? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

First of all, a very Happy New Year to everyone out there. I know it's not 2010 yet, but I'm in a mood to blog now, so, yeah. Anyway, went shopping in Subang Parade just now. You should have seen all the cars. My goodness, it was crazy. The whole road was practically full of cars. So, you could imagine how horrible the traffic was. Bought some stuff today which made me a very happy girl. But, didn't really enjoy walking around the mall cause of my stupid shoe. You see, the moment we found a parking, got out of the car and started walking towards the lift, a very, very 'nice' incident happened, TO ME. Less than 1 minute of walking, and the strap of my heels broke, on the right side. I thought I stepped on some gum or something but turned out it broke. RIGHT BEFORE I STARTED SHOPPING. Ended up walking around the mall with one broken strapped heel. That sure was one heck of a way to end my year.

So, after buying my stuff, mum went shopping on her own while I babysat my sis and her friend. Lepak-ed around the childrens' section. Those 2 soon-to-be-twelve-year-old kids that won't grow up ended up playing legos while I shopped alone. Then, I, the not-always-so-kind-hearted person here actually had to take care of the LEGOS while the 2 kids went to toilet. Imagine a big giant sitting on one of those tiny chairs playing legos all by herself for more than 15 minutes like a total idiot. All those little kids were staring at me like I'm some alien. *slaps head* Not that I blame them though, cause that's usually what I do when I see someone doing stuff that are either under or beyond their age. It was kinda embarassing though.

It's kinda hard to believe that it's gonna be 2010 in about an hour. And I'm gonna be 16 real soon. I feel so old. Hah. I still remember my graduation in 2006, my first day in form 1 and stuff. And, the holidays before form 1, when I had to buy new uniforms and stuff to prepare for secondary school. Here's something for you guys to laugh at. I actually CRIED in the fitting room while trying on the new uniform. Yes, I CRIED. Bought my first pinafore for secondary students in Parkson, Subang Parade. And while trying it alone in the fitting room, I just suddenly remembered that I'll never wear my old navy blue pinafore anymore. I was leaving my primary school. I was going to a new school, have new friends, everything was gonna change. And, remembering that I won't be with my old friends anymore, that started the water pipes. I spent more that 10 minutes in there with just ONE pinafore. Mum had to come and knock on the door to make sure that I'm still there and alive, not dead or kidnapped or fainted. And then, on orientation day, when I saw that so many from my class were still in the same school as me, and some in my class, I actually wanted to jump and hug all of them although there were some that I wasn't that close with, but I didn't. I wasn't that crazy. But still, seeing them made me happy. It took me quite some time to adjust to my new surroundings and new friends. I wasn't one of those talkative ones back then, cause I spent most of my time crying after school. Yeah, I know. I sound like one of those small kids who refuse to go to kindergarten and cry like their parents are gonna sell them off and never see them again. (fyi, I never cried when I had to go to nursery and kindy. I was a very brave little girl) But what to do la, I missed my friends so much. Every night cry until my eyes bengkak. Go ahead and laugh at the 2-to-3-years-ago-me. I'm a different person now, much stronger.

So, from leaving Lick Hung to crying in the fitting room to crying everyday after school to the crappy form 2 to crazy form 3 to pmr to results and now, to year 2010, form 4. I heard it's one hell of a year. Torture. I better start praying. Next thing you know, we'll be graduating from high school. Then, we'll be staying back for form 6 or going to college/university. And some will be going to other countries to pursue their studies. Hah. Funny how time passes by so fast.

There's another 45 minutes to 12, so, I won't be online then. I'll be watching the fireworks from my house. Heh. I love watching fireworks. They somehow amaze me with those pretty colours. So, a very haapy year 2010 to everyone. May the new year bring happiness, good health, peace, love and wealth . Happy New Year everybody. Have an awesome year.
