? ??????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (41 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 7276 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????Paramore? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (79 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 6027 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

First of all, a very Happy New Year to everyone out there. I know it's not 2010 yet, but I'm in a mood to blog now, so, yeah. Anyway, went shopping in Subang Parade just now. You should have seen all the cars. My goodness, it was crazy. The whole road was practically full of cars. So, you could imagine how horrible the traffic was. Bought some stuff today which made me a very happy girl. But, didn't really enjoy walking around the mall cause of my stupid shoe. You see, the moment we found a parking, got out of the car and started walking towards the lift, a very, very 'nice' incident happened, TO ME. Less than 1 minute of walking, and the strap of my heels broke, on the right side. I thought I stepped on some gum or something but turned out it broke. RIGHT BEFORE I STARTED SHOPPING. Ended up walking around the mall with one broken strapped heel. That sure was one heck of a way to end my year.

So, after buying my stuff, mum went shopping on her own while I babysat my sis and her friend. Lepak-ed around the childrens' section. Those 2 soon-to-be-twelve-year-old kids that won't grow up ended up playing legos while I shopped alone. Then, I, the not-always-so-kind-hearted person here actually had to take care of the LEGOS while the 2 kids went to toilet. Imagine a big giant sitting on one of those tiny chairs playing legos all by herself for more than 15 minutes like a total idiot. All those little kids were staring at me like I'm some alien. *slaps head* Not that I blame them though, cause that's usually what I do when I see someone doing stuff that are either under or beyond their age. It was kinda embarassing though.

It's kinda hard to believe that it's gonna be 2010 in about an hour. And I'm gonna be 16 real soon. I feel so old. Hah. I still remember my graduation in 2006, my first day in form 1 and stuff. And, the holidays before form 1, when I had to buy new uniforms and stuff to prepare for secondary school. Here's something for you guys to laugh at. I actually CRIED in the fitting room while trying on the new uniform. Yes, I CRIED. Bought my first pinafore for secondary students in Parkson, Subang Parade. And while trying it alone in the fitting room, I just suddenly remembered that I'll never wear my old navy blue pinafore anymore. I was leaving my primary school. I was going to a new school, have new friends, everything was gonna change. And, remembering that I won't be with my old friends anymore, that started the water pipes. I spent more that 10 minutes in there with just ONE pinafore. Mum had to come and knock on the door to make sure that I'm still there and alive, not dead or kidnapped or fainted. And then, on orientation day, when I saw that so many from my class were still in the same school as me, and some in my class, I actually wanted to jump and hug all of them although there were some that I wasn't that close with, but I didn't. I wasn't that crazy. But still, seeing them made me happy. It took me quite some time to adjust to my new surroundings and new friends. I wasn't one of those talkative ones back then, cause I spent most of my time crying after school. Yeah, I know. I sound like one of those small kids who refuse to go to kindergarten and cry like their parents are gonna sell them off and never see them again. (fyi, I never cried when I had to go to nursery and kindy. I was a very brave little girl) But what to do la, I missed my friends so much. Every night cry until my eyes bengkak. Go ahead and laugh at the 2-to-3-years-ago-me. I'm a different person now, much stronger.

So, from leaving Lick Hung to crying in the fitting room to crying everyday after school to the crappy form 2 to crazy form 3 to pmr to results and now, to year 2010, form 4. I heard it's one hell of a year. Torture. I better start praying. Next thing you know, we'll be graduating from high school. Then, we'll be staying back for form 6 or going to college/university. And some will be going to other countries to pursue their studies. Hah. Funny how time passes by so fast.

There's another 45 minutes to 12, so, I won't be online then. I'll be watching the fireworks from my house. Heh. I love watching fireworks. They somehow amaze me with those pretty colours. So, a very haapy year 2010 to everyone. May the new year bring happiness, good health, peace, love and wealth . Happy New Year everybody. Have an awesome year.


Saturday, December 26, 2009


A late Merry Christmas to everyone out there. =) Didn't get to use the computer yesterday cause I was in cousins' house. It's gonna be a really short post, cause I'm dead tired from my lack of sleep. Anyway, antibiotics smell weird. It's not bitter, but it just doesn't smell right. I hate it. Ugh.

Going out to summit later. Might be watching Avatar. =)


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Not Bad

Not too bad I guess. B for kh and chinese. I'm happy. =) Maybe Santa did read my letter. Heh. Congrats to everyone!


Someone Shoot Me

Going to school in a few more minutes to get my bloody results. I already know what I'm gonna get. I think. 2A's probably. That's all I'm gonna get. Or worse, nothing. Gosh. I can't even sit still right now. To make things worse, I'm still having my fever. Started since yesterday actually. Throat was bengkak and infected, runny nose, so I could hardly breathe, and fever, which make me shiver like mad when it was so hot. I even turned off all the fans cause I was feeling so cold. And, I barely slept last night. Not because today's result day. But because I had to wake up every few hours to take my medicine. I took them around 9 before I slept. Woke up at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, and finally, 9am. You guys must be thinking that I'm mad. Taking so many pills. But, I had to take the sore throat thing every 4 hours, my antibiotics, fever and runny nose pills every 6 hours. That's why I barely slept. Ugh.

Damn nervous now. Why didn't I study harder??? Sighs. Too late. Might as well just go and face my doom now. I can't even cry later when I get my lousy results cause it'll just make me sick again. I don't know bout you guys, but when I cry, my body temperature tends to go higher, thus giving me a fever. I don't want that again. Still, my results. Argh. Someone please shoot me in the head now. >.<'

Gotta go now. OMG.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Remember this picture..?

Yeah, that one. Remember the girl in blue shirt who was tortured by the alien who loves purple? Yeah, that girl. And, yes, the alien still loves purple. So please keep everything that's purple away from her before she grabs them and jumps on her spaceship (which she won't let me drive) and fly back to her planet.

