? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We were literally pissed off this morning. At least I was. First, you say that we have to perform today for the Merdeka thingi, which is already kinda late. All the other schools already celebrated theirs BEFORE the holiday. You all wanted to have it today instead. Then, when we're already in school, you tell us that all the performances are cancelled. Why? Because you didn't get the letter from the government. I had to wake up earlier so that I have enough time to apply my make up. After putting on my costume and heels and stuff, after reaching school for barely 5 minutes, you tell us it's off. At least those in the morning session still have classes to attend to. But, the afternoon students? Most of them have no transport. So, they had to stay back until evening, which is the end of their session. I seriously hate these people. What are we? Your chess piece? You say go means go, stop means stop. We practised before the holidays and got ready for today, and you just come and tell us there's nothing today. You could've at least told us on the last day of school before the hols, right? Why wait til today to tell us? That's like, super-duper last minute. Ugh.

Anyway, Chuen showed us the news bout the baby alien thingi in Mexico. I didn't know there were such stuff til she told me. Anyway, I told my dad, and he said I'm talking rubbish. And that chinese newspapers are always publishing all these weird stuff to gain attention. Whatever. So, I Googled it on the net, and, tadaa! Here's your baby alien.


The news were given by Television Station of Mexico. Apparently, they found a trap for animals with an alive “baby alien”. And that’s not all, an UFO expert said: “I dare say that these photos are authentic.”

Jaime Maussan, host star and UFOs expert, exhibited the pictures portraying the discovered baby alien on his TV program and confirmed it was all true.
The report goes on: “Farm workers were terrified and drowned the baby alien in the water. The creature struggled, his body shaked and it screamed for help. The peasants made 3 attempts and forced it in the water for several hours. Finally, the alien baby drowned.

But the story does not end here, it was recently known that the farmer who found and drowned the baby alien in Mexico, known there as “The Being of Metepec”, Marao Lopez, was found dead. And of course his death seems to be mysterious …
Lopez appeared burnt inside his car, parked alongside a road. His body was completely charred. He says the car took fire at temperatures higher than normal.

“This would not be the first case. There are reports and eyewitness of aliens and UFOs that shortly after died,” said German UFO expert Hartwig Hausdorf.

“The deep grief in those baby’s parents would have filled them with revenge. If even animals react like that in a dangerous situation … it’s even more likely in beings who may excel us technologically."

His widow assures Lopez “was killed by aliens …”
See, Dad? THIS is definitely not in chinese, it's ENGLISH. And, it's from the net. What? English papers also want to gain attention by posting it on the net, is it? Heh. Anyway, it's kinda sad that they killed it. I mean, hello? How often do you get to see a real alien that's still alive? You could have at least tried to communicate with it, right? Find out where they've been living, how do they survive out there, are they really super geniuses because of their big brains, what do they eat..etc etc. If I really get the chance to meet one, I would have tried to be friends with it instead of killing it. It's still a baby, of course it'll scream la. When you're still a baby and you get hungry, you'll scream or cry for food right? So just give it some food la. Why kill it? Sighs. Poor baby. Anyway, I don't know if it's true or not. It looks kinda real to me, but at the same time, kinda unbelievable. You guys can google it if you want to know more. Aliens. Wow. Maybe my wish might come true. I'll float into outer space after I'm dead. Hopefully get discovered by the aliens. Hopefully they'll bring me back to life, not have me as their dinner. What do they eat anyway? And, I'll get a member card to join their dance club. =)
So, aliens. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I'm not sure myself either.