? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's a f..f..

..freakishly cold evening.

At times like this, all I want to do is just go home, take a hot shower, slip into my warm jammies and curl up in bed. But, no. I had to go for piano lessons. And you have no idea how cold it was in the car. Should have brought my sweater along, but I was like 'oh, nevermind. i wont freeze to death' Truth is, if I stayed in there for the whole night, you guys would probably find my frozen corpse rotting in there. I mean, seriously. I knew it would be cold, but not THAT cold. Ish. Each time I go out to the living room, I'll turn and hide in the study, cause it's warm here. I didn't even care that the rendang was burning hot and that I burnt my tongue. I didn't even realise that my cup was too hot to hold cause my hands were ice cold.

So, after dinner I went up to take a shower. I didn't realise that the water temperature was too high until I saw the steam on the mirror and my pinkish-red skin. I scalded myself. How smart. But then, the moment I turn the shower off, I'll turn it on again cause it's just so cold. Burning hot water seemed like a good idea to me then. Still, I had to get out and get dressed or else I'll get old lady fingers and toes. Finally, nothing like a warm and cozy old jammie. I felt so much more better after that though my nose still felt like ice to me.

Why must it be so cold at night? Can't it be like that when we're all in school where it's mad hot and everyone's sweating like a cow? Anyway, while keeping the clothes in the cold wind, I suddenly thought: how do those people sleep through the night without their clothes on? I mean, those who sleep alone. For those who sleep with their lovers they won't freeze to death cause there's heat transfer between their bodies and they'll eventually reach thermal equilibrium (see? I paid attention during physics *grins*) and have a warm night. But, there are those who sleep alone, stark naked. I wonder how they do it. Sometimes even my jammies and blanket aren't enough to keep me warm, I have to wear my sweater or something else. Them? There's nothing besides the blanket. Won't they like shiver through the night or sneeze non-stop or something? Really makes me wonder. One day, if I happen to know anyone like that, I'll definitely ask. Or maybe if YOU're one of them and you're reading this right now, mind telling me? I would really appreciate it. Or maybe I'll learn that in physics someday.

Blisters blisters blisters. My poor lil' toes. =(
