? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Phase One. Check.

So, today's like, the last day of our trials. But that's just for now. There's still another exam before PMR. Anyway, I think I'm gonna fail history. I shot through the first half of the paper, struggled through the first part of the second half and finished the rest with my eyes closed. How can I not fail this time? It'll be a miracle if I can actually pass. Sighs. ERT. Hmm. I don't know what did I do, but I know that I managed to finish my paper and hand it in. I'll probably get a 40/100 for that one. My English essay. Let's see, I can't say that I did it really well, but it wasn't that bad either. But, I didn't really elaborate and make my essay interesting. I could have added in some stupid stuff to make people laugh. But, with Mr. Gan as my teacher, I'd better not. That guy DOES NOT know how to joke or laugh. Seriously. And, with him as my teacher, I'll probably get a 70/100 after adding both papers. *wince* Ohgawd, that's horrible. Ah, I miss you Pn. Joyce! Why'd you have to go? You have no idea how grateful I was to her when she did not fail me after reading my horribly unlogical essay which I wrote for my first term exam. Rabied monkeys, Mojo Jojo, evil ninja monkeys and Starbucks Caramel Frappucino. Yeah, I actually wrote all that crap in my essay. After the exam, I realized my huge mistake, but it was too late to change or rewrite the whole thing. I only had seconds left before teacher came to collect my paper. But, being the awesome teacher she is, Pn. Joyce gave me a 24/30. I love you teacher! =)

Anyway, I don't really remember what I wrote for the rest of my papers, but I do remember that I did them horribly. It's bout time I really start to focus on my studies. Gosh, help me. I have like, a major problem in focusing especially studying. The last time I really sat down to read my Geo, I ended up waking up to find out that it's waaayyy past my dinner time. Yup. I fell asleep somewhere halfway. Same thing for history. Basically, I screwed up most of my papers. Wait, scratch that. I screwed up ALL my papers. I'm so doomed. Hopefully mum won't ask me bout my results this time. I got lucky for mid year. She didn't ask me anything bout my results. Maybe she forgot. Maybe she was too busy with Nad's results. But whatever the reason was, I hope she won't ask me too this time. I'd be so dead. I wonder if she'll notice a 'F' in my report card when she signs it the next time.

Went to grandparent's house just now. Had dinner at some chinese-japanese-western restaurant with them. It wasn't that bad. In fact, the food there was kinda good, and the price was reasonable too. You guys should try it. I don't know how to get there though. And I don't remember the name. Lol. Good luck finding it for you food hunters out there. xD
