? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

D. Satisfaction.

I feel so tired these days. I wonder why. Maybe cause musical's over and there's like, nothing much to do. Okay, there's still the competitions and exams. Competitions. Ugh. It's this Saturday. And, you know what? It's gonna last from 8am til 6pm. Crazy right? Usually it's around 4 or 5 something. But now, ugh. I don't wanna talk about it. Stupid competition time's been making me stressed out since the day I knew about it. You guys will know why later. Sighs.

Anyway, I got my results yesterday. And, this time, I'm really really really satisfied with it. I got a D. D for Distinction. Yay! Lol. It's like, my first time getting a distinction for ballet. My results were horrible for the last exam. I'm really happy this time. Heh. Practical exam is next. End of August. Hopefully I'll get a distinction. I really wish I could. But, by the way I play my pieces and scales now, and also my horrible sight-reading and lousy aural, I should be greatful if I pass. Sighs.

Exams exams exams. I haven't studied a single thing yet. How lazy can I be? Sighs. Oh yea. We had some aerobic session with the cheerleaders and Pn Grace today. It was kinda fun and boring at the same time. I mean, if we all did it together, it would be kinda fun. Seriously. But, some were doing and some were not. I was only doing some of it. Spent most of my time standing there talking and laughing. I only did the exercises when teacher looked at me. Heh.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Apart from the fact that my arms are aching like mad, nothing much happened today. Yes. My arms really do hurt. Stupid aching muscles. All those chairs really tortured them. When I woke up this morning, my whole body was like, stiff. My arms just dropped like dead fishes by my side. I had to drag myself around to search for my phone to look at the time. I even had problems brushing my teeth. Crap right? I don't even have enough strength to brush my teeth. Stoody infront of the mirror for almost 5 minutes, I think. Forcing my arms to move. Ugh. They're still aching now. After practising piano and going for lessons and doing the laundry. WORSE.

Happy 15th Birthday to
Yoong Jien
(who was ridiculous enough to promise to jump off the KLCC, and one of those who I used to fight with back then in standard 2)
Chin Hann
(who had a 'beautiful voice and is a good singer' -quote our music teacher back in primary)

I hope both of you had an awesome day and may all your wishes come true. All the best in the future.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Ear Problems

I didn't study at all today. Again. After less than 1 hour in class, they called some choir members to help to keep the chairs and clear the hall. So, I went. After all that work I was sweating like a cow. Ugh. Damn uncomfortable. And, no thanks to Mabel, I tripped and fell. Now my butt hurts. (watch out mabel. heh.) Oh yea, you guys really should have heard what Mabel said. A few of us were talking bout Shia LaBeouf. The guy from Transformers. You guys should know who. I don't know how we got to the topic, but, anyway. Joyce said "LaBeouf'. Mabel, who has some serious problems with her ears, heard "LaBoob" I was like, wth. And, after that, Joyce wanted to ditch us and go back to class (evil joyce). So, she was saying "I love you" to us. Mabel (being unkind and cruel) said "I hate you". Me, being the not so kind and not so cruel one said "I late you". It's a combination of Love and Hate. So become Late la. You guys understand right? Mabel (please go and check your ears) heard "I rape you" instead. Seriously. Girl, what's wrong with your ear and your head? Go see a doctor before I scream higher notes into your ears.

And, another funny one. A really skinny guy from choir carried like, more than 5 chairs all at once. I carry 3 chairs and my arms are already aching. He was like, carrying nothing. But there were so many chairs there. So, amazed, I just randomly asked them "How can someone so damn freaking skinny be so strong?" Kar Mun heard something like "Sue the guinea pig" instead. What's wrong with these people la.? Or is it my problem? Seriously. I had stomach cramps most of the time in the hall today thanks to them. Lol. Anyway, my arms feel like they're gonna break anytime. I wish I could dismantle them. Sighs. It'll be so much more lighter. Craps. Heh.