Anyway, back to the main point. The girl in blue shirt. Miss Yiow See Yeng. Yes. She's finally 15. Couldn't send my wishes to her tomorrow cause my credit would have expired by then (now) so I had to send them earlier. Hope you don't mind. Oh well, I'm still blogging bout you now, it's 12.10am. Heh.

This young lady here might be a fugitive. Why would I say that? Because, she always hides her face when taking pictures. She won't even let me get a single picture of her. I do have one tho, a very nice and sweet picture of her, but she won't let me post it up here. Private and Confidential, claims the fugitive. Yeah, right.

Picture #1

Picture #2
See? All also cover her face wann. She must be on the cops most wanted list. Someone come and arrest her! I've got her now, where's my reward? Heh. Anyway, I don't have to type much.
You know I love you. Thanks for being such an awesome friend. You're like, my laughing angel. Yeah, a laughing angel. Cause you make me laugh everyday in school. Seriously. If you weren't there, I would be moody and cranky everyday. Just a few more years, and we'll go clubbing, kay? Haha. Have an awesome birthday. I know you love me too. =)

Monday, December 21, 2009


I attempted to make sushi for lunch today. But, after spending so much time trying to roll the rice with the seaweed, I gave up. Partly beacuse my seaweed was already soggy and torn. And, my hand was a mess. I forgotten the water. So, after that, I tried rolling everything into a ball, so that it'll be like, a sushi ball. Failed badly. Gave up in the end and just threw everything onto my plate and ate with a spoon. Yeah. Just like normal meals, except that this was supposed to be sushi. Sighs. I should totally cut 'chef' off my career list.

Anyway, cousin played this song in the car while we were on the way to Pavillion yesterday. I'm so in love with the song. Seriously. The Dad actually arranged the song for his 7-year-old daughter. How sweet is that? It's one of the sweetest thing a dad can do for his little girl. The song is really nice. The arrangement for both songs into one whole medley. No bumps or weird stuff. The whole thing is just so flowing and perfect, to me. I know nothing's perfect, but this arrangement sounds perfect to me. I just love it so much.

So, I was really bored. Came across this video on Wei Ying's blog. It's totally hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.

Decided to search for more videos on YouTube since I was so bored. Found a few more videos that made me laugh again and again.

And then, there's the Nigahiga videos that are totally hilarious. Seriously. You guys should really watch this. You'll totally love it.

Enjoy. =)


Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Santa..

Dear Santa,

Hi. It's me, Nicole. I'm already 15, and in my 15 years of living on this planet, this is my very first letter to you. This year, all I want for Christmas is NOT my two front teeth. I already have them and I have no plans on losing them yet. Though you can save them for another 50 years or so, and if you don't mind giving fake teeth to old people, you can give them to me then. In another 50 years. Not now. And, I don't need you to send me Taylor Swift like Evan Taubenfield wrote in his song, Merry Swiftmas. Also, I don't need you to give me some love. I already have all the love I need from my friends and family. You can give those love to those who really needs it, if you've been listening to me. I don't need toys either, cause I'm a lil old for that now.

Santa, I really wish that you're one of the examiners who will be marking my PMR papers. Or better, one of those who will be printing out our results. This year, what I really want for Christmas is at least 5A's in my PMR. Just 5. Though that would be impossible, cause you're supposed to be in the North Pole right now, preparing all the Christmas gifts for the good kids out there. Hey, there are papers and ink and printers in your house, right? Could you print me my results then? I think that would be really awesome. Could you?

Dear Santa, if you're already working on my Christmas gift (I hope you are), just a reminder, you'll have to send it to the education department, I think. Not my house. Cause 1, I don't have a chimney in my house for you to climb. My mum wouldn't buy me any ChipsMore, and I just finished the last packet of Oreos last week, so there wouldn't be any cookies for you to eat, unless you don't mind Julie's Cheese Crackers. Also, I drink low fat, less sugar soya, which is totally tasteless and horrible to drink. So, there wouldn't be any nice, warm milk for you to drink either. And, if you prefer Evan Taubenfields' way of replacing milk and cookies, I'm sorry. I don't have Taylor Swifts' Fearless Platinum Edition in my house. I just listen to her songs from YouTube. 2, I'm supposed to get my results from the school, and the school is supposed to get our results from the edu department, I think. I don't know if they have any milk and cookies available for you tho. But either way, you'll have to send it to them, not my house.

By the way, I hope you don't mind reading my letter to you on my blog. Cause I have no idea what your address is. And I don't have your email address either. You should have posted them up somewhere on Google. Or ask one of your elves to make posters or ads. Or you could go on TV!

Santa, I think that my Christmas request is quite simple, don't you think so? It's just a piece of paper with at least 5A's stamped on it. So, please? Could you? Pretty please? *stretches eyes as big as possible to show puppy dog eyes since my eyes are tiny* Oh, and Santa? I don't know if you're real, you're most probably fake or unreal or whatever, but either way, I still love you. So please don't forget my present.

Desperate for an average results,

Yeah, that would be my letter to Santa. PMR results will be out on the 24th of December, on Christmas Eve. How wonderful. Now my Christmas is ruined. Sighs. I had no idea about this cause I was in Carrefour when they annouced it on the news. Ballet friends and teacher threw the bomb at me before class. I'm so dead. Right before Christmas. Less than one week left. Wth. Gah, even Santa can't save me this time. Sobs.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sad Movies Make Me Cry.

Went shopping yesterday. Finally bought some stuff. *Smiles* Walked in heels for more than 10 hours. It wasn't torturing at all. But, people say that if you wear heels too often, you'll have huge, ugly calf muscles and your veins will stick out. I already have the huge ugly muscles, but no popping veins. YET. Sighs.

