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Sunday, October 17, 2010

What's Next?

Tomorrow's the frist day of my finals and I'm still sitting here instead of studying. I guess I'd really deserve it if I failed, right? Sighs. Anyway, Adam Lambert's concert. I heard that it was amazing. Sold out. The best. But, when I picked up the newspaper the next day, I was really, unhappy? I dont know. Disappointed? Frustrated? Embarrassed? I still can't find a word to describe how I felt. Feel.

We're supposed to be an open-minded country, right? Then, why in the world did you protest during the concert? That's just really humiliating. What do you think you'll get from protesting about him performing in our country? Nothing! Or was your aim to tarnish the country's image? Well, congrats then. Cause that's exactly what you've done. Good job. Adam Lambert performing here in our country is something we should be proud and happy about. Not...whatever you people think. Sure, he's gay. So what? What's wrong with being gay? FYI, he did not choose to be one. That's his nature. Protesting just because he's gay is just so unfair. Hello? I bet there are hundreds and thousands of gays and lesbos in our country. What are you gonna do, huh? Cast them out of the country. Discriminate them? What happened to all your moral values? Chances of non-gay people becoming gay just because some celebrity who's a gay comes to perform are one in a million. How in the country going to improve if we all think just like you? We'll be a laughing stock to the world. How many concerts have we banned? And why? Because they wear leotards, mini skirts, they're gay, their music is not suitable? You wanna know something funny? While watching a local production the other day, I saw those women wearing just a sarong and I was like "Wa, can wear like that one meh?" Mum looked at me and told me that back in those days, that was exactly what the kampung people wear. A sarong wrapped around them. Just like how I wrap myself with my towel after I take a bath. So, what happened then? You tell me.

You protest against Adam Lambert for performing in the country. Do you know how much we'll lose if he never comes again? If nobody wants to perform here again because of that incident?

-Malaysia, truly Asia? FAIL.
Why? I'll tell you why. Have you ever thought, that by having a celeb like Lambert performing in our country, tourist would come and visit us? I know that his die hard fans will definitely do anything just to watch him perform. Lambert didn't stop at every country in Asia for his tour. So, the fans who are in the countries that are not included in his tour will come to the countries who are included in his tour. OUR COUNTRY. And, after or before the concert, maybe those fans, who will also be tourists, will have a look-see around the country. See the beauty of the earth. What does that mean? Our tourism sector will improve la! But, what happened? Smart people think they're so smart, go and protest. So, how? Less world class performers want to come here. Then what will happened? Figure it out.

-Less income for the country.
Why? When those fans (tourists) come to our country, they usually stay here for a while, right? That means we get more income. How? Obviously, when foreigners come, they need a place to stay. They need food and drinks. They buy souvenirs. They visit our malls. They visit the tourist spots. They are spending money in our country. What does that mean? It means WE GET MORE MONEY. But, now? Too bad.

-The country's image? GONE.
Let's see. First, there was all the racial problems which caused a huge stir. Hopefully it's settled now. Then, there was the shooting of the 9 pedigree dogs who were innocent, WHICH, until now, I still can't forgive those people. Yeah, I'm talking bout you BASTARDS. 6 Rottweilers, 2 Dalmations and a Bulldog. DEAD. Just like that. And why? Because those brainless bastards killed them. You say that they were aggresive? Bullshit. Even a child can tell that dalmations are not aggresive. You say that they attacked animals from the farm? They were starving for goodness sake! What? You expect them to go to the neighbour, knock on the door and say "Hey, I'm from the farm next door. My owners killed someone and they were taken away by the cops. So, nobody's been feeding us. Mind giving some food?" Is that what you think the poor dogs should have done? I bet you would have done the same thing if you were in that condition. The only difference is that you'll probably barbeque the meat before eating because your pea-sized brain told you so. Those dogs had every reason to be aggresive. They were starving, and their teritory was being intruded by strangers. They were just fending for themselves. They just wanted food. They just wanted to survive. But, what happened? Idiots who probably dont even have brains the size of a pea SHOT THEM DEAD. I'm disgusted. Sometimes, when I think about this, I feel ashamed. Why? I can't tell you here. Ask me personally if you really don't know. But you should probably know what I'm saying. So, the poor dogs problem caused an international outrage. Then, what happens next? They protest against gay people performing here. Yeah. What a way to promote the country's image. A huge round of applause.

I wonder what's next.

There's so much more that I want to type, but, unfortunately, I have to go and study. I still haven't finished memorising my moral values (which I doubt will be of any use since the people I thought I respect don't even possess a quarter of what we learnt from those values in their lives, thus making me lose all my respect for them) for the exam. Good luck to everyone out there.
