? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Another belated birthday post to this girl here. Should have posted it yesterday but I was too frustrated. Sorry. Anyway, I've only known you for less than 3 years, but still, you're an amazing friend. Being around you, it's just, it's just really good, you know? I don't have to pretend or be anyone infront of you. I just have to be ME, and I really like that. I like being me without having to hide or anything. Sure, you can be quite emotional and sick sometimes when you have your love conversations with you-know-who, but still, you're just so easy-going. Not to mention that you're one of those very very very lucky (or unlucky) people who've seen my broke down before. I seldom break down infront of others. Rarely. Probably never, but yeah, I broke that few months ago. So, I just want you to know that you're an amazing friend. And if you ever consider being a mid-wife, please don't. Not because you'll end up killing someone like Mabel almost did, but you might get sick. It's a tough job. Ah, what the crap. Ignore that. Just typed it out of no reason. I just remembered how Mabel almost killed me the other day. Hah.

Happy belated 15th Birthday! Hope you had an awesome day. =)
Went for choir practise this morning. It's supposed to be a school replacement day today, but the whole school seemed empty. Well, there were people upstairs, but I didn't see any form 3's anywhere. All sleeping at home I guess. Going out with cousins to have dim sum later. Apparently, there's a stall that sells DURIAN dim sums somewhere in Damansara. Yum. =) Before I forget,

Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Hours? Wtf.

I'll admit it. I'm grateful that my mum taught me how to read the clock when I was young. Apparently, time, now plays an important role in my life. Sometimes, being late is not really a big deal. But when you leave a whole team waiting for you for a long period of time, it's just, ugh. 30 minutes late? I don't really mind. It's excusable. Maybe there was some problem on the way. 1 hour late? I wonder, was the traffic really that bad? So bad that it takes you 1 hour to reach our school? Or did your clock go cuckoo? 2 hours? Okay. Let me guess. You were driving your car across the bridge when you leaned out your window and saw a damsel in distress, thus decided to leave your vehicle, jumped into the sea and save her, only to come ashore and realize that you're all soaked and had to turn home to change into a new set of clothes before coming to see us? Or you just had to save an adorable puppy from the drain and take it to the vet? That doesn't need 2 hours. Or maybe you were on a mission saving the world from destruction, got to the airport late, missed your flight by 2 hours, that's why you're 2 hours late? Whatever.

I don't freaking care what your reasons are. Leaving a whole team to wait for you for 2 HOURS? WTF. That's just irresponsible. Instead of going home at 2, we had to stay til 3. Some even had to go to their classes late, and they were still having their exams. They were LATE for their EXAMS. To you, exams may not be a big deal since you're not the one taking it. But to us, every single mark matters. Well, at least, to MOST of us. So what if you're some important person? Being an important person doesn't mean you can make the whole world wait for you. I don't know about you, but just because YOU don't have a life, doesn't mean we don't too. In case you don't know, we have many things to do. And you just wasted an hour of our precious time. There are 2 kinds of clock - classic and digital. If you don't know how to read the classic clock, read the digital. If you dont know how to read the digital clock, ask someone for the time. Or you can ask any of us to teach you how. We really don't mind. It's much better than leaving us waiting there like idiots. I just get really pissed-off with people like YOU. I just hate it when important people think that they're such a big-shot, they can do anything they like.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

'Glass' Painting?

Went to school yesterday to do some 'glass' painting. Had some fun though my masterpiece looked 'fantastic'. I actually had a much, much, much more better picture in mind when I decided on the design I want. But, it turned out horrible. Shouldn't have listened 100% to the instrustors' advice. Thank goodness I followed the other smarter people and stopped using the water. Sighs. Anyway, when they said glass painting, I thought it was those flat glass wih beautiful patterns or stencils for you to choose from to draw and then paint with those nice colours and you'll have the black outline that feels like rubber when you touch it. But, it wasn't anything like that. We did have the 'glass'. Yes. A hard plastic transparent cup. We did have the 'stencils'. A piece of paper and whiteboard marker. We did have the paint. But there wasn't really enough. And, with all those, I made this..

Try imagining it with brighter and smoother colours, it would look so much better. Sighs. Then, they taught us something about packaging design. It's not just about designing a package with patterns and stuff, it's also about how you make the package. For example, they taught us how to make one without using any glue or staples or cellophane tape. Just need a piece of paper and scissors/cutter. That was something. Made mine. It turned out okay I guess.

Couldn't be bothered to decorate mine. I'm just too lazy. Heh. So, yesterday wasn't as boring as the other days cause I had something to keep me busy for at least 5 hours. Yes, I spent 5 hours doing just 2 things. Spent the rest of the time finding something to do.

Skipped school today. Only went for choir practise in the afternoon. I would have stayed home longer if the sky wasn't so dark. But, in order to avoid going to school soaked, I had to go before it was time. Went to school and saw Mabels' 'I'M WITH STUPID' shirt. It was really funny. One day I'll get one of those. Heh. So, trying to avoid getting soaked. Rubbish. The cuff of my pants and my slippers got wet cause we had to go to the hall. Supposed to be at Taman Herba but since it's raining, oh well, changed venue. My feet was soaking wet. Sighs. Poor Mabel and Shao Jun. They ran in the rain. I squeezed through the crowd. Heh. Not that I'm the 'princess' kind of person, but it's just that I don't wanna get sick. Sis's already sick at home, I don't want to be the next one.

Can't wait to go to Pahang!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Mabel!

