? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, December 11, 2009


Woke up around 6 yesterday, left the house around 7 and went to KL. Since it's so hard to get a ticket to the skybridge, we had to go that early. Yesterday was probably the only day I woke up that early huring the hols. Anyway, got our tickets, went up and watched some clips bout Petronas then went to the bridge. I don't see what's so special bout it. But for people who love photography, you guys should go there. The view is kinda nice up there. After breakfast, the bridge and lunch, went to the Petrosains thingi. Science is a wonder. I mean, it's interesting and all, but I just don't like studying it cause my memory card's too tiny, can't hold much data. Why else would I fail my exams. Gah. Anyway, the best part of the science thingi was the slide. Heh. It was really, really fun. Before we entered the loooooong slide...

Sis: Jie, where are you?
Me: Up here la! You stuck ah?
Sis: No. Why?
Me: Not stuck? Where are you then?
Sis: Down here la!
Me: Down here where la?
Sis: I already reach la. Why you so slow wan?
Me: Wth..=.=

Seriously. She just went in and less than 4 seconds, I could hear her voice so clearly. So obviously I thought she got stuck somewhere in the turning area la. Who'd knew she was already down there? I didn't know that it would take such little time to reach the bottom. Anyway, it was really fun. I forgotten to close my eyes when I slide down. So, seeing things move so fast, scary. Scary, but FUN. =D

Wanted to skip ballet last night, but mum insisted that I go for my class or else I won't get to follow them out next time. Ugh. Spent the whole day out and still had to rush to ballet. Damn freaking tiring. Oh well, it's just for a few more months. So, yeah, I'll just have to bear with it.

Christmas is coming soon. However, I don't feel so happy bout it this year. Know why? Cause PMR results are after Christmas. The sooner it's here, the sooner I'll die. Stupid exams. Anyway, I've already set up the Christmas tree and stuff, and I finished the second Christmas song. Heh. Still deciding which one to perform during the party, cause both songs are quite different from each other. One is bright and happy, it's mostly bout Christmas fun. The other is about how lucky we are cause we get to celebrate Christmas, but the poor ones are out on the street and stuff. So, yeah, it's kinda sad. Which one? I don't know. Gah.
