? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emo Not

Was really busy for the past few days. Was having a really hard time for the past few days. Was having a really tough time for the past few days. Was having the worst of the year for the past few days. Was really tired for the past few days. But those are over now. Those are was now. What's left of it are memories and smiles. But most importantly, the past few days made me realize how important friends are and it's only a matter of learning how to cope with everything. A huge thanks to my friends, especially Mabel and Yi Shuen. I really couldn't helped it. I can't believe that stupidly emotionally broke down during recess. Both of you are probably the only and last ones who will see me do that again. At least while I'm in school. I promise I'll never do that again. But, anyway, you guys really helped me alot. I actually thought that everything was gonna stop there for me. I actually made a decision to quit. But both of you helped me through it all. You gave me advises and lent me a shoulder to cry on. Thank you, for being there for me through my hard times. I never would have asked others to help me with my mum if you guys didn't talk to me. In fact, I'll probably be in my room right now, still crying ever since the day I made my decision. Full of regrets and unsatisfaction. If you guys hadn't talked to me that day, tears would probably pour each time I think about it, especially after what happened for the past few days. Thanks. Thanks for everything. I love you guys.

Anyway, had really intensive training on friday. We all had to stay back til 6.30pm for practise. Went to school on saturday morning and practised more. Then took a bus to Cyberjaya for the performance. Came back in the evening. Rest. Wake up today, got ready and went to school. More practises. Took another bus and went to Subang Parade for the competition. Surprisingly, we won. I didn't expect us to win, but, yeah. We won. Of course, everyone is happy if they win. Who wouldn't be?

I gotta admit it, being in choir especially for this year really stressed me out. And I'm drop-dead tired. Not that I have lots to do, but the practises and activities really used up my batts. I wonder how are the leaders doing.? Competitions, performances, musical, MCE, and not to forget the practises filled with screams and shouts and torture. But it's all worth it I guess. Overall, a very very good experience. There certainly is alot to learn about life from everything. Ah, craps. Ignore me. I'm just kinda sad that I'll be stopping myself from going for practises from now onwards til the end of PMR. Well, at least that's what I'm most probably gonna do for now. It's bout time I started to focus on my studies. PMR is like, in around 50 days? I don't know, I lost count. But, I haven't studied anything at all, that's for sure. Seriously gotta start torturing myself now. Some help please?