Oh yea, thanks to the perfects who came and help in the hall. Really appreciate all your help. My hands would have fallen off by itself if I had to move more chairs. Anyway, had too much sweet stuff today. Or maybe it's cause I drank the whole bottle of apple juice in less than 5 minutes. Got super hyper. Couldn't stop jumping around. Ask my friends. They would know. Heh.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Footloose. The End.

I'm missing it already. All of it. The rehearsals, the screamings and shoutings, the complaints. Everything. When it was almost the end of the musical, I really felt like crying. Not that I did, but my nose was really annoying cause of the feeling. I couldn't cry. Yet. Cause of the stupid make-up. Ugh. "Just a few days of torture for two nights of beauty, it's worth it ma.." - quote Seok Kuan. You know what? For others, yes, it's true. But for me, it's the total opposite. I spent so much time trying to get rid of the pimples on my face, and cause of these two nights of make-up to try to 'beautify' my face, I just got more pimples on my face. Besides, I never liked putting make-ups. Not only is it bad for your skin, it's also hard to get off. Especially around the eyes. Okay, maybe it's not that hard. But for me, having my fingers anywhere near my eyeballs are scary. I mean, I just poked my eye with my finger yesterday by accident while trying to remove the eye liner. But it was kinda cool actually. When I opened my eyes and blinked, there were like, silver shiny dots all over my room. It took quite some time to get back to normal. That was a first. Anyway, the ruining my skin and destroying my hair (yes, I used the hair dryer, now my hair's all frizzy and it looks like dried seaweed) was, I can't believe I'm saying this. But, it was worth it. For two nights of wonderful musical. Probably the two nights of my last musical. Everything was worth it. 7 months of pratises totally paid off.

That's all I guess. I finally got all the make-up off my face. I miss Footloose. Sighs. Nites people.


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Tomorrow's the day. Hah. I'm just so excited. We actually tried the full-run with the lights just now. It was kinda nice actually. I especially liked the blue lights most. Less than 24 hours more to go. I still don't get it. I'm not acting, yet I'm so excited and nervous. Heh. People who haven't bought tickets yet, try getting them by tomorrow kay? This is really really really a performance you shouldn't miss. Besides, it's probably gonna be our last musical. So do come. Really short post, right? Gtg now, piano lessons in the morning. Ciao.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Jump Jump Jump!

In Chicago, a group of young people have gathered at their favorite dance club to unwind and say goodbye to Ren McCormack. Ren's father has walked out, so he and his mother are forced to move in with her sister's family in a small town nobody has ever heard of - Bomont.

Ren soon finds himself at odds with the repressive atmosphere in Bomont, where the spiritual life of the community is overseen by the power local minister Reverend Moore. Ren is stunned to learn that dancing is not allowed anywhere within the town limits of Bomont. His new friends explain that this law dates back five years to a car accident that claimed the lives of four Bomont teenagers. In the flood of grief and guilt that followed that tragedy, Rev Moore managed to convince the town council to ban dancing. Ren feels frustrated and vows to “take on this town” and incites a revolution by his classmates to throw a dance.Will he succeed?

Sounds interesting, right? Don't forget to come and watch us this weekend. Tomorrow's the first night of our musical. Oh gosh. I'm getting all jumpy and excited now. Heh. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow, kay? Love you people. =) Gotta go now. Time for rehearsals. Bye!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chucky Nightmare

I remember the last time I watched a Chucky movie was a few years ago when I was still in primary. And I still remember almost everything that happened in the movie. The freaky doll who comes alive and murders people. Ugh. The nightmares it gave me. Anyway, the movie was on HBO the other night. So, dumbo here thought 'hey, why not? Just watch la.' And you know what? After the movie, dumbo was getting ready for bed and she was freaking out the whole time. Yea. Stupid me. I actually thought that a doll was gonna jump out of nowhere and stab me to death. Gah. Still had the same nightmares anyway. When I was small, I actually hid all my dolls in the cupboard after watching Chucky. You know those dolls that shuts and opens their eyes? Yea, those. I stuffed them all in a huge plastic and locked them up. They're still there till now. Heh. Evil dolls. Seriously, why in the world did the director direct the Chucky movie? Gives so many kids nightmares. Wait, not just kids. I forgotten to include ME. Stupid freaky-evil-scary-haunted-ugly-heartless-human-killer-witch Chucky. Lesson learnt: If you wanna let your kids play with dolls, do not let them watch the Chucky movie, or else you'll have to stay up all night to accompany them. That's what I did to my parents. Heh. And, oh yea. Dolls are EVIL.

