? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Attack of the Laziness

It feels weird going back to school after a whole week of unofficial break. I feel so much more lazier these days. I don't even feel like dragging myself out of bed in the morning like I used to. I'll just lie there for 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes...until it's late. Which probably explains why I'm always almost late to school these few weeks. I just got lazier. That's all. Good thing my house is near to the school. I could start wearing my shoes at 7.25am, walk out of the gate at 7.27 or 7.28am, and still make it to school in time. There were a few times when the last bell rang the moment I stepped in. Hah. If only my house was a lil bit more nearer. Then, instead of walking 17 houses to get there, the distance would be much shorter. Then, I'll get to sleep longer or laze around the house for another minute.

Homeworks. Ugh. The hell to the person who invented homeworks. Do rot in piss. Do you have the slightest idea how much stress and trouble you've cause us people? Do you? DO YOU??! I hate you.

Exams are starting soon. And by soon, I mean this Friday. Pfft. 22 papers to sit for, 10 days of heaven and hell. Heaven, cause I don't have to torture my poor back by carrying an elephant up 4 floors everyday. And, there won't be classes. Well, at least, not much. Teachers won't have time to teach. Hell? Cause they're exams. And I have to study my ass off if I don't wanna fail again this term. I really really really don't want to fail. I don't mind getting a mere 40 to pass. Just, PLEASE, don't let me fail again. Dear Lord, please. If you could hear me, I don't wanna fail. Not only will D give me a nice knock on the head (which would probably result in me getting dumber, thus increasing the chances of me failing more subjects in the future, which I think, is not a very smart way to make us pass), I'll probably shoot myself in the head if I fail again. Then, it'll be bye-bye beautiful yet horribly polluted world for me. And, I haven't really started studying yet. Just great. I'll probably have to get that shotgun this weekend. Need to get things ready.

I can't wait for the holidays to come. I really really really miss my cousins now. I so wanna go back there. I wonder what would things be like if I hadn't joined choir in form 1. Would my schedule be this hectic? Join, a lil bit regret. Don't join, a regret so huge that it'll last me 2 lifetimes. So how? A lil bit regret better right? If I can survive this, I'll definitely survive the outside world and whatever boss I might have in the future, be it bossy, annoying, humble, nice, kind, stupid, ridiculous or anything. Unless I be my own boss. Haha. No way is that ever going to happen. I'll probably bancrupt the whole company in less than 3 months.

Oh, uncle said that he'll teach me how to drive when I go back! YAY! I love you so so so much dear uncle!