Anyway, I'm a sucker for sad movies/stories/materials. Remember the Tsunami movie we choir people watched on the bus buring our Pahang trip? Yeah, that one. I cried on the bus cause the movie was damn freaking sad. I was probably crying throughout the movie (where the disasters started). Yesterday while shopping in Megamall or the Gardens, I don't really remember where was I. We happened to pass this candy area and there was a tv showing the movie Tsunami. It was the scene where the guy had to make a choice on who to save. After he saved the girl, he jumped back into the sea to save the other guy. But, unfortunately, only one person can be saved. So it was either him or the other guy. In the end he passed his orange watch to the guy and asked him to pass it to the girl, cut the rope and plunged into the sea. He sacrificed his life. Seriously. I only watched that part and it was like, what? 5-10 minutes? And everyone was staring at the idiot who just arrived and started crying within 3 minutes. Seriously. I always cry if there's a sad scene. Movie, books, whatever. Even reading news articles. Last year when I read New Moon on the computer, I cried. After I finished reading, just sitting on the couch doing nothing, I suddenly remembered a few chapters which were really sad. Especially the part where Edward tells Bella that he doesn't want her anymore, that'll be the last time she'll see him and crap, when Bella cried, the months of zombie life..etc..I cried. I just sat there and cried. There were a few times when sis saw me and gave me the what's-wrong-with-you-are-you-crazy look. Then, while watching New Moon with sis the other day, I cried. AGAIN. After the movie I asked sis did she cry and she said no. Then, she asked me if I did, when I didn't answer, she laughed at me and called me a crybaby. WTH. She's the crybaby at home la kay. Stupid. Anyway, read a few chapters of Romeo and Juliet, and I cried. STUPID. A few chapters. Gah. Stupid tears.

So, my sleeping time is totally messed up. I sleep around 3 and wake up around noon. Nowonder mum's so mad with me. I'm a pig. Ugh. Wonder how I'll wake up when school reopens. Sighs. School. So soon. Okay, I feel sleepy enough to want to sleep now. Nites everyone.


Friday, December 11, 2009


Woke up around 6 yesterday, left the house around 7 and went to KL. Since it's so hard to get a ticket to the skybridge, we had to go that early. Yesterday was probably the only day I woke up that early huring the hols. Anyway, got our tickets, went up and watched some clips bout Petronas then went to the bridge. I don't see what's so special bout it. But for people who love photography, you guys should go there. The view is kinda nice up there. After breakfast, the bridge and lunch, went to the Petrosains thingi. Science is a wonder. I mean, it's interesting and all, but I just don't like studying it cause my memory card's too tiny, can't hold much data. Why else would I fail my exams. Gah. Anyway, the best part of the science thingi was the slide. Heh. It was really, really fun. Before we entered the loooooong slide...

Sis: Jie, where are you?
Me: Up here la! You stuck ah?
Sis: No. Why?
Me: Not stuck? Where are you then?
Sis: Down here la!
Me: Down here where la?
Sis: I already reach la. Why you so slow wan?
Me: Wth..=.=

Seriously. She just went in and less than 4 seconds, I could hear her voice so clearly. So obviously I thought she got stuck somewhere in the turning area la. Who'd knew she was already down there? I didn't know that it would take such little time to reach the bottom. Anyway, it was really fun. I forgotten to close my eyes when I slide down. So, seeing things move so fast, scary. Scary, but FUN. =D

Wanted to skip ballet last night, but mum insisted that I go for my class or else I won't get to follow them out next time. Ugh. Spent the whole day out and still had to rush to ballet. Damn freaking tiring. Oh well, it's just for a few more months. So, yeah, I'll just have to bear with it.

Christmas is coming soon. However, I don't feel so happy bout it this year. Know why? Cause PMR results are after Christmas. The sooner it's here, the sooner I'll die. Stupid exams. Anyway, I've already set up the Christmas tree and stuff, and I finished the second Christmas song. Heh. Still deciding which one to perform during the party, cause both songs are quite different from each other. One is bright and happy, it's mostly bout Christmas fun. The other is about how lucky we are cause we get to celebrate Christmas, but the poor ones are out on the street and stuff. So, yeah, it's kinda sad. Which one? I don't know. Gah.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Failed. Aural. Gah.

Went for my piano lesson with teacher just now after so many weeks. I haven't been there since before PMR started. So, I still remember the stuff I'm supposed to remember. Yay. Anyway, I may have gotten a distinction for my exam, BUT, yes, there's ALWAYS A BUT. Ugh. Teacher told me today that I actually failed my aural tests. FAILED. YES. I FAILED MY AURAL. How stupid is that? I actually FAILED my aural! Like, seriously. *slaps head* No wonder Ms Mary kept giving that weird smile throughout my aural test. She knew that I was gonna fail. *bangs head at the wall* When teacher told me that I failed my aural, I seriously felt like crying. I haven't failed my music for such a long time. Sobs. Anyhoo, I'm still keeping that D. But I still feel like I don't deserve it. I mean, hello? I failed! How can they give me that D after I failed my aural? Aren't they supposed to like, give me a Merit or just a Pass? Cause teacher says that what they usually do if the student fails a certain section. Of course, if they fail every section then the whole thing fail la. But, still. Not so proud bout my D anymore. I failed. Ugh.

Anyway, Christmas is in less than 3 weeks. Mum told her friend that sis and I are gonna perform at the party, so I had to use the song I wrote earlier (it was meant for my family on Christmas day) for that party. Still trying to come up with another song to replace the one that was 'stolen' in a way by mum. Gah.

Nobody's home. I'm really bored. Everyday, it's just wake up, breakfast, bath, piano, chores, lunch, guitar, songwriting, chores, internet, piano, dinner, tv, guitar, sleep. How boring could life be? I really miss my friends now. Sighs. Off to crack my head for some words now.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mery Swiftmas

Nothing much happened these days except that I'm so dead cause I just read Yoke Lin's blog and my 5A's just flew away, so, yeahh. Wonder what I'll do on result day. Sighs.

Anyway, was reading Taylor Swift's tweets and saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGM6Xtx02M4 Decided to check it out. It's really adorable. Like, seriously. He actually wrote and sang a song for her. How sweet is that? You guys should really check out the video. Great voice, funny lyrics. Totally awesome. =)

Here's the lyrics in case anyone wants to sing along with the video.

