? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Note To God

Watch this.

I cried. Did you?


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Memories to keep.

I'll always love these people.

from left: geraldine, nicole, hui xin, trisha, yu hua.
Best Budds. ♥


Sunday, April 11, 2010


You guys should totally watch this video. It's hilarious. Pay attention to the lyrics.

And this. Poor old vampire. Listen to the lyrics.! =)

Oh, and I watched How To Train Your Dragon today. I love and hate the movie. But Toothless is just adorable. Will blog about it when I have the time. Nites everyone!


Barbie and Pokemon

I was sneaking around an office that I'm not familiar with. It looked like some new editors' office from one of those old movies. Why was I sneaking around? I had no idea. I just knew that I had to find that something and get out of there quick. I peeped at the dusty window, there were no teachers. As quiet as I can be, I opened the door on my left and went in. On the table, there was a name plat, Pn. Lim O. L.. Pn Lim? Why am I in her office? Is the stuff that I need in here? Whatever. I was crawling on my knees, afraid that someone might spot me. I'd be doomed if I got caught. Suddenly, Z was right next to me, on the knees too.

Z : What in the world are you doing?
Me : Shhh! They'll hear us.
Z : Who?
Me : The Barbie Dolls. We can't let them know we're here. Why are you here?
Z : We have to go now. It's too dangerous.
Me : No! I have to get the stuff...you haven't answered me yet. Why are you here?
Z : You idiot. Can't you see that I'm trying to save you? We have to go NOW. They're coming.
Me : I can't. Not until I get the stuff.
Z : What stupid stuff could be more important that both of our lives?
Me : I dont know. I'll know it when I see it.
Z : You're not gonna leave with me until you get it, aren't you?
Me : Yes. Now shut up before Barbie comes in.
Z : Fine. I'll wait, but be quick, I don't...
Me : Found it! It's in here..
Z : Just grab it and let's go!
Me : Yeah yeah. There it is..it's a..
Z : What?
Me : It's..it's a..a..it's a..
Z : For God's sake, what the hell is it?
Me : It's..it's a..Pokemon comb..
Z : A WHAT?!
Me : A Pokemon comb. I don't know why..it doesn't make sense at..


Z : Shoot, Barbie's here..
Me : Oh no. They brought their hamsters along..we're dead
Z : There's a mouse hole there! A perfect escape route. Run!
Me : Where? Z? Z! Where are you? Where..

That was probably one of the weirdest dreams I ever had. There's more. But I can't really remember now. This 'scene' was the one I remembered most. Why in the world was I sneaking into the teachers office? And Pn Lim? Wth..And how was Z supposed to save me if that idiot just ran off to whatever mouse hole there was, leaving me behind with the Barbie dolls and their hamsters? And, why was I so afraid of Barbie and her hamsters? Seriously. And all that trouble for a POKEMON COMB?! I don't even watch pokemon! Crazy. That fever must have corrupted my brain wires. There were more in that dream. I'm just too lazy to type whatever I could remember out here. Almost everyone I know were in that dream. I must be going crazy. Barbie dolls and pokemon comb. Pfft.

Off to sleep now. I wonder if I'll continue that dream..Sweet dreams everyone.


Monday, April 5, 2010


由于我现在实在是太闷了,就用华语来打部络格吧!你们知不知道,我打这一行字,用了多久的时间呢?如果再加入这行,就大约用了10 分钟左右吧。对不起大家,因为我浪费了你们2 分钟的时间在这里读我所打的废话。但我真的是太闷了,睡不着, 才会在这里浪费大家的时间。哇, 快要15分钟了。我算厉害了吧,至少还可以用华语来打字。哈哈。 好了。大家晚安。拜拜。


Friday, April 2, 2010

I've known them since standard one, so it's been about 10 years now. Two adorable, innocent kids. And 10 years later, we have..

A Model..


An Angel..

Sweet and innocent as they were, they've grown into such beautiful young ladies now.

Happy belated birthday (31/3) Hel, and to Kim, happy birthday (2/4). Ah, Sweet Sixteens. Notice that they're just one day apart? April Fool's in between. Heh.

I really don't have much left to say bout that both of you. You've been my best friends eversince forever, and I'm really grateful for that.

Hel, the one who keeps getting hotter and taller each day, and never fails to make people laugh their asses off. You've been such an amazing friend, always there for all of us. Gah, I miss you laa mangosteen. Nobody to call me nipis sayur anymore, and no more pinching and fighting everyday in school. You're just one more year to your driving license now. You're already tall enough to be a model. Ever thought of going to one of those modelling agencies to try out? Or maybe acting..you'd definitely pass.

Kim, still the angel. Heh. You've always been such a sensible and caring friend. It's a good thing you're louder than you used to be now. I remember that you were once the shy and sweet one, now you're just so out-going, but STILL sweet. You're a really really really wonderful friend, do you know that? And, yeah, I've been thinking of all the way my world is blessed because I have a friend like you too.

I ♥ the both of you so so so so SO MUCH. You guys are like, irreplaceble. Oh, and by the way, we seriously need to snap more pictures the next time we go out together. I couldn't find any decent enough picture in my files to post it up here, I had to grab your facebook pictures. One day, okay? We really have to hang out real soon. I've missed you guys so much.

Enjoy your birthdays. You're such awesome people. ♥
