? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fake Yay

It'll all be over by this Saturday. I'll be over by this Saturday. Wait, maybe not yet. At least, not so soon. I'll still have to wait for my results. Ugh. I hate exams. Seriously hate it. But I can't really blame anyone for my lousy results. I hate it cause my results suck. If I actually worked a lil' harder and made an effort to study, I might actually like it. Cause if you study you remember things you need to remember for exams. If you remember things you need to remember for exams you'll be able to answer your papers easily. If you're able to answer your papers easily means you're smart. If you're smart means you'll get good results. If you get good results means you're happy. If you're happy means everybody's happy. If everybody's happy means..uhm..hang out a sec. If everybody's happy means? I don't know. Everybody's happy then happy la. At least you're not pouting and crying over some horrible results. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who have to cry over their results. Not tears of joy. But rather tears from a broken heart. Cause I DID NOT study. I'm so dead. Today's papers were horrible. I totally blew my Bm paper 2. I mean, wth la. The last exam I memorized the plot so clearly but they gave me teknik plot only. Which is totally different from plot. Plot, teknik plot, plot, teknik plot. IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT! And you know what? Dumbass here thought that it was the same. I THOUGHT it was the same. But it wasn't. So I totally blew that test. And you know what happened this time? They gave us plot. Yesh, PLOT. And, I couldn't write it cause whatever I read for the past few hours hated my brain and left it. The plots and stuff I read escapsed from my head and left me with a blank empty brain. So, my paper 2 was, oh, I don't know, a total junk? Teacher should probably throw it into the bin before he reads it. It'll save lots of his time. Moving on. Bm paper 1. Let's pretend that I knew how to do at least HALF of it, kay? Happy smiles people. I knew how to do half of my paper 1. Fake yay. Move on. Geo. Let's do the fake yay again. Yay. I knew how to do at least a quarter of my geo. And, you know what's best? I closed my eyes and finished the whole paper by using a gun. Yep. I shot through all my answers. Fake yay people! Okay, a better way. Let's just pretend that I did really well in today's paper, and I should be happy bout it, kay? Kay. More papers tomorrow. Sighs. Bye people. Good luck to those who are having their exams.