Here's a belated birthday post to the girl that loves music especially choir so much that she'll probably dedicate her whole life to it if she could. Am I right, Ms. W.P.Q? I'm really sorry for the late wish. Didn't really had much time yesterday (24.10.09) Sorry. Anyway, all of you who knows her, well, know her. And to those of you who don't know her, get to know her. She's an awesome friend. The friendly, helpful, supportive and whackable kind. Yes. Whackable. I have no idea how many times I've whacked her out of no reason and yet, she doesn't really seem to mind. I think. You don't, do you? Lol. So, here's to the birthday girl.


The 'mid-wife' who threw a 100 tonne blue rock on the stomach of some 'pregnant' lady. Girl, don't choose that as your career or have anything to do with it. Seriously. Someone could get killed. *chokes self dramatically*
Happy 15th Birthday Mabel!
All the best, good luck in everything, and hope you'll meet the love of your life soon. Heh. =D
Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Finally went to school today. It was SOOOO BORING. Seriously. 6 hours doing nothing in the hall. How do they do it? I can't stand it. Walked around the school. Walked around the hall. Sing. Jump. Do stupid stuff. I had to do so many things before the school bell finally rang. Ugh. Thanks to those who had to bear with my complainings. I bet I was a real pain in the neck for the last 2 hours. Sorry. I was just so bored. Gah.

How can doing nothing for so many hours make me feel so tired? I'm not even this tired during normal school days. Sighs. I'll be totally exhausted by tonight. Going for a nap now. Bye.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


the 2 living things (1 human, the other alien) who gives me stomach cramps almost everyday..

Went over to See Yengs' place today. My first time. Heh. I just realised that I should scratch buisness off my career list. My monopoly skills really suck. Should practise more. So, went over to play. And, I finally got a picture of See Yeng. MUAHAHA. Thanks to my accomplice, The Alien..

yes, The Alien loves Melbourne. people there should watch out..

Wished I could've stayed longer. I wasn't done drawing your face yet Ms. Yiow. Draw your face next time, I shall. Heh. Anyway, meet Them..

the Yeng and the Lala..

Stomach's growling, I'm hungry. Off to dinner. Bye.


Friday, October 16, 2009


Short update. Skipped school yesterday cause I sorta woke up late. Got my report card from Meera, and my results were completely heartbreaking. When I opened the book, I was like WHOAH. Seriously? Ugh. I should really change my attitude and pay more attention to my studies now. Like Pn Wong said, "Form 4 is not a honeymoon year, you know?" Yeah. The same thing my mum said to me a dozen times before PMR. =.=

So, I can't wait til PMR results are out. (yeah right, I just can't wait to kill myself =.=) It'll probably be the 'best' christmas present ever. Ugh. Going out with mum to search for furnitures later. =)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free At Last

Ah, finally. PMR's over. And I actually managed to not blog for more than 2 weeks. Heh. Anyway, if I do get more than 5 A's for PMR, it'll be a miracle then. Sighs.

So, besides studying (yes, I actually did study A LITTLE BIT) for the past 2 weeks, I did many other stuff. Really really stupid stuff, well, some of them at least. Yeah, I have a problem focusing on my studies. I can't just sit still for 30 minutes and study if I'm at home. I really have trouble with that. Besides studying, I talked to my dogs. Yes, I was that bored. I actually ranted all my problems to them, since they can't talk and give away my secrets. Unfortunately, they found me boring and left me in less than 10 minutes. Yes. 2 little pigs went off and sleep. So, Ms. Boring here attempted to study with nature. Sat under mum's tomyam tree to read. Ended up doing something really really stupid. Guess what? I licked a leaf out of no reason. I don't know why. I actually sniffed it, and unconcious of what I'm doing, I just licked it. Yes. I'm a weirdo. Overstressed? Don't think so. I didn't really spend that much time studying. So, my guess is that I'm weird. Yeah.

Oh yea, I also spent more time playing the guitar instead of practicing my piano. Teacher's so gonna freak out when she see's me this week. All my technique, gone. So, guitar. Abandoned my poor darling for a few months cause I was frustrated. I couldn't play the chords and my fingers hurt. So I just left it in the corner. Started playing with it cause I was really bored. Ended up addicted to it. I actually spent so much time torturing my fingers with those guitar chords. I'm not even going for lessons yet and there's already blisters on my hand. Can't imagine what could happen if I really start going for lessons. I might have to amputate my fingers. Gosh.

By the way, did I mention that I lost my grade 7 practical cert? Yes. Stupid here lost it. I don't even know when. Was randomly arranging my stuff when I noticed that it was gone. Ugh. Of all the certs, why grade 7? Why can't it be grade 1-5? I worked so hard to earn it and now it's gone. Argh.

Anyhoo, created a few more accounts because I was really bored. I now have a MySpace, Twitter and Winxclub account. I know, I know, go ahead and laugh. Winxclub account indeed. I was really bored la kay? I had to do SOMETHING. So there. And, so many people's into twitter and myspace, so, yeah. I joined them too. Heh.

Recently realized that song-writing IS interesting. It helps you to express your feelings and everything. Yeah. It's amazing. Love it. Also, I created another signature during the exams. I know I've changed my signature many times since primary, but I think I'm gonna settle for this one. Really. =)

I can't wait to go out. I'm desperate. I actually wanted to go out with the family to Summit last Saturday since sis joined the art competition. But ended up staying home alone to study. Well, my plans to study failed 70%. At least I studied a lil'. Gosh. There's so many things I want to do.


Ahhh! I can't wait to go out!