Anyway, Footloose is this saturday. Omg. It's like, so soon. I remember our first practise. It was horrible. But now, things are getting better and better every minute. Don't forget to come and watch us! And, I finally found my dress. Yay! Ah, what the crap.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

I'm starting to like rehearsals a teeny lil' now, cause I get to sleep a little more. Heh. Instead of waking up before 6am, I can now wake up around 7 something. Muahaha. Anyway, the weather really ruined almost everything. It was okay in the morning. Cooling and nice with a small breeze. A little while after rehearsal started, BAM. It rained cats and dogs. My pants got wet, especially the cuffs, cause shortie here wasn't tall enough. And, I was wearing slippers. So obviously the water splashed everywhere no matter how carefully I walked. When I wanted to use the toilet, it was locked. After that, I splashed all the way back to the hall. And, blindie here did not see the huge puddle infront of her. So she stepped right through it. Great. It was really uncomfortable by then. Folded the cuffs so that it won't annoy me so much, and continued splashing my way back to the hall. Oh yea, did I mention that the AC in the girls changing room is damn freaking cold? Yea, it was. I was wet and when I went it, things got worse. I was freezing in there. Dammit. Ugh. Stupid rain. A small drizzle and some wind will do la, why the heavy pour?

Oh yea, to another primary classmate of mine,


I know we're not that close, but still, happy 15th birthday! I'm sure you had a blast today! =)

More rehearsals to come. Friday will be super duper tiring. Sighs. Bye people.


Monday, July 20, 2009


I'm totally exhausted. Feels like I've been ran over by a truck for a hundred times. Literally dragged myself out of bed to the toilet and got ready for school. But on the bright side, I don't have to go to class. Heh. Spent the whole day in the hall for musical rehearsals. 8am to 5pm. Wow. I didn't think I'll last that long, but I did. Woohoo! Lol. Anyway, to be honest, rehearsals are really really boring. There's nothing much for me to do there. Ended up playing with my phone camera. But, boring rehearsals doesn't mean a boring musical. Rehearsals are boring because they practise the same thing over and over and over again til it's close to perfect so that everyone gets to watch a wonderful musical. So do come and watch us. It's this saturday and sunday night, you can come on either day from 8pm til 10.30pm. Tickets are RM15 for students and RM30 for adults. Come, kay? I'm looking forward to see you people! =)

Rehearsals are gonna last throughout the whole week. Ugh. Won't be updating much I guess. I'll probably just drop dead on my bed when I drag myself home from school.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Shi Wen!

To my dear friend whom I've known in primary,

Happy Birthday
Ong Shi Wen
Happy fabulous 15th birthday girl! Sorry, I don't have a picture of you. But, if we happen to see each other again in the future, I'm definitely getting one. I know we're not that close. There were some problems between us back then, but we managed to solve them, right? I mean, who doesn't have problems? I'm glad we're still friends. Anyway, I don't know if you're gonna read this or not, but, still, have a wonderful birthday and all the best in everything! =D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Elocin Laboratory

