? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


School was okay. I guess a few days being stuck at home really does make people realise how much fun going to school is. Back to school, the great news. The bad news, the teacher are getting worse and worse, especially my Maths teacher. I don't know why, but I just hate her. Ugh. Hopefully she doesn't see this, or else bye bye math marks. Sighs. And, the choir peeps are going to Cyberjaya this saturday to perform Jalur Gemilang. Yay. Not. Forget bout that. I don't wanna type too much bout it incase teacher happens to see it. If she does, I'll be as sure as dead. Competition's this sunday. Gosh. Trials are on monday. Oh gawd. And I have not touched a single book yet. Yep. I have not studied anything AT ALL. Ohmaigawd. In fact, all my mum's friends are always asking her 'eh, your daughter ready for PMR already ma? see she so smart, sure get straight A's one la!' Ugh. I wish. People, I am NOT smart at all, kay? In fact, if you cut open that big fat head of mine, all you'll find in it is a brain the size of a pea and nothing else. Nothing. Besides my skull and the flesh la. Yes. My pea-sized brain. How can I be smart with a pea-sized brain? That means I'm not smart at all la! So what if I got straight A's for UPSR? That doesn't mean I can get good results now, right? If you saw my report card you'll be totally shocked la kay. My brain used to be bigger when I was small. But as the years passed, as I grew older, so did my brain. It grew older and smaller and functions less and less each day. One day I might wake up only to find that my brain has totally shrunked. Just like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Sighs. Everytime those people ask my mum, she'll look at me. When she looks at me, I'll just shrug and say 'dont know?' But the truth is, I really feel like digging a hole and hiding in there forever. I have not studied anything yet. How am I supposed to explain to my mum when the results are out? She'll skin me alive weih!

Ah, crap la. Haven't study yet then go study lor. Why am I still blogging here? I'm sure people out there must be scolding me, right? Right? RIGHT? Right. But, you know what? I'm a lousy motivator. I can't motivate myself to study at all. Cause I'm lazy. And, cause of that, I'm gonna have to pay a heavy price. Probably my own life. Sobs.

Oh yea, they say that if you don't talk for one whole day, your sore throat might actually go away. I don't know if it'll work, but I'm definitely trying it tomorrow. So, people, don't talk to me. I'll probably just answer you on a piece of paper. Owh, that means you'll have to squint your eyes to read my scrawny handwriting. Well, good luck with that then.

And, before I go,

