? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

7 Hours of Torture

Ah, finally back in something-close-to-mum's-hometown. Yeah, not in Penang, YET, I hope. I can't wait to go there. Anyway, am in Juru now, uncle's house. Grandma's celebrating here birthday here. If I'm not mistaken, she's 87 or 88 now, I think. She can't even remember it herself. I hope I won't forget mine. Sighs. The future is so unpredictable. Anyway, cousin sis was so kinda to lend me her laptop, heh. I'll probably be rotting now, since there's nothing much to do. I'm really turning into a potato couch. Been eating and watching movies eversince we arrived. By the way, did I mention that we were stuck on the road for 7 hours? Yeah, amazing ain't it? It usually takes 4 hours to reach Penang, Juru is nearer, so around 2-3 hours, but we took 7. I think that's long enough to reach Kedah, right? Sitting in the car for 7 hours was killing me. We did stop at rest houses for the toilet, but still, my legs were aching. And, sitting on the seat for 7 hours makes your ass big, fat and FLAT. Ugh, stupid jam. Seriously, all along the road, there were like, at least more than 5 accidents. Either the car ran into another or the engines dead. Either way, knowing the usual Malaysians who are always nosy, everyone stopped or slowed down their cars just to look at those who were in trouble. Which is why the jam was horrible. Freaking annoying. I mean, it's not your car that's invloved, so if you're going to help them, then it's okay, stop your car and go to them. But if you're not, for goodness sake, just mind your own buisness and move on! Ugh.

Anyway, to all Muslims out there, Selamat Hari Raya! Hope you all are having fun. Many people already balik kampung. KL is so quiet now. There were like, only a few cars on the road when mum took me to tuition on friday.

I'm stuffed. I think I over ate. Seriously. Imagine a bloated potato sitting on the couch. Yeah, that's me. Oh, we lef Belle at home. I miss her already. We only brought Twinkle along this time cause there was not enough space in the car. Cousin bro and sis were travelling with us. So, yeah. Sorry Belle. It was really sad watching her cry when we left. It's like she knew that we were gonna leave, but not knowing that we're leaving without her. Sorry.

Exams's right after school reopens. And, dumbass here forgotten to bring her revision books with her. Either my brain hate me, or my memory's failing me. Whichever, I'm doomed. I wonder how do they do it. Being perfect in almost anything and everything. I left my piano books at home too. Sobs. Seriously have to find something to do. I wonder if I can go shopping? Or visit Penang..maybe, yeah. Maybe.

Oh, today's also Soo Yin's birthday. Happy Birthday girl! Looking forward to see you again next year. I had no idea that you joined the competitions too. =)