Merry Swiftmas

Dear Santa, I don't know if you're listening, but I've been pretty good this year. And I don't know if it matters that I celebrate Chanukah, but I hope you get my wish

Hey what do you know its time for Christmas
And I've been acting good all year
I never have been all that superstitious
But that don't mean I hate reindeer

So Santa I don't know if you're listening, I'm not quite sure how this works
I wanna good girl for hugging and kissing and not a head case who only dates jerks
I don't need more toys and shinny things, I just want a blond who likes to sing

So don't put a bow on a box, theres no need to send Megan Fox
I don't need a big mansion, so lets nicks Scarlett Johansson
There'll be tear drops on my guitar if I end up with Amy Smart
So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift

So Santa when you come down the chimney you can skip right pass the kitchen
I know you're sick of all of the cookies, so I got you Fearless Platinum Edition
And no one will mess with her when she's mine
And Kanye will watch him mouth next time

So I'm gonna have to refuse, if in comes Penelope Cruz
If she is a bad girl I'm sending her back cause Lindsay Lohan is whack (just like crack)
I'd rather have Jason Mraz, than be stuck with Cameron Diaz
So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift

I know her and I are gonna fit, Taylor Taubenfeld has ring to it

I'd rather be hanging alone, than making out with Emma Stone
Yeah I'd rather get a supina, than kick it with Angelina
And yeah I'll probably shed a few tears, if you mess up and send Britney Spears
So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift

Totally awesome, don't you think so? Cause I do...


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Alien Girl

Watched New Moon yesterday with sis. It was great. Stupid book and movie always make me cry. Ugh. Anyway, the movie? I think the wolves look like huge german shepherds. Lol.

I look like a zombie these days. Been sleeping after 3 in the morning and waking around 8. Crazy? Yes, it must be. I feel so tired and dead, even mum says that I have horrible panda eyes now. Sighs.


See that poor girl that's covering her face? Yeah, her. Apparently, she was being tortured by the alien next to her (yes, the one that's giving us the 'peace' sign) when I snapped this picture. Wonder why she's so scared? Take a wild guess. Can you guess it? Yes? No?

No? Well, I'll tell you why, since I was the only witness there. Heh. Pink-shorts-peace-sign-giving-alien plotted to kidnap Girl-in-blue-shirt because she needed a white mouse to experiment her make-up and manicure skills on. So, Girl-in-blue-shirt was the lucky (or unlucky) chosen one. But, lucky for the girl, the alien last minute changed her mind and decided to paint her own nails instead. Here, I've got proof..

See? See? SEE?? Told ya I've got the proof. So, it is scientifically proven by the Elocin Laboratory that aliens love manicures. Heh. Some big discovery it is.

The happy little alien after finishing her manicure. Oh yea, the alien loves Melbourne too. People there, watch out. She'll probably come to your house and grab every purple thing in her way. Another alien fact: Aliens love purple.

The happy little alien. Happy 15th Birthday! Keep smiling, you don't look so alien-ny like that. Heh. Anyway, may all your wishes come true. You're finally older now. I'm glad you liked the 'newspaper' I gave you. Take care, don't be so emo. Aliens should be happy little creatures who jump and dance the whole day and sing in their little squeeky alien voices. Lol. Anyway, have a blast. I love you, little alien.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Pangkor was awesome. The beach was cleaner than Penang, the water was clearer, I swallowed some sea water (yes, it really is salty), accidentally stabbed my foot with some broken shells in the sea and almost drowned myself. Yup. I still can't float and can't really swim. So, instead of learning how to swim of practising, I just hugged the volleyball and kick around the water with my feet. Smart? No. I almost let go of the ball, that's why I almost drowned myself. Stupid.

Anyway, I've got some news. Shocking news. And, no, it has nothing to do with the New Moon movie or any of the stars in it or whatever celebrity gossips. Well, okay, it might not be big news to you guys, it might not be shocking at all. But how often do you see me eating something I fear? Not often? Wait, never, right? Guess what?




1 slightly larger-than-normal-sized prawn, 1 mantis prawn or whatever it is, and 1 gigantic, freakishly, huge and disgusting prawn. Everyone at the table were going on and on about how nice it was, how delicious it tasted. I just stared at them like they were some aliens. By the way, I did not willingly eat those prawns. Mum made me eat them. Wait, she FORCED me to eat them, cause we were in Pangkor and the food there were mainly seafood. So, I HAD to eat them. To be exact, I swallowed it. I didn't really chew my food. Just peeled the shells off, throw it in my mouth, dug my teeth into it once and throw it to the back of my mouth where it goes down my throat and into my sick stomach. Ugh.

Anyway, I'm gonna start hiding myself in the house or wear something longer til my skin goes back to it's normal colour. Mum says it's possible if I do that. I have like, 3 or 4 different colours on my back. Argh. Oh yea, I saw a monkey peeing. o.o Not that I'm a perv or what, it was like, right above my head in the trees, and thank goodness I did not continue walking or I would've been pee-ed on. Disgusting.

I wanna watch New Moon! It's like, everyone I know already watched it besides me. Who am I gonna watch it with then? Sobs. Gtg now, cousin wants her laptop back. Bye!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Blogging from my cousins' house now. The beach was awesome. It's not as clean as it used to be, but, yeah. Better than nothing, right? Spent 2 days under the sun (and rain). Mum taught me how to search for 'lumek', it's a hokkien word. It looks something like the lala we always eat, but the shell is thicker and harder. Oh, did I mention that I actually went into the sea? Went in as in walked into the water til it's shoulder level. YES. I WENT THAT DEEP!!! Heh. I've never went in that deep before because I've stupid phobias. At least think I do. When I climbed up the rocks to snap some pictures, I always had this feeling of falling off the rocks into the sea and crushing / drowing myself. Really. It's like my whole heart was gonna jump out of my chest. Or when I stood on the balcony, I felt like I was falling off. Damn scary. The same thing happens when I'm in the water. Ugh.

