it wasn't. So I totally blew that test. And you know what happened this time? They gave us plot. Yesh, PLOT. And, I couldn't write it cause whatever I read for the past few hours hated my brain and left it. The plots and stuff I read escapsed from my head and left me with a blank empty brain. So, my paper 2 was, oh, I don't know, a total junk? Teacher should probably throw it into the bin before he reads it. It'll save lots of his time. Moving on. Bm paper 1. Let's pretend that I knew how to do at least HALF of it, kay? Happy smiles people. I knew how to do half of my paper 1. Fake yay. Move on. Geo. Let's do the fake yay again. Yay. I knew how to do at least a quarter of my geo. And, you know what's best? I closed my eyes and finished the whole paper by using a gun. Yep. I shot through all my answers. Fake yay people! Okay, a better way. Let's just pretend that I did really well in today's paper, and I should be happy bout it, kay? Kay. More papers tomorrow. Sighs. Bye people. Good luck to those who are having their exams.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emo Not

Was really busy for the past few days. Was having a really hard time for the past few days. Was having a really tough time for the past few days. Was having the worst of the year for the past few days. Was really tired for the past few days. But those are over now. Those are was now. What's left of it are memories and smiles. But most importantly, the past few days made me realize how important friends are and it's only a matter of learning how to cope with everything. A huge thanks to my friends, especially Mabel and Yi Shuen. I really couldn't helped it. I can't believe that stupidly emotionally broke down during recess. Both of you are probably the only and last ones who will see me do that again. At least while I'm in school. I promise I'll never do that again. But, anyway, you guys really helped me alot. I actually thought that everything was gonna stop there for me. I actually made a decision to quit. But both of you helped me through it all. You gave me advises and lent me a shoulder to cry on. Thank you, for being there for me through my hard times. I never would have asked others to help me with my mum if you guys didn't talk to me. In fact, I'll probably be in my room right now, still crying ever since the day I made my decision. Full of regrets and unsatisfaction. If you guys hadn't talked to me that day, tears would probably pour each time I think about it, especially after what happened for the past few days. Thanks. Thanks for everything. I love you guys.

Anyway, had really intensive training on friday. We all had to stay back til 6.30pm for practise. Went to school on saturday morning and practised more. Then took a bus to Cyberjaya for the performance. Came back in the evening. Rest. Wake up today, got ready and went to school. More practises. Took another bus and went to Subang Parade for the competition. Surprisingly, we won. I didn't expect us to win, but, yeah. We won. Of course, everyone is happy if they win. Who wouldn't be?

I gotta admit it, being in choir especially for this year really stressed me out. And I'm drop-dead tired. Not that I have lots to do, but the practises and activities really used up my batts. I wonder how are the leaders doing.? Competitions, performances, musical, MCE, and not to forget the practises filled with screams and shouts and torture. But it's all worth it I guess. Overall, a very very good experience. There certainly is alot to learn about life from everything. Ah, craps. Ignore me. I'm just kinda sad that I'll be stopping myself from going for practises from now onwards til the end of PMR. Well, at least that's what I'm most probably gonna do for now. It's bout time I started to focus on my studies. PMR is like, in around 50 days? I don't know, I lost count. But, I haven't studied anything at all, that's for sure. Seriously gotta start torturing myself now. Some help please?


Wednesday, August 5, 2009


School was okay. I guess a few days being stuck at home really does make people realise how much fun going to school is. Back to school, the great news. The bad news, the teacher are getting worse and worse, especially my Maths teacher. I don't know why, but I just hate her. Ugh. Hopefully she doesn't see this, or else bye bye math marks. Sighs. And, the choir peeps are going to Cyberjaya this saturday to perform Jalur Gemilang. Yay. Not. Forget bout that. I don't wanna type too much bout it incase teacher happens to see it. If she does, I'll be as sure as dead. Competition's this sunday. Gosh. Trials are on monday. Oh gawd. And I have not touched a single book yet. Yep. I have not studied anything AT ALL. Ohmaigawd. In fact, all my mum's friends are always asking her 'eh, your daughter ready for PMR already ma? see she so smart, sure get straight A's one la!' Ugh. I wish. People, I am NOT smart at all, kay? In fact, if you cut open that big fat head of mine, all you'll find in it is a brain the size of a pea and nothing else. Nothing. Besides my skull and the flesh la. Yes. My pea-sized brain. How can I be smart with a pea-sized brain? That means I'm not smart at all la! So what if I got straight A's for UPSR? That doesn't mean I can get good results now, right? If you saw my report card you'll be totally shocked la kay. My brain used to be bigger when I was small. But as the years passed, as I grew older, so did my brain. It grew older and smaller and functions less and less each day. One day I might wake up only to find that my brain has totally shrunked. Just like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Sighs. Everytime those people ask my mum, she'll look at me. When she looks at me, I'll just shrug and say 'dont know?' But the truth is, I really feel like digging a hole and hiding in there forever. I have not studied anything yet. How am I supposed to explain to my mum when the results are out? She'll skin me alive weih!

