? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free At Last

Ah, finally. PMR's over. And I actually managed to not blog for more than 2 weeks. Heh. Anyway, if I do get more than 5 A's for PMR, it'll be a miracle then. Sighs.

So, besides studying (yes, I actually did study A LITTLE BIT) for the past 2 weeks, I did many other stuff. Really really stupid stuff, well, some of them at least. Yeah, I have a problem focusing on my studies. I can't just sit still for 30 minutes and study if I'm at home. I really have trouble with that. Besides studying, I talked to my dogs. Yes, I was that bored. I actually ranted all my problems to them, since they can't talk and give away my secrets. Unfortunately, they found me boring and left me in less than 10 minutes. Yes. 2 little pigs went off and sleep. So, Ms. Boring here attempted to study with nature. Sat under mum's tomyam tree to read. Ended up doing something really really stupid. Guess what? I licked a leaf out of no reason. I don't know why. I actually sniffed it, and unconcious of what I'm doing, I just licked it. Yes. I'm a weirdo. Overstressed? Don't think so. I didn't really spend that much time studying. So, my guess is that I'm weird. Yeah.

Oh yea, I also spent more time playing the guitar instead of practicing my piano. Teacher's so gonna freak out when she see's me this week. All my technique, gone. So, guitar. Abandoned my poor darling for a few months cause I was frustrated. I couldn't play the chords and my fingers hurt. So I just left it in the corner. Started playing with it cause I was really bored. Ended up addicted to it. I actually spent so much time torturing my fingers with those guitar chords. I'm not even going for lessons yet and there's already blisters on my hand. Can't imagine what could happen if I really start going for lessons. I might have to amputate my fingers. Gosh.

By the way, did I mention that I lost my grade 7 practical cert? Yes. Stupid here lost it. I don't even know when. Was randomly arranging my stuff when I noticed that it was gone. Ugh. Of all the certs, why grade 7? Why can't it be grade 1-5? I worked so hard to earn it and now it's gone. Argh.

Anyhoo, created a few more accounts because I was really bored. I now have a MySpace, Twitter and Winxclub account. I know, I know, go ahead and laugh. Winxclub account indeed. I was really bored la kay? I had to do SOMETHING. So there. And, so many people's into twitter and myspace, so, yeah. I joined them too. Heh.

Recently realized that song-writing IS interesting. It helps you to express your feelings and everything. Yeah. It's amazing. Love it. Also, I created another signature during the exams. I know I've changed my signature many times since primary, but I think I'm gonna settle for this one. Really. =)

I can't wait to go out. I'm desperate. I actually wanted to go out with the family to Summit last Saturday since sis joined the art competition. But ended up staying home alone to study. Well, my plans to study failed 70%. At least I studied a lil'. Gosh. There's so many things I want to do.


Ahhh! I can't wait to go out!
