? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Undescribable Happiness

I have no idea what to say. I have to admit it, I was totally flabbergasted when they announced the results. I thought that I was dreaming. (fyi, I nearly fell asleep a few times in the hall but managed to survive) I thought that it was all a joke and they're gonna take back their words later. But they didn't. It was not a dream. It was real. Everything was real. The fact that our Seafield Choir won the state competition was real. Yes people. We won! Ahaha. I don't know what to say. Tears started rolling down our faces as we hugged and congratulate each other on the stage. It's still hard to believe that we actually won. The other schools were actually really good. I haven't seen the comment paper yet, so I don't know what is it about us that made us won. I actually liked the other team better. I thought that they would be the champion. In fact, I still think that they should be the champions. But, the judges had different points of views. I don't think that we're better than anyone. We may have won this competition because they think that we're the best, but there's definitely space for more improvement. Everybody who performed today is a champion, cause they all did their very best to put on a good show. We all did our best. Congrats to the other schools who got a placing in the competition too. And, SMK Kepong, as usual, beautiful performance. I was practically crying during the last song. Great job. Oh yea, did I mention that we're going to nationals after this? It's after PMR. Yay. And, the competition's gonna be in Pahang. Hell yeah! We're going to Pahang baby. I can't wait. There's another patriotic competition in Subang Parade next Sunday. Do come and support us, kay? I love you guys. Seriously. Ah, Pahang. But, since it's after PMR, I'll have to study first. I'm not even ready for trials yet. Sighs.

Anyway, to the monkey who came and messed up my whole life after 4 years of being the only child,


I know I'm not the best sister in the world, but still, you're not the best little sister either, right? Nobody's perfect. And, I know you love me. And, despite all the many many many times of never-ending shoutings and screamings I threw at you, I still love you. I don't have to type much here, you can read it in your card. And, it's late now, so go to sleep monkey. Heh.

Celebrated sis's birthday at Pizza Uno after coming home from the competition. We actually wanted to go to Pizza Hut, but believe it or not, they had no water supply. Maybe they didn't pay their water bills. And, the service there was really bad. I mean, I called the waiter for like, 4 times? And nobody comes to us. Nobody at all. So we just left the place and walked all the way to Pizza Uno. It's really nice there. Nice environment, nice food, nice music, nice service, and, they definitely paid their water bills cause there was water supply. There was this guy who even sang a birthday song with us while strumming his guitar. Nice right? Oh yea, I saw Yi Shuen and her family heading to Pizza Hut. I wonder how long they had to wait for their dinner to get served.

And, coincidently,

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY WY MYNN! (or Havard, whichever you prefer)

Yea, he shares the same birthday with my sis. That's why I always remember his birthday. =)

Overall, today was awesome. One of the best days for this year. I love everyone. <3
