? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Love You Miss Mary. =D

Pmr's in less than 2 weeks. This will probably be my last post until the freaking exam's over. I still can't get my maths right. Stupid formulas and stuff. I just don't get it. Ugh. Why can't everything be easier? Like, Pythagoras Theorem? That's wayyy easier than stupid Indices. I just hope I won't fail. Sighs. I'm starting to prefer Geo over History. I don't know why. I just can't get any of those stories into my head. Me and my weird + lousy memory.

Anyway, got my practical results today right after tuition. That's probably the only thing that made my week. I got my D after all. Thanks teacher, you're the best. Oh, and I love you Miss Mary. Your creepy smile wasn't so creepy after all. =)

To all those taking their exams, good luck! All the best people. =D


Sunday, September 20, 2009

7 Hours of Torture

Ah, finally back in something-close-to-mum's-hometown. Yeah, not in Penang, YET, I hope. I can't wait to go there. Anyway, am in Juru now, uncle's house. Grandma's celebrating here birthday here. If I'm not mistaken, she's 87 or 88 now, I think. She can't even remember it herself. I hope I won't forget mine. Sighs. The future is so unpredictable. Anyway, cousin sis was so kinda to lend me her laptop, heh. I'll probably be rotting now, since there's nothing much to do. I'm really turning into a potato couch. Been eating and watching movies eversince we arrived. By the way, did I mention that we were stuck on the road for 7 hours? Yeah, amazing ain't it? It usually takes 4 hours to reach Penang, Juru is nearer, so around 2-3 hours, but we took 7. I think that's long enough to reach Kedah, right? Sitting in the car for 7 hours was killing me. We did stop at rest houses for the toilet, but still, my legs were aching. And, sitting on the seat for 7 hours makes your ass big, fat and FLAT. Ugh, stupid jam. Seriously, all along the road, there were like, at least more than 5 accidents. Either the car ran into another or the engines dead. Either way, knowing the usual Malaysians who are always nosy, everyone stopped or slowed down their cars just to look at those who were in trouble. Which is why the jam was horrible. Freaking annoying. I mean, it's not your car that's invloved, so if you're going to help them, then it's okay, stop your car and go to them. But if you're not, for goodness sake, just mind your own buisness and move on! Ugh.

Anyway, to all Muslims out there, Selamat Hari Raya! Hope you all are having fun. Many people already balik kampung. KL is so quiet now. There were like, only a few cars on the road when mum took me to tuition on friday.

I'm stuffed. I think I over ate. Seriously. Imagine a bloated potato sitting on the couch. Yeah, that's me. Oh, we lef Belle at home. I miss her already. We only brought Twinkle along this time cause there was not enough space in the car. Cousin bro and sis were travelling with us. So, yeah. Sorry Belle. It was really sad watching her cry when we left. It's like she knew that we were gonna leave, but not knowing that we're leaving without her. Sorry.

Exams's right after school reopens. And, dumbass here forgotten to bring her revision books with her. Either my brain hate me, or my memory's failing me. Whichever, I'm doomed. I wonder how do they do it. Being perfect in almost anything and everything. I left my piano books at home too. Sobs. Seriously have to find something to do. I wonder if I can go shopping? Or visit Penang..maybe, yeah. Maybe.

Oh, today's also Soo Yin's birthday. Happy Birthday girl! Looking forward to see you again next year. I had no idea that you joined the competitions too. =)


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's an early birthday post to this friend of mine. She's an amazing person. Seriously. We were classmates back then in primary, and though we're in different schools now, we still have one hell of a time when ALL of us go out together. There's always things to talk and laugh about when she's there. We became close friends in std 3, I think, or was it std 4? I still remember that 'would you like to have recess with us' written on the timetable thing. That's how we all started. She's always been the kind of person who knows how to blend in and cheer people up. The crazy and fun person who does crazy things till you laugh like a mad cow, and also the mature and caring one. Yea, she's always been mature. Also the stubborn one I guess. One of the most determined and strong person I've ever met. That's why I love you so much. I can't stand people who are too much of a baby, if you get what I mean. Well, it's good to be crazy and act like you're not your age once in a while, but, whatever your age is, You've still got to act it, right? She's always been one of those people I love hanging out with most. I don't know bout the future, I ain't psychic. But, no matter what happens, I just want you to know that I'll always remember you. Even when I do get abducted by aliens, I'll still have a picture of you in my wallet, which follows me everywhere I go. Yes. All 5 of us are in the picture. That's one of my favourite pictures, in fact, most treasured ones. Here's to the crazy, unpredictable, fun, loving, caring, stubborn, funny, determined, mature-yet-sometimes-kiddy (the list goes on) wonderful friend..

