? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Famous Old People

I don't know why, but I get the feeling that I'm gonna graduate from high school with a horrible background and I'll never get accepted into a good uni or college. Sighs. This is what I get for not paying attention to stuffs that I should have been paying attention to. I think I got more than half of my science paper 2 wrong. I actually read them before exam started. I was reading it. But, when I saw the questions, my mind just totally went blank. I'll be grateful to get an average 60 this time. *cross fingers* My chinese essay was, wow. Unbelievable. I had lots of trouble trying to understand the text. After spending more than 15 minutes staring at the paper, I just picked up my pen and started crapping on the paper. I ended up writing that the bride's mum and dad were getting married and the bride was the witness instead. And, I had no idea at all that the name there was the groom's name. I thought it was just some words old people use to call themselves. *slaps head* I wonder if I'll pass.

Chinese paper 1 tomorrow. I haven't studied anything yet. Damn, I'm so dead. All those sentences those famous old people HAD to say back in those days. You know, if they hadn't said anything, we wouldn't have so many things to memorise now. Right? Ugh. How come nobody have to memorise what I say? I bet people in the future would simply love studying bout 'The 100 Things Nicole Said' It'll be so easy they can just ace their exams if they just remember one sentence. '1. Nicole talks lots of crap. 2. Nicole talks lots of crap. 3. Nicole talks lots of craps. 4. Nicole t......' etc etc. Easy, ain't it? But nooo, those famous people had to talk so much and everything they talked about is like, damn long and confusing? And, you have to remember what dynasty was it and stuff. As if memorising years in history isn't bad enough (not that I memorise them anyway) they have to make us memorise more. I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded yet. Well, at least mine won't, cause I don't study much. But what about those people who study 24/7? Wouldn't their heads explode?

2 more days and that's it. At least for now. It's only the first trial. After this there's another one, and then PMR. What we've been waiting for ever so long. What we've been studying (most people, excluding me) for since we first set foot in high school. I wish it was over by now. I'll be running around the neighbourhood crazily. Ah. It's raining. Belle's hiding again. Poor doggy's afraid of the rain. The slightest sound of thunder sends her running to her hiding place. Twinkle, on the other hand, loves the rain. She always runs out to play in it. So we have to tie her up when it's raining. Crazy dog.