Ah, crap la. Haven't study yet then go study lor. Why am I still blogging here? I'm sure people out there must be scolding me, right? Right? RIGHT? Right. But, you know what? I'm a lousy motivator. I can't motivate myself to study at all. Cause I'm lazy. And, cause of that, I'm gonna have to pay a heavy price. Probably my own life. Sobs.

Oh yea, they say that if you don't talk for one whole day, your sore throat might actually go away. I don't know if it'll work, but I'm definitely trying it tomorrow. So, people, don't talk to me. I'll probably just answer you on a piece of paper. Owh, that means you'll have to squint your eyes to read my scrawny handwriting. Well, good luck with that then.

And, before I go,



Monday, August 3, 2009


As you guys can see from the title, I'm sick. Yea, I'm finally sick after such a long time. Sick as in high fever and terrible cough and all those stuff. You know, I hate getting sick. Not like I get it all the time, but still, it's the same. Wanna hear something interesting? The last time I had a high fever was in standard 2. It was so high that I had to get admitted to the hospital. Damn chun right? And, ever since that day, I've never gotten any fevers. Only the usual runny nose or sore throat. And I didn't even have to go to a doctor. I just drink gallons of water and rest alot. And, it was only this year that I started having migrains. But that's not a sickness. It runs in the genes. Anyway, I don't know why, but I have a feeling that all the germs hate me now. Maybe they're giving me what I deserve for not getting sick for so many years. I can't talk at all since yesterday til this morning. Yes, completely speechless. Not a single sound came out of my mouth. It took me more than 5 cups of salt water and I don't know how many cups of water to get it back. I seriously hate getting fevers. I don't usually get them, but when I do really fall sick, it's gonna be bad. It'll be super serious. Sighs.

Skipped school today. Supposed to go to school tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I'll make it. Depends. If I can breathe well when I wake up tomorrow and not fall down the stairs, then I'll go. I'm seriously rotting at home. And, Mum says that if I still don't recover, she'll bring me to the hospital. Yay and Boo. Yay because it's been a long time since I last went to a hospital. Boo cause the food there suck BIG TIME. Scrambled eggs are supposed to taste great, right? But nooo. The moment I swallowed the first scoop I ran to the toilet and puked. Ugh. I'm so sick of being sick. Stupid medicine making me sleepy. Yawns. Bye people.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Undescribable Happiness

I have no idea what to say. I have to admit it, I was totally flabbergasted when they announced the results. I thought that I was dreaming. (fyi, I nearly fell asleep a few times in the hall but managed to survive) I thought that it was all a joke and they're gonna take back their words later. But they didn't. It was not a dream. It was real. Everything was real. The fact that our Seafield Choir won the state competition was real. Yes people. We won! Ahaha. I don't know what to say. Tears started rolling down our faces as we hugged and congratulate each other on the stage. It's still hard to believe that we actually won. The other schools were actually really good. I haven't seen the comment paper yet, so I don't know what is it about us that made us won. I actually liked the other team better. I thought that they would be the champion. In fact, I still think that they should be the champions. But, the judges had different points of views. I don't think that we're better than anyone. We may have won this competition because they think that we're the best, but there's definitely space for more improvement. Everybody who performed today is a champion, cause they all did their very best to put on a good show. We all did our best. Congrats to the other schools who got a placing in the competition too. And, SMK Kepong, as usual, beautiful performance. I was practically crying during the last song. Great job. Oh yea, did I mention that we're going to nationals after this? It's after PMR. Yay. And, the competition's gonna be in Pahang. Hell yeah! We're going to Pahang baby. I can't wait. There's another patriotic competition in Subang Parade next Sunday. Do come and support us, kay? I love you guys. Seriously. Ah, Pahang. But, since it's after PMR, I'll have to study first. I'm not even ready for trials yet. Sighs.

Anyway, to the monkey who came and messed up my whole life after 4 years of being the only child,


I know I'm not the best sister in the world, but still, you're not the best little sister either, right? Nobody's perfect. And, I know you love me. And, despite all the many many many times of never-ending shoutings and screamings I threw at you, I still love you. I don't have to type much here, you can read it in your card. And, it's late now, so go to sleep monkey. Heh.

Celebrated sis's birthday at Pizza Uno after coming home from the competition. We actually wanted to go to Pizza Hut, but believe it or not, they had no water supply. Maybe they didn't pay their water bills. And, the service there was really bad. I mean, I called the waiter for like, 4 times? And nobody comes to us. Nobody at all. So we just left the place and walked all the way to Pizza Uno. It's really nice there. Nice environment, nice food, nice music, nice service, and, they definitely paid their water bills cause there was water supply. There was this guy who even sang a birthday song with us while strumming his guitar. Nice right? Oh yea, I saw Yi Shuen and her family heading to Pizza Hut. I wonder how long they had to wait for their dinner to get served.

And, coincidently,

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY WY MYNN! (or Havard, whichever you prefer)

Yea, he shares the same birthday with my sis. That's why I always remember his birthday. =)

Overall, today was awesome. One of the best days for this year. I love everyone. <3
