? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, August 20, 2010


I was really bored, and I was thinking if I should go to school tomorrow cause I still have that stupid migraine and crap. So, I decided to modify Hilary Duff's 'Little Voice' into something cause I was really really REALLY bored. So, yeah. Let me know what you think. =)

Little Voice - Nic's version

I don't know why but I keep on
Asking all these questions though I am through
Thinking if I should go to school
Or should I stay at home and read some books
I keep hearing this voice in my head
And it's saying go ahead.
A little voice in my head tells me that I should skip
Tomorrows lessons in school cause I ain't gonna keep
My books and pack my school bag, I just gave it a kick
A little voice in my head tells me that I should stay home and sleep.
Each time I think about the flight of
Stairs I have to climb to get to my class
The teachers and lectures and the homeworks
They make me wanna stay home, watch War of the Worlds
And the thought of the weather so hot
Makes me not wanna go at all.
A little voice in my head tells me that I should skip
Tomorrows lessons in school cause I ain't gonna keep
My books and pack my school bag, I just gave it a kick
A little voice in my head tells me that I should stay home and sleep.
But still it's kinda cool, cause I've got friends in school
Who makes me laugh until I cry
But I still don't know why.
A little voice, a little voice.
A little voice in my head tells me that I should skip
Tomorrows lessons in school cause I ain't gonna keep
My books and pack my school bag, I just gave it a kick
A little voice in my head tells me that I should stay home and sleep.
A little voice, A little voice.
So, how is it? Let me know, kay? BIG HUGS *smiles*

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's a f..f..

..freakishly cold evening.

At times like this, all I want to do is just go home, take a hot shower, slip into my warm jammies and curl up in bed. But, no. I had to go for piano lessons. And you have no idea how cold it was in the car. Should have brought my sweater along, but I was like 'oh, nevermind. i wont freeze to death' Truth is, if I stayed in there for the whole night, you guys would probably find my frozen corpse rotting in there. I mean, seriously. I knew it would be cold, but not THAT cold. Ish. Each time I go out to the living room, I'll turn and hide in the study, cause it's warm here. I didn't even care that the rendang was burning hot and that I burnt my tongue. I didn't even realise that my cup was too hot to hold cause my hands were ice cold.

So, after dinner I went up to take a shower. I didn't realise that the water temperature was too high until I saw the steam on the mirror and my pinkish-red skin. I scalded myself. How smart. But then, the moment I turn the shower off, I'll turn it on again cause it's just so cold. Burning hot water seemed like a good idea to me then. Still, I had to get out and get dressed or else I'll get old lady fingers and toes. Finally, nothing like a warm and cozy old jammie. I felt so much more better after that though my nose still felt like ice to me.

Why must it be so cold at night? Can't it be like that when we're all in school where it's mad hot and everyone's sweating like a cow? Anyway, while keeping the clothes in the cold wind, I suddenly thought: how do those people sleep through the night without their clothes on? I mean, those who sleep alone. For those who sleep with their lovers they won't freeze to death cause there's heat transfer between their bodies and they'll eventually reach thermal equilibrium (see? I paid attention during physics *grins*) and have a warm night. But, there are those who sleep alone, stark naked. I wonder how they do it. Sometimes even my jammies and blanket aren't enough to keep me warm, I have to wear my sweater or something else. Them? There's nothing besides the blanket. Won't they like shiver through the night or sneeze non-stop or something? Really makes me wonder. One day, if I happen to know anyone like that, I'll definitely ask. Or maybe if YOU're one of them and you're reading this right now, mind telling me? I would really appreciate it. Or maybe I'll learn that in physics someday.

Blisters blisters blisters. My poor lil' toes. =(


Friday, August 13, 2010


A few things happened these days. Some expected, and some, not so expected.

I really thought that yesterday night would be my last lesson. But, last minute changes. I'm gonna continue, at least til the end of intermediate. Took me such a long time to think things over. I really was going to stop. But, it's hard to let go of something that I've been doing since before I could really speak. It's been like, 13-14 years? Yeah. I'm not ready to let go yet. And, I don't want to go back there someday and have some random girl standing next to me who says that she's gonna quit and I'll be like "WHY? DONT QUIT!" and the girl will be like "why?" and I'll be like "You'll regret. Trust me, cause I do". Nope. I don't want that to ever happen. No way. So, yeah. I ain't gonna stop. *smiles*

Anyway, I'm gonna tone down a lil in choir next year. Tone down as in no more competitions, extra practices and pres thingi. Why?

~ I made a deal with my mum. Yes, sacrifices.
~ I'm not sure if I can completely commit myself next year.

Oh, and I passed my my add maths with a B. Yays.

