? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I'm so lazy these days, I don't even blog anymore. Exams papers are coming back to haunt me, I need at least another 20 marks to pass my chinese and add maths. Great. That just proves how smart I've become. If I'm lucky, I'll flunk half my subjects by mid term, and every subject by the end of the year. Mum would probably freak and strangle me. Sighs.

It's as if school just started yesterday, but it's already march. How time flies. SPM results were out today, saw so many ex-form 5's back in school. I remember coming to form 1, and they were just form 3. Now they're all going off to college. In a couple more years, it'll be our turn. Then, we'll be working. Then, some might get married, and we'll start receiving wedding invitations. Soon, we'll see little kids running around when we visit our friends. Years later, we'll see their kids go to primary, secondary, and off to college. Then, we'll get the news that their kids got this job, that job. How good the pay is. How happy they are with their jobs. Whose kids have boyfriends/girlfriends already. Then there'll be the wedding invitation again, only this time it'll be from their kids. Then we'll sit down and have some tea while reminiscing the good old times. Hah. Crap. I sound so old.

Projects. Homework. EXAM. GOSH. It's like I never get a break from anything. School exams may be over, but I've still got my theory exam, which is less than a week away. Monday. DIE. Then, concert practice might be starting real soon. The concert's in June fyi. April, ballet exam. My final exam. The final curtain call. May, mid year exams. June, MCE and concert. July, term exam. August and September, so far nothing yet. I don't know when's my practical exam. October, finals. No break at all, besides august and september, FOR NOW. Sighs. I'm so tired these day, I fall asleep the moment I hit the bed or sofa. And, I wake up later and later each day. One day I might just finally get up so late that I'm late for school. Then I'll get denda-ed or whatever they do to latecomers. Sighs.

Oh, to my super awesome cousin who stayed up late just to send me all those pictures that I needed for my moral kerja amal,


You're probably the best cousin anyone could ask for. Thank you sooooooo much for going through all the trouble just to help me get my stupid-last-minute-again work done. I love you. =)

if i gave you some coffee and doughnuts, would you turn your backs on them and do that kind of shit for me too? whatever happened to the fucking justice? why the hell are you here anyway? you're not even doing your job.