Happy 15th Birthday Wong Yoke Lin!

You've certainly grown alot, in a good way. From the not-so-nerdy kid you were back then in primary, you've grown into the beautiful young lady you are today. Seriously, I'm not lying. When mum saw our gathering picture, she was like 'wow, that's yokelin? she's beautiful..' and sis was saying 'jie, yokelin so pretty already ah? is she taller than you now?' Sighs. Yes, you're taller than me now I guess. Last time I saw you, we were about the same height. So, you SHOULD be taller now. =)

Ah, time flies. You're fifteen already. Amazing. I can't wait til we all get our driving licence. We'll get to go out more often, right? Anyway, thanks for being the awesome friend you are. I love you.


Next, you guys should really watch these videos on youtube. 'College Musical' An original musical production by some students. Everything was done by themselves, including the songs, music, script, directing..etc. They're amazing and seriously talented, especially that Sam Tsui guy. His voice is amazing. Go watch their videos. And his friend, Kurt Schneider, is a genius. They're awesome. Go watch.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Choir Party

Just came back from the choir party. It was awesome. I totally enjoyed it. Food was great, though the drinks were too much. Yeah, we thought that there won't be enough drinks, so MANY people brought drinks. And we ended up with a whole bunch of them. Lol.

Oh, we played some games too. You should have seen them playing. It was damn hilarious! Some people took a video of it, I'm not sure if it'll be available. But, anyhoo, I'll post it up if I can find it. And, I'm also waiting for photos from Yi Shuen. So, I'll upload them when I have the time. =)

Feeling darn tired now. I managed to fall asleep around 2 something I guess. The last time I looked at the clock before my eyes closed was 2.14am. Woke up at 5.38am. Couldn't sleep well since then. I kept waking up every hour. Finally got out of bed around 8 something. Breakfast, piano practise, then choir. Went straight for piano lessons after that. That was my last lesson, at least til PMR's over. Sigh. I'm gonna miss going there so much. I wanna see Hannah! Sobs. That baby's been growing so fast. She's super adorable. If I ever have a daughter, I wish she'll be just like her. Well, not exactly the same, but something like that. I don't have a picture of her though, too bad. =(


Friday, September 4, 2009


Short update. Skipped school today. Heh. Anyway, went for choir in the afternoon. It was okay I guess. Kinda enjoyed today's practise. And we have a few more new members. *smiles* Anyone else interested in joining?

Can't wait for tomorrow's party! =D


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If I Could Be Drunk

At times like this, I really wish that there's something I could do to make myself feel better. Not that I deserve it anyway. But honestly, I'm a failure. I'm really disappointed with myself. You know, most people usually just drink and drink and DRINK til they're completely drunk and puke. They don't even care about what they're doing. They don't even know what they're doing. I don't think they even notice anything around them anymore after they're drunk. I have to admit it, I kinda admire these people sometimes. They're brave enough to get so drunked that they can embarass themselves infront of millions of people and not know or give a damn thought about it. Though, I hate people who drink like there's no tomorrow. I hate drinkers. Well, maybe not hate, dislike, perhaps? But the point, at least they have something to drown their sorrows in. I have nothing. Piano doesn't really work that much for me anymore. It still helps, most of the time. When I can slam and play whatever I feel like playing. How I feel, my hands play it. Unfortunately, I can only do that when there's nobody else at home besides me or my sis. She doesn't know what I'm playing, so who cares. She thinks that it's one of my new pieces everytime I play a different song. Which is a good thing. At least she won't go running off telling mum that something's wrong with me. Guitar doesn't help much. I'll probably end up breaking some strings and owe my mum a HUGE explanation.

Call me crazy, but I do wish there's some liqour for me to drink now. Too bad, there's only dad's Stout and my Shandy. I don't really like drinking beer. They taste really horrible. I don't know why people like them so much. Drunkards drink beer when they're sad. I wonder why. Does drowning your sorrow and bitterness with bitter beer really make you feel better? At least Shandy has lemon in it. And now they have more flavours. I currently have raspberry, peach and lemon flavour in the fridge. But those can make me forget anything. They just taste nice, that's all. I drink them for fun. It's not like they really cause any problems to my health, besides the fact that there's less than 1% of alcohol in it. Mum said I got drunk when I was still small because I drank too much beer. I only remembered drinking a few sips from the uncle's cans during CNY. I definitely don't remember getting drunk. Besides, how can a kid who still attends kindy get drunk?

