? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bye Bye Blousy

Been in a really bad mood today. My favourite blue blouse has just gone bye bye. Stupid stain. As if staining my blouse wasn't bad enough, it had to be RIGHT AT THE FRONT where there's no way I could hide it unless I wear a sweater or jacket to cover it up. But it's not sleeveless. Adding another layer of clothing to a shirt with sleeves would just get you a heat stroke in this country. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. But still, that blouse is unique la kay. Ugh. If it was at the side I could still block it with my bag or my hand, but nooo, it had to be right at the front. Stupid idiotic stain. Up til now I still don't know what it is, but it really pisses my off. Of all the shirt I had hanging out there, WHY MY BLUE BLOUSE?! Gargh. I can never wear it out anymore. I can wear that shirt everyday and not get bored of it, unlike some of my other clothes. Sobs. I don't think they still have it in the stores. I bought it more than a year ago at jusco. They usually don't sell the same blouse for more than a year, don't they? Sighs.

Anyway, it's only 10 more days to my grade 8 practical exam. And, I'm still not prepared, AT ALL. All 3 of my pieces are like, going on the roller coaster ride. Sometimes they're extremely good, sometimes they're okay-okay only, sometimes, my teacher feels like covering her ears and throwing me out of her house. Most of the time, it's the throw-nic-out-right-now kind of playing. I wonder if the examiner would throw me out of the examination room on that day. Next, scales. My scales are horrible. I haven't practised them for so many months. Starting now is kinda late, but better than not starting at all la. I just hope that by any sort of miracle, on that day, my hands will become magical and play smooth scales with beautiful dynamics and wonderful speed on the keyboard without breaking down. Moving on, sight-reading. I don't know if my sight-reading's okay. I mean, I've already practised the whole book, so basically I'm not sight-reading anymore. All my other songs are already learned. I seriously need more reading materials. Should put that on my shopping list the next time I go out. Lastly, aural test. I don't know what to say. Let's just hope that on that day, some miracle will happen and save me from humiliating myself infront of the examiner with my extremely embarassing playing for a grade 8 student. Oh yea, I don't know who's my examiner yet. Teacher won't tell me. But I sure hope that I get an old man. I don't want a lady examiner, especially young ones. They're too strict. Besides, they're really kiamsiap when giving marks. Old examiners, especially men, are more humble and less frightening. One of the reason, men don't wear make up. The last examiner I got was a lady, and boy you should have seen the amount of make up she had on her face. Where was she going after the exams? The opera house? She looked ferocious and scary. Whatever it is, male examiners (especially the old ones) usually give higher marks compared to female examiners. I don't know why. Maybe they're just really humble and kind-hearted in nature.

Oh yea, holidays are like, so soon. I know it's just a one week break, but hey, it's still a holiday. You get to sleep in and lounge around the house doing nothing. Well, not most of the time, maybe a few minutes a day. My mum would kill me if I did nothing for one whole week. But, due to the virus, all my plans have to be cancelled. No movies, no shopping, no going out with friends, no nothing. Mum won't let me go out cause she's worried that I'll catch the virus since my antibody sort of weakened as the years went by. Not that I blame her, she's just worried bout me. Sighs. One whole week at home. I guess I'll just have to date my revision books everyday. That is, if, I can dicipline myself to do so. I'll probably end up using the computer all day or sleeping like a pig. Heh.
