? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Same Ol', Same Ol'

So, after piano today, mum was like "so how's your results?" First thing that came into my mind was I SO did not not fail chinese! Of course, I didn't say that out loud. I haven't even told her yet. Ugh. Stinking chinese. Why does it have to be so freaking hard? I mean, Jane Austen's been dead for a couple of centuries but I still understand her old-fashioned english. I just don't get what chinese people meant in the olden days. It's just so confusing. First, I thought this person was hacking the other, but then, turns out it's the other person who's hacking this person. Confusing. Ugh. Good thing is, I passed my physics, history, maths and maybe add maths. *smiles* I sometimes feel that add maths is easier than maths and vice versa. Hah.

Anyway, mum popped the question again. "What are you going to do after this?" How was I supposed to answer that? I mean, hellooo? I'm the idiot here who changes my mind every few seconds. Okay, not seconds, I'm just exaggerating as usual. But, so far, I've stuck my mind on music. But then, medic suddenly sounds like a nice path. Not that I'm gonna go that way since I'll probably end up killing one of my patients by accident if I become a doctor. No way. I don't wanna get sued like MJ's doc. Still, being a pharmacist, nurse or a doctor is kinda cool. You get to save lives. Or maybe a marine biologist. I love dolphins. And, the underwater world looks really interesting and mysterious, not to mention pretty. I used to wonder where'd all those colourful stuff come from when I watched The Little Mermaid and I actually hoped that I'll see one someday. (Still hoping) Anyhoo, I just don't like the sharks cause each time I watch Jaws, I'd imagine myself being torn and eaten by that shark. But I read or saw somewhere that there's more dangerous creepy monsters down there waiting for the chance to grab some unlucky fella and gobble them up. Pfft.

So, once again, I'm facing the same problem. What am I really gonna do after this? I definitely don't wanna waste my time going to NS. I don't wanna be a soldier. Besides, I'm not really the work-out-like-mad kind of person. So, yeah. Forget it. Ezcema should be a good enough excuse to get me out of that shit if I'm really that unfortunate to be chosen. There's so many examples for me to follow in my family. I mean, there's the arts and there's the science people. I have relatives in the medic line who are really close to me, and some really really far. And by far, I mean Norway. Then, there's the arts, as in business, and music. But that one's in Canada. Business person is still here next to me. And then, there's the educators, who are like, the super patient kind of people. I'm not that patient, so asking me to teach a whole class of hooligans is probably just asking me to give then hell cause that's probably what I'd do especially when I'm in a bad mood. Not that I'd be a school teacher either, I don't want to be hated by a whole bunch of students cause when they hate you, they really hate you. Trust me. I'm one of them. So, what AM I gonna do? Any ideas? I'm like, turning 17 next year, which is SPM year, which is also the year where I should start deciding which path I should take, which is ALSO the year where I can legally drive. *big grins* Heh. Gosh, I seriously need to start thinking bout my future. *smacks bead*

Oh, btw, I hate the weather. It's damn freaking hot. I could probably put an aluminium foil on the ground and start cooking some chickens.