2 days under the sun. I'm at least one tone darker now. Seriously. All those sun and swimming gave me a half-dark-half-fair back. I look hideous. And oh, I just realised that I do not get dark immediately. I turn red first, then dark. Sighs. Won't be attending the choir lunch tomorrow. Sobs. Wished I could, but I just can't make it back in time. Argh.

Going to Pangkor this thursday. Haha. After all these years of staying away from the beach, ah. I'll be so much more darker after the hols. Good thing or bad? I don't know. Off to sleep now. I'm exhausted.


Thursday, November 19, 2009


The last time I went to a beach was with the choir peeps at Pahang. Sighs. And the last time before that? I don't even remember. A few years ago I guess. Anyway, mum said we might be going to the beach this weekend after the wedding. Can't wait! I just love the beach.

Really lazy to blog these few days. All I do the whole day is eat, sleep, piano, guitar, tv, online, ballet, theory. Something like that. Sighs. Lifeless. My plan to find a part-time job failed, cause mum wouldn't let me get one. Ish. So, I'll just waste my lifeless life doing the same things again and again and again at home. Such a boring person, ain't I? Can't wait to go out with friends again. Miss them so much. =)

Oh yea, to all those taking their exams out there, good luck! I shall stop crapping here. Til then, bye!

Such a beautiful sunset. It's been a long time since I last saw one like this.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Tomorrow's the last day of school. Somewhere deep down, inside of me, there's a voice telling me to go. But, as usual, the devil always wins. I'll be skipping school tomorrow, just as I did today. I don't see the point in going to school if we're not gonna do anything there. I mean, Talentime just finished on Wednesday. That activity is like, the highlight of the year, the one that marks the end of school for us. Since it's over already, what more is there for us to do in school besides sit and rot for 6 freaking hours? Sure, it won't be so bad if you have friends there to talk to. But, most of mine already self declared their holidays a long time ago. There's still a few more who still attend school regularly (in which I really admire their school spirit), but, hey, I'd rather sleep at home for a few more hours. Besides, I really need those sleep. I still feel lifeless after so many days.

Anyway, everyone's talking bout themselves now that the school days are comiong to an end for 2009. So, I shall talk bout mine too. Heh.

Wait, I just remembered something. I don't really have anything to talk about. Seriously. See how lifeless I am? Okay, if I make an effort and search my brain, maybe I'll come up with something.



Still searching..

You know, if you're bored..

You should probably leave now..

'Cause I'm a really really boring person..

And whatever crap you're about to read later would just be boring anyway..


Okay, I'll just talk about what I think about myself then, since I have nothing to talk about but still want to crap about something. Get what I mean? I think you do. If you don't, nevermind then. I'm just crapping anyway.

So, spent some time thinking bout my past these few days. (Yes, these few days, cause I was freaking bored) And, I realised, that all these while, when I actually complained and criticized others, I'm actually talking about myself. Well, I didn't realise that when I was doing it, but I do now, when I think about it. I've always thought that I was the independent and mature one. But, the truth is, I'm not. There was so many times when I had to depend on others more than I should. There were so many times when I wanted to do things on my own but ended up asking others to do it for me. When I see others acting childishly, I'll hate it. Don't get me wrong here, I don't really hate people. I just, dislike, their attitude. I don't like it when people tend to act or think as if they're still in kindy or primary. But then, thinking of some things that I did, I was the one who acted childishly. I was one of those people whose attitudes I hated (dislike). I was the childish one. There were also times when I laughed at others who acted stupidly in certain situations. Yes, I laughed. Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside, I was rolling on the floor and laughing so hard that tears came out of my eyes. Get what I mean? I'm not such a nice person after all, am I? I'm not the person that everyone thinks I am. Like I've mentioned probably a hundred times before, I'm unpredictable. And I wear a mask, probably for everyday of my life. Though I sometimes take it off and be the real me, most of the time it's on my face, there, faking everything. Not that I want to be a faker. I really do want to be myself. In fact, I enjoy being myself. Unfortunately, those moments are realy short. And I can only enjoy it sometimes when I'm with the right people. Feel like I'm a stranger now? You probably would. I admit that I do hate people who are rude and bitchy. But, fact is, I actually hate them because I hate the devil in me. I hate the bitch in me that sometimes takes over and control my mind. Remember those times when I'm sarcastic or mean and say hurtful things? Yeah. Those are the times when the devil/bitch is out. I try real hard to control myself, but sometimes I just slip. Pfft. I don't even know what am I crapping about. Anyway, long story short, I'm not exactly the angelic sweetheart you think I am. I'm actually the bitch that everyone hates. It's just that I do a good job at hiding and controlling myself. If I didn't, I'd probably be on everyone's Hate List by now. Yes. I'm actually that bad. Hard to believe? Maybe. Anyway, I sometimes feel like I'm just like those loner you see in movies. The one who doesn't seem to fit in anywhere no matter how hard she tries. It's kinda scary sometimes, cause you don't know who to turn to when you need a person to talk to. So, my sometimes loner attitude has resulted in me writing songs and picking up old Harper who I've abandoned for such a long time. Surprisingly, it helps. Writing what I feel and what I think into songs and singing them, makes me feel much better. =)

Crap. Wasn't I supposed to talk about my school life? Okay. School. Besides the fact that the school rules and some of the teachers really get on my nerves sometimes, everything is just awesome. Especially the friends. They really make me happy. Without them, I'll probably drop to my knees and beg my mum to let me be home schooled. See how lonely I am? Or, how BORING I am? Hah. Okay. School. I got a 'C' for st john this year cause I wasn't really active in it. Skipped duties and stuff. So, yeah. I kinda deserved that 'C'. Got a 'B' for rumah hijau. Not bad. I got a 'C' last year. Heh. And, best of all, 'A' for choir. Really happy with that. I mean, this whole year, it has always been choir, choir, choir and CHOIR. Though I sometimes wish that I could quit, I still love it. Not just the trainings, but also the leaders, the coaches, the FAMILY.

Ah, cut the crap. Mum's screaming at me to go to sleep. It's already 1.04am. Bye people.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Miss Pahang.!

