? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RIP People

Cause of the goddamn virus, I won't be going to school starting tomorrow. No, I do not have the virus. I'm just starting the hols early. Mum and dad are being a lil over protective. When I told them that there are students in Lick Hung who passed away cause of the virus, mum was like, 'what?!' Then, she asked my neighbour, my neighbour asked the transport lady. Aunty told my neighbour that she's not sure bout the Lick Hung case, but she does know that a teacher from Smk USJ 12 has passed away. Neighbour told my mum, mum told me. Anyway, I'm not sure what kind of person the teacher was, but, it's kinda sad. To think that the flu killed one of our friends teacher. When my maths teacher told us that 3 people in Lick Hung died, I thought she meant the teachers. Honestly, I almost freaked out. To imagine that one of my teachers who thought me back then has died is really hard to accept. Thank goodness they're all alright. But, the children. It's really sad. They're still so young. Kids that are under 12. They've barely seen the world, there's like, so much more to learn, so much more to see. They didn't have the chance. Rest in peace Miss Chai and Children.

So, since I'm not going to school tomorrow, I'll be spending most of my time sticking my butt on the piano seat and torturing my fingers with scales and pieces. Sighs. This is what I get for being lazy throughout the year. I guess I deserve it. I should have practised earlier when I had plenty of time, not last minute. One week before exam. *slaps head* Sighs. I really really really want that D. Ugh. Practise practise practise!

Anyway, went to school today. I'm guessing that too many people in my class are using the Vanish soap thingi. Cause almost half my class vanished today. Yup. They didn't come. School was really boring. We didn't study at all (not that I enjoy studying), all we did was talk and play in class. But, we did have some fun. Did you know that we have a very talented student who can create different kinds of hairstyles using a comb, rubberband, pin and anything you can find in your pencil case? Tan Tzia-E the hairstylist. You guys should call her to do your hair, especially for prom. She's a genius. Go get her number people. Dear See Yeng got so many free hair-dos. Lol. Too bad we didn't get to snap some pictures of her. Next time, kay? After Pmr. And, oh. My history marks are horrible. A 'C'. A bee-you-tay-full 'C'. I should start counting my blessings now. Yikes.

Ah, skipping school tomorrow. *jumps and dances around the room like a mad woman* Okay, that's all. Off to continue working on my Ugly Bratty story. =)