Lazy bum here skipped st john today. I actually set the alarm to 6am, but when I woke up, it was already 7.10am. Alarm must have rang and rang till it went on snooze by itself. Wasn't really in a mood to rush and get ready. Besides, I looked like I stayed up the whole night. There was no way I can look decent enough to walk out that door in less than 30 minutes. I won't be able to obey orders too, cause I was still sleepy. I probably would've made it to school if I dragged myself all the way there. But, I didn't. Because I was LAZY. So I just went back to bed and sleep. AGAIN. Heh. Ah, laziness. *interesting facts* Did you know that the word 'lazy' comes from the name of a gas produced in our brains? It is scientifically proven that laziness is actually caused by being too hardworking. According to scientists at the Elocin Laboratory in Dreamland, being TOO hardworking will cause the brain to be stressed. This causes a small part in the brain, the protective system, to produce a special gas called lazzyniroque. Note: this gas is not poisonous. It functions to reduce our stress level by making the brain a little lazy. When the brain is lazy, it won't be stressed out because there's nothing to be stressed about because it is not thinking. This amazing discovery was unveiled by Prof. Nicole, the founder of Elocin Laboratory, and her team of researchers, Right Brain, Left Brain, Lazy 1, Lazy 2, Lazy 3, Excuse1 and Excuse 2.

ps: if that question really comes out during exam or if someone asks you, DO NOT answer with the 'interesting facts' above.

No choir practise in the morning today. But will have to go later at 1.30pm. Sighs. Til 5pm weih! After all the hard work we put in, you guys really should come and watch us. It'll be worth your time and money. Seriously.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Footloose Musical

As I've mentioned before, announcements. So, here.


Date: 25th or 26th of July 2009
Time: 8.00 - 10.30pm
Venue: Dewan Seri Kenangan, Smk Seafield
Ticket: Student - RM 15 ; Adult - RM 30

So, people, go buy your tickets now. You can get them from our choir members or come to our school to buy them. Just let us know, kay?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Unbelievably Unpredictable =)

Heyo people! Yeah, finally got a blog. After all those oh so many blogs that not many people get to read, and not forgetting those people who keep pestering me, I finally have one public blog open to everyone. Yea, I know there are people who are thinking 'what's wrong with her? First she hides her blog, make it private, almost snap the heads off those who read it, and now she's getting an open blog?' I know. I'm weird. But honestly, it took me a really really really long time to decide should I create this blog. But, after reading so many people's blogs, i figured, why not? Obviously I'm not the kind of person who's gonna be so hardworking and blog about every single detail in her life. But, having a blog is kinda good in a few ways. One for example, it'll be way easier for me to announce some news that I want many many many people to know about. Writing it on my pm ain't working that well. I don't have the whole world's contact in it, so not many people will see it. A blog, now, that would be different. I know there are LOTS of people out there who simply enjoys blog-hopping. I'm one of them too. Heh. But, my point, is, with a blog, it'll be easier to let others know about what's going on in my life. Not every single detail of course. Just the highlights. And, also, after graduating from high school, many of us will be going out separate ways. And we can't call or sms each other the whole day to find out what's going on in their lives can we? So, the solution to it, get a blog.

Anyway, I'm the lazy kind of person. So don't expect much updates from me. Especially not now. What with all the musical and competition and piano and ballet and loads more of practises, I don't have much time. I don't even have enough time for myself. Besides, trials are coming soon. And, PMR is like less than 90 days away. I seriously gotta study. My results are killing me. I'm still lucky I'm alive here, blogging. Mum should have slaughtered me by now. I would have buried a hole and hid in it. Damn am I one lucky person. Maybe I'll update once in a while when I have the time. Oh, cut the crap. Who am I kidding? As if I can ever be that disciplined. I'll probably fail my PMR anyway. I always let laziness get the best of me. Ugh.

Oh oh oh, you see those lovely butterflies with music notes? I simply love them. One thing, I adore butterflies. Wished I could fly like them. And I love music. So, butterflies + music = beautiful awesomeness. People who love these two beauty, don't you think so? Heh.

So, that's all I guess. Part of my excuses to get a blog only to abandon it soon as my first post. Not bad eh? Heh. Well, gtg now. Seriously need to get some sleep. I'm turning into a zombie already. Nights people! =)