Finally in the mood to blog. Heh. So, came back from Pahang on Sunday. The experience we had there? Priceless. Irreplaceble. Nothing could compare to that. It's not just about competing with other teams there, it's about what we actually gained throughout the whole experience. And, how our bond strengthened in the process. Really miss Pahang now. Everything there was just so, so, so amazing.! I WANNA GO BACK. Seriously. You know what? We should organize a trip to somewhere on our own one day. That'll be awesome. I miss Pahang. I know I've already mentioned that for goodness-knows-how-many-times but still, I miss it. Pictures. Some are in my phone. Mostly in other people's cameras. And, I'm really lazy to upload it here. If you guys wanna see the pictures, just go to those choir members fb to view it. =)

Been wearing slippers to school since Monday. Clumsy here scraped her leg on the rock while on the beach on Sunday. Yeah. On our way home from Pahang, we actually stopped by the beach. It was wonderful. I haven't been to the beach in like, 3 years? Or was it 4? I don't remember. That just shows how long I've been away from the beach, doesn't it? Anyway, after I scraped my leg, tiny toe on my left foot, to be exact, I just went on and joined the others. Thank goodness Mabel told me to use a plaster to cover my wound. What the hell was I thinking?! Going to the sea with my wound opened. (Fyi, tiny bits of flesh were sticking out. Imagine that.) *smacks head* I must have been crazy. Anyway, had ice cream from McD. Uncle Tan belanja-ed us KFC. Took pictures. Went on the bus and continued our journey. Oh, Aunty Yvonne let us watch Tsunami on the bus before we went to the beach. So, I told myself, if there's an earthquake, hide under a mattress; if there tsunami, hold on to a mattress and don't let go. Why? Figure it out. Or you can ask me in school. Heh. Anyway, my toe still hurts. People actually STEPPED on it in school. Freaking pain. And, I still went for ballet just now, so, yeah. It's getting worse.

And, I haven't practised my piano for a week. Teacher's so gonna kill me when I start my lessons again. Sighs. I miss Hannah! Hah. My fingers are like, so stiff. Suddenly feel like stopping my piano instead of continuing my diploma. Literally slapped myself just now when I thought of that. I've came this far and I've definitely worked too hard to let it go now. No way am I stopping. Stupid laziness. Gah. Oh, I've also started practising my guitar after stopping for so many days. Now there's blisters on my left fingers again. Just great. =.=

Seafield Talentime today. Participated in the solo and duet category. Well, the duet was kinda a last minute decision. My partner? Chang Yi Shuen. It was okay I guess. Besides the fact that my voice was shaking throughout the whole performance cause I was literally shivering on the stage due to nervousness. We got the third place. Kinda happy. I mean, I didn't expect to win anything, but, yeah. Anyway, congrats to the other winners.! You guys were awesome. =)

Oh, and I was playing around with some words yesterday before going to sleep and I came up with a short chorus. Wee~~ And, I still look like a zombie cause I slept for a total of less than 9 hours from Friday til Monday. 3 nights of sleep, less than 9 hours. We're supposed to sleep for 6 to 8 hours each day. So, yeah, I'm really tired. I now fall alseep whenever I clos my eyes, which is not a good thing. I could've fallen asleep in school and maybe did some stupid stuff without knowing it. Maybe I'll end up sleep walking to the priciple's offince. That would be interesting. I think I'm gonna sleep now. Not that I want to, but the feeling's there. I'll probably zonk out infront of the computer. Sighs. Nites people.


Saturday, October 31, 2009


Another belated birthday post to this girl here. Should have posted it yesterday but I was too frustrated. Sorry. Anyway, I've only known you for less than 3 years, but still, you're an amazing friend. Being around you, it's just, it's just really good, you know? I don't have to pretend or be anyone infront of you. I just have to be ME, and I really like that. I like being me without having to hide or anything. Sure, you can be quite emotional and sick sometimes when you have your love conversations with you-know-who, but still, you're just so easy-going. Not to mention that you're one of those very very very lucky (or unlucky) people who've seen my broke down before. I seldom break down infront of others. Rarely. Probably never, but yeah, I broke that few months ago. So, I just want you to know that you're an amazing friend. And if you ever consider being a mid-wife, please don't. Not because you'll end up killing someone like Mabel almost did, but you might get sick. It's a tough job. Ah, what the crap. Ignore that. Just typed it out of no reason. I just remembered how Mabel almost killed me the other day. Hah.

Happy belated 15th Birthday! Hope you had an awesome day. =)
Went for choir practise this morning. It's supposed to be a school replacement day today, but the whole school seemed empty. Well, there were people upstairs, but I didn't see any form 3's anywhere. All sleeping at home I guess. Going out with cousins to have dim sum later. Apparently, there's a stall that sells DURIAN dim sums somewhere in Damansara. Yum. =) Before I forget,

Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Hours? Wtf.

I'll admit it. I'm grateful that my mum taught me how to read the clock when I was young. Apparently, time, now plays an important role in my life. Sometimes, being late is not really a big deal. But when you leave a whole team waiting for you for a long period of time, it's just, ugh. 30 minutes late? I don't really mind. It's excusable. Maybe there was some problem on the way. 1 hour late? I wonder, was the traffic really that bad? So bad that it takes you 1 hour to reach our school? Or did your clock go cuckoo? 2 hours? Okay. Let me guess. You were driving your car across the bridge when you leaned out your window and saw a damsel in distress, thus decided to leave your vehicle, jumped into the sea and save her, only to come ashore and realize that you're all soaked and had to turn home to change into a new set of clothes before coming to see us? Or you just had to save an adorable puppy from the drain and take it to the vet? That doesn't need 2 hours. Or maybe you were on a mission saving the world from destruction, got to the airport late, missed your flight by 2 hours, that's why you're 2 hours late? Whatever.

