? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Came home yesterday night and rushed straight to my ballet lessons. Damn semangat right? More like damn tiring. Collapsed onto my dear bed right after I came home and slept for half an hour. Then, started facebook and stuff. Heh.

Each time I go back to penang or anywhere near my cousins, I don't want to come home. I won't cry and show tantrum like little kids tho, it's just that I berat hati to leave laa. I seldom see them, maybe once or twice a year, of course I'll miss them. Sighs. Anyway, I really need to go on that diet after the festive season's over. I look like a hippo now. All those CNY goodies, gosh. Fat fat FAT. I wonder if I'll still fit into my school uniform. Watch out people. the hippo's coming back real soon.

Oh oh oh! I finally, yes, FINALLY learned how to play 'cho dai di'! Haha. Yeah. Seriously. I FINALLY know how. Hah. I'm so happy. *smiles* After so many years, I finally understand the game. Yeah, I know. I'm dumb. Friends have been trying to teach me since standard 3, I think. Took me this long to get it. Hah. Many thanks to my awesome cousins who taught me. It sure takes a whole lot of patience to teach a dumbo like me. Thank you guys so much. Seriously. And, to my friends who tried so hard to teach me, it's not that you guys are not patient and stuff, it's just that, uhm, I was too dumb to understand. Years ago I was still young ma, my brain wasn't as good as it is now. Not that I'm smart. I'm still dumb, but not that dumb anymore.

Oh, and next time I go back, I'll make sure that I know at least one magic trick. It seems like everyone knows how to do tricks, especially with cards. Hmph. One day, just wait and see. I can do it. While I was in uncle's house, I wondered, what will all these celebrations be like after 30 years? Just this year, there were at least 8 or 9 laptops in the house. Technology. Everyone can't survive without the internet, especially facebook.

How to play mahjong?
-Go google.

I wonder how are they celebrating there in bla bla bla?
-On msn /skype! Got webcam ma, can chat and see them wan.

How was their holiday in bla bla bla ah?
-Go facebook. Got loads of pictures in there.

Eh, what is this ah? For what wan?
-Go wikipedia lor. There everything also got.

See what I mean? Oh, I'll have to learn how to play mahjong too. Every house I go to, people play mahjong. I'll get dad to teach me one day.

Found some pictures I took earlier this year in the computer. I'm not trying to be proud and all, but I gotta admit, I did a pretty good job with that grandma cardigan.



Not bad eh? Haha. I'm a genius. It looks so much more better than it was before, right? Right? Right. *smiles*
By the way, went to subang parade just now. Was having dinner when the lion dance performance started. I haven't seen any lion dances this CNY. Now, everything seems more, uhm, complete? Something like that. Since small, I'll always watched at least one or two lion dances furing CNY, though I used to hide when the lions come into the house. Can't blame me laa, I was small. Those lions somehow looked scary to me. So, it's like, it doesn't seem complete without the dance. CNY didn't seem complete this year, til I saw the performance just now. Anyhoo, went shopping a lil. Saw this really nice dress, but didn't get to buy it. Sobs.
Ah, school's starting real soon. 2 more days before the torture starts again. I still haven't finished my work yet. Pfft. So much for bringing my work back during CNY. I only managed to finish 1 1/2 of my moral essay. It's almost 2am. I'm a living zombie.
Can't wait to go back and meet my cousins again. Maybe during grandma's birthday, or next year. Sighs. I love my family.