More things are gonna happen. It's just a matter of time. Oh wells, we'll just wait and see.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dance, Dance, Dance

7th Aug

Had what would most probably be my last concert. It was amazing. A night to remember forever. I forgotten how much I enjoyed being onstage, dancing. I barely remembered the feeling of it all. Feeling nervous backstage before our turn, screaming and cheering like crazies, the audience clapping, everything. I'm really going to miss it all.

Performed in the Opening, Glitz and Glam, and the Finale. Had like, 3 inches think of make up on my face and a whole head of hairspray. I can't believe that this would be my last performance. After 13-14 years of dancing, this is the end. I can't even let go of 4 years of choir, but I'm actually leaving behind my so many years of dance experience. I'm going to leave the place that I partly grew up in.

By the way, I didn't really get lost on the way there. Godma was a lifesaver. Mum wanted to turn at every turning there is. If Godma wasn't there, I'll probably still be finding my way home now. Maybe I'll be in Seremban buying some food for those people. Oh, I also brought my Physics notebook along cause the map that my friends drew for me was at the back of the book.Heh. And, oh, See Yeng came with me to the concert! *BIG smile* Aunty Elsie had one extra ticket so, yeah. =)

And, all those who have danced with my through the years, I love you guys. You're such awesome people.

8th August

Took part in the Subang Parade Patriotic Choir Competition. Was supposed to be in school by 9am but I woke up only at that time. Hah. So much for being punctual. We won the 2nd place. First was DJ, 3rd was Seksyen 16 if I'm not mistaken. So, yeah. Congrats to everyone. =)

School tomorrow. I really prefer saturday school now cause it's so fun. Heh.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Same Ol', Same Ol'

So, after piano today, mum was like "so how's your results?" First thing that came into my mind was I SO did not not fail chinese! Of course, I didn't say that out loud. I haven't even told her yet. Ugh. Stinking chinese. Why does it have to be so freaking hard? I mean, Jane Austen's been dead for a couple of centuries but I still understand her old-fashioned english. I just don't get what chinese people meant in the olden days. It's just so confusing. First, I thought this person was hacking the other, but then, turns out it's the other person who's hacking this person. Confusing. Ugh. Good thing is, I passed my physics, history, maths and maybe add maths. *smiles* I sometimes feel that add maths is easier than maths and vice versa. Hah.

Anyway, mum popped the question again. "What are you going to do after this?" How was I supposed to answer that? I mean, hellooo? I'm the idiot here who changes my mind every few seconds. Okay, not seconds, I'm just exaggerating as usual. But, so far, I've stuck my mind on music. But then, medic suddenly sounds like a nice path. Not that I'm gonna go that way since I'll probably end up killing one of my patients by accident if I become a doctor. No way. I don't wanna get sued like MJ's doc. Still, being a pharmacist, nurse or a doctor is kinda cool. You get to save lives. Or maybe a marine biologist. I love dolphins. And, the underwater world looks really interesting and mysterious, not to mention pretty. I used to wonder where'd all those colourful stuff come from when I watched The Little Mermaid and I actually hoped that I'll see one someday. (Still hoping) Anyhoo, I just don't like the sharks cause each time I watch Jaws, I'd imagine myself being torn and eaten by that shark. But I read or saw somewhere that there's more dangerous creepy monsters down there waiting for the chance to grab some unlucky fella and gobble them up. Pfft.

So, once again, I'm facing the same problem. What am I really gonna do after this? I definitely don't wanna waste my time going to NS. I don't wanna be a soldier. Besides, I'm not really the work-out-like-mad kind of person. So, yeah. Forget it. Ezcema should be a good enough excuse to get me out of that shit if I'm really that unfortunate to be chosen. There's so many examples for me to follow in my family. I mean, there's the arts and there's the science people. I have relatives in the medic line who are really close to me, and some really really far. And by far, I mean Norway. Then, there's the arts, as in business, and music. But that one's in Canada. Business person is still here next to me. And then, there's the educators, who are like, the super patient kind of people. I'm not that patient, so asking me to teach a whole class of hooligans is probably just asking me to give then hell cause that's probably what I'd do especially when I'm in a bad mood. Not that I'd be a school teacher either, I don't want to be hated by a whole bunch of students cause when they hate you, they really hate you. Trust me. I'm one of them. So, what AM I gonna do? Any ideas? I'm like, turning 17 next year, which is SPM year, which is also the year where I should start deciding which path I should take, which is ALSO the year where I can legally drive. *big grins* Heh. Gosh, I seriously need to start thinking bout my future. *smacks bead*

Oh, btw, I hate the weather. It's damn freaking hot. I could probably put an aluminium foil on the ground and start cooking some chickens.
