? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Screw the last post. Haha. Shao Jun would probably strangle me if she ever reads this...

I'm not gonna quit ballet YET! HAHAHA.

Okay, I know I'm being stupid and lame. But I'm just so bored rotting at home during this wonderful holiday. It's Chinese New Year and for once, I don't even feel like celebrating. I don't feel like there's anything special. Boo. I miss my cousins.

Oh, Happy Chinese New Year everyone! =)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Piece of Cake?

I survived the first week of school. And so the routine goes on again.


27th January 2011

The day I dread. The day that I wish will never arrive. So I've decided. Hopefully, a decision that I will never regret. Due to the increasing amount of my tuition classes, and the few important examinations I have to take this year (ATCL, theory grade 8 AND the most important one, SPM), I have decided to stop ballet. And this time, for real. No more "aiya, I think I don't want to stop already la. I can't let go. So, haha. I'm continuing my ballet lessons!" No. Yes, I can't let go. That much is true. But I have to, or else I might fail my papers. It's been like, what? About 14 years? Yeah. I started dancing since I was about 3. So, 2010 was my last concert. My last chance dancing infront of a crowd of people that I don't even know. Audience. I know I've always said that I wanted to quit, but I continued cause it was always "oh, just one more grade, then I'll quit for good". Not anymore. I'm going to miss all of this. I'm going to miss dancing with the people who's seen me make a fool out of myself, who's watched me grow up like family, who's been there with me through thick and thin, learning all those steps in foreign terms, the people who's seen me dancing so clumsily like a hippo but never made fun of me. I'm going to miss my second family.

I wouldn't call myself a ballerina, cause I don't think I've reached that standard. I've never even performed onstage in my pointe shoes, a dream I've always dreamed, and will continue to dream. So, as a ballet dancer, I've certainly learnt alot. In my many years of learning ballet, I've become a stronger person, and more disciplined. When I'm onstage, I'll always look confident although there's really a hurricane and a tornadoe inside of me, killing all the butterflies in my stomach thus making me more nervous than nervous. But, that's on the inside. I'm always happy to perform. Ballet made me love the stage. I still remember how teacher would find ways to make us understand what we're supposed to do and not do eg. poisonous skirts so that we have a nice brabarre. The teachers, I'll definitely miss them.

They say ballet is for the weaklings, it's not a sport. Football's a sport. Well, I'd say if you can't survive in ballet, you can't survive in football. But if you survive in ballet, football's just a piece of cake. Get what I mean? No? Try ballet then, you'll see.

27th January 2011, my last day as a ballet dancer. I'll certainly miss all of it. I don't want to regret.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It's 2011 baybeh!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!

Yeah, that's kinda what everyone's shouting about. It's 2011. So, Happy New Year to the dear homo sapiens/alien/monster/dinosaur/ant/chair who actually still drops by my blog to read my craps. Thank you. And may the year be an awesome one.

2011. I'm in what would most probably (hopefully) be my senior year. Yay!NOT. Being a Form 5 means only one thing. SPM. What's SPM? SPM is the passport that every Malaysian who studies in a government school needs in order to pursue a higher education. If you don't take your SPM, you can forget about having any college/university taking you in. Stressful, but still a torturing phase that every student has to go through.

Anyway, celebrated new year's eve at Mabel's. Had bbq and loads of fun. Said goodbye to 2010 while watching the fireworks. I guess 2010 was a great year. Overall, everything was great. I've met new friends, improved in certain aspects, and recorded with my friends. Oh, did I mention 2010 was also the year I freaking failed for the first time? Yeah. Pfft.

So, Monday was the first day of school. Everything was great until it started raining monkeys and dinosaurs. I was stuck in a massive human jam since I forgotten my umbrella that day. It was horrible. And the fact that I looked like some little girl who had to go to the little girls room because of the way I was clenching my skirt made things worse (and hilarious). Thank goodness mum came with umbrellas like a super hero and I finally got home. My shoes were completely soaked, my uniform was still wet despite my efforts to keep it dry cause I don't like getting wet in my uniform. It's mad uncomfortable. Ugh. Other than that, school was great. I think. I have really nice teacher this year, and hopefully, I won't turn them into monsters by missing all their homework again.

This year, I'm not going to make a whole list of resolutions again cause they don't really work. I only made things worse. One of my resolutions last year was to get full attendance in school. Instead, I missed a whole lot of classes due to many stupid reasons. The number of days I didn't go to school should be more than 100 including the holidays. That's bad. Real BAD. So, this year, I'm just gonna ignore the whole resolution thing.
