? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


This medidating crap really works, surprisingly. At least I don't curse that much now. I should continue this routine until the end of SPM cause I'm sure that all those stress will make me curse more.

Anyway, skipped school yesterday due to food poisoning. Pfft. My immune system's getting weaker each day. Ish.

I feel like there's nothing much to blog about these days, or maybe I'm just getting lazier and lazier. Hah. So, exams are postponed. Yay not? Good thing is, there's more time to prepare for the exam, though I don't study. So, it's kinda just crap to me. Bad thing? I can't skip school before the holidays. UGH. Why la they have to go and push it so far away?

Now I have to stress out for a longer time cause my exam's later.
Now I have to miss all those extra holidays I was planning to take.
Now I'm gonna have to cancel all my plans.
Now I'm gonna miss Deepavali.
Now I'm gonna get more white hair.
Now I'm gonna get more wrinkles.
Now I'm gonna age faster and therefore die faster.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Whadaya know...

...school wasn't that bad after all. Maybe it's cause there's only 4 subjects today, but still, I'm happy.

I think I really need to do some meditation now. Get rid of all the negative stuff and fill myself with more positive thoughts and energy. All those chi and stuff. Really. I've been so negative and vulgar these days I even surprise myself. Perhaps I should try some yoga and relaxation stretches thingi at home. Yeah, I might just do that. I can imagine myself already sitting in that lotus position and humming ohm...ohm...ohm... for about 30 minutes each day. Yeah. Maybe I'll do that. Haha.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Heartless beasts.

I really really really hate it when people are being cruel. Just open any paper these days and you'll see that there's another abandoned baby somewhere. Each time I read these, I really feel like grabbing those idiots by the collar and shout right in their face. I mean, what's wrong with your head? That's a freaking life you're throwing for goodness sake! That baby could grow up to be a prodigy, a good leader, a person who might save thousands of lives and you're just throwing it away like that? What if that baby was you, what would your world be like? NOTHING. You know why? CAUSE YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD. You don't have a chance at all you grow up and see the world thanks to your irresponsible parent(s). You had a chance to live, don't you think those babies deserve just the same?

You think that by throwing the baby away, all your problems are solved. Why, did you grow up consuming nothing but shit and piss? Helloo? Technology and trace everything right back to you, idiot. But it's too late by then because most of the babies are probably dead already. You're really that scared of a little baby? Afraid that people will scorn at the sight of you and spit at you when you're crossing the road? Tell you what, people WILL do that when they find out that you're one of those idiots who threw the baby away. KILLER. Ashamed? Embarassed? Why? If you're so worried about all these up to the point where you'd throw a life away, why in the world did you do it anyway? It's as easy as pie. No sex, no baby. And if you really can't control your sexual desires, ever heard of contraceptive pills? Diaphragm? Or the one everyone knows, condom? Or if you're that lazy to use one of those and you don't want a baby, go to the doctor and ask them to operate you. You can then go around screwing everyone without worrying that you'll get pregnant/get someone pregnant.

Stupid killer. You're destroying a life. Fuck you.

Videos of fuckers who think that they're so damn fucking smart by abusing a poor animal and fucking recording it are circulating around the net. I'm sorry for my language but I'm just really pissed off. I hate it when people are cruel to animals. You think animals have no feelings? You think animals don't have a life? Well, FUCK YOU. Why, does throwing puppies into the river, or kicking a poor defenseless puppy, putting fireworks into it's mouth and lighting it up, hitting it with poles, putting the pole on it's neck and jumping on it, or stepping on a kitten with stilettos, or chaining a dog until it bleeds..etc, does it all seem that fun to you? How about we turn it the other way round, how do you like it then you heartless bastard. These animals you tortured, killed, are not animals. You're the animal. Scratch that. You're not even an animal because animals have more compassion and feelings. I don't even know if the word beast describes you. Fuck you.

School's staring tomorrow. Now I miss the holidays. I don't think I can even wake up in time let alone hop out of bed and drag myself to school. Heck, I haven't even done my homework. Screw it.


Saturday, September 4, 2010



WHAT THE FUCK. Seriously, I hope this bitch gets run over and dragged for 400m by a 1000 tonne truck, abandoned by the side of a road where nobody gives a damn thought about her until some psycho freak sex maniac passes by and rapes her before he tortures her with a barbed wire pole and then throws her into the river just like what she did to those pups.

Dear puppies, rest in peace.

I know I'll probably go to hell for cursing someone so badly. But, honestly, I hate it when people are cruel to animals. There's a whole lot more I'd like to say but then, I'd rather keep it to myself. Don't want people to think I'm some crazy freak. Still, I hate her. HATE her. God forgive me.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Dance

Nothing much to blog about my life cause mine is a boring one. But, these videos are definitely NOT boring. Enjoy.

Amazing, ain't it?