I don't freaking care what your reasons are. Leaving a whole team to wait for you for 2 HOURS? WTF. That's just irresponsible. Instead of going home at 2, we had to stay til 3. Some even had to go to their classes late, and they were still having their exams. They were LATE for their EXAMS. To you, exams may not be a big deal since you're not the one taking it. But to us, every single mark matters. Well, at least, to MOST of us. So what if you're some important person? Being an important person doesn't mean you can make the whole world wait for you. I don't know about you, but just because YOU don't have a life, doesn't mean we don't too. In case you don't know, we have many things to do. And you just wasted an hour of our precious time. There are 2 kinds of clock - classic and digital. If you don't know how to read the classic clock, read the digital. If you dont know how to read the digital clock, ask someone for the time. Or you can ask any of us to teach you how. We really don't mind. It's much better than leaving us waiting there like idiots. I just get really pissed-off with people like YOU. I just hate it when important people think that they're such a big-shot, they can do anything they like.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

'Glass' Painting?

Went to school yesterday to do some 'glass' painting. Had some fun though my masterpiece looked 'fantastic'. I actually had a much, much, much more better picture in mind when I decided on the design I want. But, it turned out horrible. Shouldn't have listened 100% to the instrustors' advice. Thank goodness I followed the other smarter people and stopped using the water. Sighs. Anyway, when they said glass painting, I thought it was those flat glass wih beautiful patterns or stencils for you to choose from to draw and then paint with those nice colours and you'll have the black outline that feels like rubber when you touch it. But, it wasn't anything like that. We did have the 'glass'. Yes. A hard plastic transparent cup. We did have the 'stencils'. A piece of paper and whiteboard marker. We did have the paint. But there wasn't really enough. And, with all those, I made this..

Try imagining it with brighter and smoother colours, it would look so much better. Sighs. Then, they taught us something about packaging design. It's not just about designing a package with patterns and stuff, it's also about how you make the package. For example, they taught us how to make one without using any glue or staples or cellophane tape. Just need a piece of paper and scissors/cutter. That was something. Made mine. It turned out okay I guess.

Couldn't be bothered to decorate mine. I'm just too lazy. Heh. So, yesterday wasn't as boring as the other days cause I had something to keep me busy for at least 5 hours. Yes, I spent 5 hours doing just 2 things. Spent the rest of the time finding something to do.

Skipped school today. Only went for choir practise in the afternoon. I would have stayed home longer if the sky wasn't so dark. But, in order to avoid going to school soaked, I had to go before it was time. Went to school and saw Mabels' 'I'M WITH STUPID' shirt. It was really funny. One day I'll get one of those. Heh. So, trying to avoid getting soaked. Rubbish. The cuff of my pants and my slippers got wet cause we had to go to the hall. Supposed to be at Taman Herba but since it's raining, oh well, changed venue. My feet was soaking wet. Sighs. Poor Mabel and Shao Jun. They ran in the rain. I squeezed through the crowd. Heh. Not that I'm the 'princess' kind of person, but it's just that I don't wanna get sick. Sis's already sick at home, I don't want to be the next one.

Can't wait to go to Pahang!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Mabel!

Here's a belated birthday post to the girl that loves music especially choir so much that she'll probably dedicate her whole life to it if she could. Am I right, Ms. W.P.Q? I'm really sorry for the late wish. Didn't really had much time yesterday (24.10.09) Sorry. Anyway, all of you who knows her, well, know her. And to those of you who don't know her, get to know her. She's an awesome friend. The friendly, helpful, supportive and whackable kind. Yes. Whackable. I have no idea how many times I've whacked her out of no reason and yet, she doesn't really seem to mind. I think. You don't, do you? Lol. So, here's to the birthday girl.


The 'mid-wife' who threw a 100 tonne blue rock on the stomach of some 'pregnant' lady. Girl, don't choose that as your career or have anything to do with it. Seriously. Someone could get killed. *chokes self dramatically*
Happy 15th Birthday Mabel!
All the best, good luck in everything, and hope you'll meet the love of your life soon. Heh. =D
Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Finally went to school today. It was SOOOO BORING. Seriously. 6 hours doing nothing in the hall. How do they do it? I can't stand it. Walked around the school. Walked around the hall. Sing. Jump. Do stupid stuff. I had to do so many things before the school bell finally rang. Ugh. Thanks to those who had to bear with my complainings. I bet I was a real pain in the neck for the last 2 hours. Sorry. I was just so bored. Gah.

How can doing nothing for so many hours make me feel so tired? I'm not even this tired during normal school days. Sighs. I'll be totally exhausted by tonight. Going for a nap now. Bye.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


the 2 living things (1 human, the other alien) who gives me stomach cramps almost everyday..

Went over to See Yengs' place today. My first time. Heh. I just realised that I should scratch buisness off my career list. My monopoly skills really suck. Should practise more. So, went over to play. And, I finally got a picture of See Yeng. MUAHAHA. Thanks to my accomplice, The Alien..

yes, The Alien loves Melbourne. people there should watch out..

Wished I could've stayed longer. I wasn't done drawing your face yet Ms. Yiow. Draw your face next time, I shall. Heh. Anyway, meet Them..

the Yeng and the Lala..

Stomach's growling, I'm hungry. Off to dinner. Bye.


Friday, October 16, 2009


Short update. Skipped school yesterday cause I sorta woke up late. Got my report card from Meera, and my results were completely heartbreaking. When I opened the book, I was like WHOAH. Seriously? Ugh. I should really change my attitude and pay more attention to my studies now. Like Pn Wong said, "Form 4 is not a honeymoon year, you know?" Yeah. The same thing my mum said to me a dozen times before PMR. =.=

So, I can't wait til PMR results are out. (yeah right, I just can't wait to kill myself =.=) It'll probably be the 'best' christmas present ever. Ugh. Going out with mum to search for furnitures later. =)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free At Last

Ah, finally. PMR's over. And I actually managed to not blog for more than 2 weeks. Heh. Anyway, if I do get more than 5 A's for PMR, it'll be a miracle then. Sighs.

