? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, August 29, 2009


One thing's for sure, I'm hating those robbers more and more each day. How many lives were gone just because some heartless people barged into some people's house, stole their stuff, AND stole their precious lives. The hell, it's already bad enough that you're stealing from them. Just leave. But, nooo. Those heartless people had to kill their victims. For what? To stop them from lodging a police report? To stop them from identifying you on the streets and dragging you to the police station? Puh-lease. People get terrified when their robbed. They panic and get scared. Do you seriously think they'll hunt for you and bring you to justice? All they'll do is just call the cops to let them know that there was a burglary. It's up to the cops to hunt you or not.

Thursday night. I don't know was it a coincidence or was it meant to be. Mum was going to Giant after dropping sis at tuition. Anyway, there was this pair of shorts that I wanted to exchange. At first, I just gave it to mum and asked her to help me do it. I was rather lazy and felt like staying home. But after some time, just as they were going out the door, I changed my mind and decided to join them instead. If I had stayed at home, I don't know what would have happened. Maybe I'd have a chance to stab the stupid robber with the butcher 's knife? I don't know. But I was safe cause I went out with mum. And, with so many cases of thieves entering your houses from the roof, I'm starting to develope a habit of looking at the ceiling each time I go upstairs. Mind you, the part of the ceiling that can be opened is right infront of the stairs, right infront of the toilet, RIGHT INFRONT OF MY ROOM. If some idiot was to enter my house from the roof, I'd be doomed. I hate these people. If you're really that desperate for money, go get a job la. I know that the economy's bad, thousands and thousands of people are losing their jobs. But still, there's always a way to settle whatever financial problems you have. That doesn't mean you have to borrow money from the loan sharks tho. Only idiots would do that. You already know the consequences of getting money from those loan sharks, and you still wanna do it? There's a whole bunch of examples out there in the world. If after seeing all these and you still do it, then you're really an idiot. But, stealing? Robbing? That's too much. And the killing too. Whatever reasons these idiots have, it's still not right. I don't see people from other families I know going around robbing other innocent people. I've never had the thought of stealing when I'm short of money. Why should you steal then? How would you like it if I, somebody you don't even know, came to your house in the middle of the night and steal your stuff? Would you like it? I bet you don't. Well, we don't like it either. It messes up our peaceful lives. And, those who are stealing just because you need some money to buy cigarettes or drugs, go to hell. You're all a bunch of heartless, selfish, brainless, cold-blooded, idiotic morons who have no respect and compassion for others and yourselves.

Gosh, what's wrong with me? Cursing others again. Gah. Oh yea, I just so happened to come across this on the net.

"He broke his left arm and cracked his skull three times, broke his nose while playing rugby union, broke his right leg skiing in Switzerland, broke his left leg in a motorbike crash, broke his right wrist while snowboarding. He also broke his back when he slipped trying to reach a roof terrace of a friend's house and fell three floors."

Guess who? Orlando Bloom. A total of at least 9 breaks and he's still so alive. Amazing. I wonder how many times I can break myself and survive?