To make things worse, I still have to put on a happy face tonight during ballet. Sighs. I can't really blame anyone. Really. It's all my fault. I'm the one who didn't make an effort to do anything. I'm the one who made what I am today. I'm the one who made the lazy ass I am today. I guess I should really start to study now. Hah. How many times have you all heard me say that? Ten? Twenty? Hundred? Thousand? I don't know either. I keep saying it, but I never do it. I wonder what's wrong with me. I wasn't like this. I used to be a better student. I used to do all my school work and hand it in on time. Well, not always. But I do get them done and give it to teacher either on the exact date or a few days later. Not more than a couple of days I think. Maybe the teachers in primary were more strict. Maybe that's why I used to be good. Honestly, I'm not improving. I'm getting worse. Even my chinese was much better back then in primary. Now, it's just, blargh. All my essays are just like a piece of shit. They don't make any sense. The words are full of mistakes. Heck, I'm doing mistakes that I don't do when I was younger. I make more and more mistakes now. I've forgotten everything I've learnt. Even my english's getting worse, especially my paper 2. What a disappoitment I am. Sighs. I'm hopeless.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We were literally pissed off this morning. At least I was. First, you say that we have to perform today for the Merdeka thingi, which is already kinda late. All the other schools already celebrated theirs BEFORE the holiday. You all wanted to have it today instead. Then, when we're already in school, you tell us that all the performances are cancelled. Why? Because you didn't get the letter from the government. I had to wake up earlier so that I have enough time to apply my make up. After putting on my costume and heels and stuff, after reaching school for barely 5 minutes, you tell us it's off. At least those in the morning session still have classes to attend to. But, the afternoon students? Most of them have no transport. So, they had to stay back until evening, which is the end of their session. I seriously hate these people. What are we? Your chess piece? You say go means go, stop means stop. We practised before the holidays and got ready for today, and you just come and tell us there's nothing today. You could've at least told us on the last day of school before the hols, right? Why wait til today to tell us? That's like, super-duper last minute. Ugh.

Anyway, Chuen showed us the news bout the baby alien thingi in Mexico. I didn't know there were such stuff til she told me. Anyway, I told my dad, and he said I'm talking rubbish. And that chinese newspapers are always publishing all these weird stuff to gain attention. Whatever. So, I Googled it on the net, and, tadaa! Here's your baby alien.


The news were given by Television Station of Mexico. Apparently, they found a trap for animals with an alive “baby alien”. And that’s not all, an UFO expert said: “I dare say that these photos are authentic.”

Jaime Maussan, host star and UFOs expert, exhibited the pictures portraying the discovered baby alien on his TV program and confirmed it was all true.
The report goes on: “Farm workers were terrified and drowned the baby alien in the water. The creature struggled, his body shaked and it screamed for help. The peasants made 3 attempts and forced it in the water for several hours. Finally, the alien baby drowned.

But the story does not end here, it was recently known that the farmer who found and drowned the baby alien in Mexico, known there as “The Being of Metepec”, Marao Lopez, was found dead. And of course his death seems to be mysterious …
Lopez appeared burnt inside his car, parked alongside a road. His body was completely charred. He says the car took fire at temperatures higher than normal.

“This would not be the first case. There are reports and eyewitness of aliens and UFOs that shortly after died,” said German UFO expert Hartwig Hausdorf.

“The deep grief in those baby’s parents would have filled them with revenge. If even animals react like that in a dangerous situation … it’s even more likely in beings who may excel us technologically."

His widow assures Lopez “was killed by aliens …”
See, Dad? THIS is definitely not in chinese, it's ENGLISH. And, it's from the net. What? English papers also want to gain attention by posting it on the net, is it? Heh. Anyway, it's kinda sad that they killed it. I mean, hello? How often do you get to see a real alien that's still alive? You could have at least tried to communicate with it, right? Find out where they've been living, how do they survive out there, are they really super geniuses because of their big brains, what do they eat..etc etc. If I really get the chance to meet one, I would have tried to be friends with it instead of killing it. It's still a baby, of course it'll scream la. When you're still a baby and you get hungry, you'll scream or cry for food right? So just give it some food la. Why kill it? Sighs. Poor baby. Anyway, I don't know if it's true or not. It looks kinda real to me, but at the same time, kinda unbelievable. You guys can google it if you want to know more. Aliens. Wow. Maybe my wish might come true. I'll float into outer space after I'm dead. Hopefully get discovered by the aliens. Hopefully they'll bring me back to life, not have me as their dinner. What do they eat anyway? And, I'll get a member card to join their dance club. =)
So, aliens. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I'm not sure myself either.