So, besides studying (yes, I actually did study A LITTLE BIT) for the past 2 weeks, I did many other stuff. Really really stupid stuff, well, some of them at least. Yeah, I have a problem focusing on my studies. I can't just sit still for 30 minutes and study if I'm at home. I really have trouble with that. Besides studying, I talked to my dogs. Yes, I was that bored. I actually ranted all my problems to them, since they can't talk and give away my secrets. Unfortunately, they found me boring and left me in less than 10 minutes. Yes. 2 little pigs went off and sleep. So, Ms. Boring here attempted to study with nature. Sat under mum's tomyam tree to read. Ended up doing something really really stupid. Guess what? I licked a leaf out of no reason. I don't know why. I actually sniffed it, and unconcious of what I'm doing, I just licked it. Yes. I'm a weirdo. Overstressed? Don't think so. I didn't really spend that much time studying. So, my guess is that I'm weird. Yeah.

Oh yea, I also spent more time playing the guitar instead of practicing my piano. Teacher's so gonna freak out when she see's me this week. All my technique, gone. So, guitar. Abandoned my poor darling for a few months cause I was frustrated. I couldn't play the chords and my fingers hurt. So I just left it in the corner. Started playing with it cause I was really bored. Ended up addicted to it. I actually spent so much time torturing my fingers with those guitar chords. I'm not even going for lessons yet and there's already blisters on my hand. Can't imagine what could happen if I really start going for lessons. I might have to amputate my fingers. Gosh.

By the way, did I mention that I lost my grade 7 practical cert? Yes. Stupid here lost it. I don't even know when. Was randomly arranging my stuff when I noticed that it was gone. Ugh. Of all the certs, why grade 7? Why can't it be grade 1-5? I worked so hard to earn it and now it's gone. Argh.

Anyhoo, created a few more accounts because I was really bored. I now have a MySpace, Twitter and Winxclub account. I know, I know, go ahead and laugh. Winxclub account indeed. I was really bored la kay? I had to do SOMETHING. So there. And, so many people's into twitter and myspace, so, yeah. I joined them too. Heh.

Recently realized that song-writing IS interesting. It helps you to express your feelings and everything. Yeah. It's amazing. Love it. Also, I created another signature during the exams. I know I've changed my signature many times since primary, but I think I'm gonna settle for this one. Really. =)

I can't wait to go out. I'm desperate. I actually wanted to go out with the family to Summit last Saturday since sis joined the art competition. But ended up staying home alone to study. Well, my plans to study failed 70%. At least I studied a lil'. Gosh. There's so many things I want to do.


Ahhh! I can't wait to go out!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Love You Miss Mary. =D

Pmr's in less than 2 weeks. This will probably be my last post until the freaking exam's over. I still can't get my maths right. Stupid formulas and stuff. I just don't get it. Ugh. Why can't everything be easier? Like, Pythagoras Theorem? That's wayyy easier than stupid Indices. I just hope I won't fail. Sighs. I'm starting to prefer Geo over History. I don't know why. I just can't get any of those stories into my head. Me and my weird + lousy memory.

Anyway, got my practical results today right after tuition. That's probably the only thing that made my week. I got my D after all. Thanks teacher, you're the best. Oh, and I love you Miss Mary. Your creepy smile wasn't so creepy after all. =)

To all those taking their exams, good luck! All the best people. =D


Sunday, September 20, 2009

7 Hours of Torture

Ah, finally back in something-close-to-mum's-hometown. Yeah, not in Penang, YET, I hope. I can't wait to go there. Anyway, am in Juru now, uncle's house. Grandma's celebrating here birthday here. If I'm not mistaken, she's 87 or 88 now, I think. She can't even remember it herself. I hope I won't forget mine. Sighs. The future is so unpredictable. Anyway, cousin sis was so kinda to lend me her laptop, heh. I'll probably be rotting now, since there's nothing much to do. I'm really turning into a potato couch. Been eating and watching movies eversince we arrived. By the way, did I mention that we were stuck on the road for 7 hours? Yeah, amazing ain't it? It usually takes 4 hours to reach Penang, Juru is nearer, so around 2-3 hours, but we took 7. I think that's long enough to reach Kedah, right? Sitting in the car for 7 hours was killing me. We did stop at rest houses for the toilet, but still, my legs were aching. And, sitting on the seat for 7 hours makes your ass big, fat and FLAT. Ugh, stupid jam. Seriously, all along the road, there were like, at least more than 5 accidents. Either the car ran into another or the engines dead. Either way, knowing the usual Malaysians who are always nosy, everyone stopped or slowed down their cars just to look at those who were in trouble. Which is why the jam was horrible. Freaking annoying. I mean, it's not your car that's invloved, so if you're going to help them, then it's okay, stop your car and go to them. But if you're not, for goodness sake, just mind your own buisness and move on! Ugh.

Anyway, to all Muslims out there, Selamat Hari Raya! Hope you all are having fun. Many people already balik kampung. KL is so quiet now. There were like, only a few cars on the road when mum took me to tuition on friday.

I'm stuffed. I think I over ate. Seriously. Imagine a bloated potato sitting on the couch. Yeah, that's me. Oh, we lef Belle at home. I miss her already. We only brought Twinkle along this time cause there was not enough space in the car. Cousin bro and sis were travelling with us. So, yeah. Sorry Belle. It was really sad watching her cry when we left. It's like she knew that we were gonna leave, but not knowing that we're leaving without her. Sorry.

Exams's right after school reopens. And, dumbass here forgotten to bring her revision books with her. Either my brain hate me, or my memory's failing me. Whichever, I'm doomed. I wonder how do they do it. Being perfect in almost anything and everything. I left my piano books at home too. Sobs. Seriously have to find something to do. I wonder if I can go shopping? Or visit Penang..maybe, yeah. Maybe.

Oh, today's also Soo Yin's birthday. Happy Birthday girl! Looking forward to see you again next year. I had no idea that you joined the competitions too. =)


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's an early birthday post to this friend of mine. She's an amazing person. Seriously. We were classmates back then in primary, and though we're in different schools now, we still have one hell of a time when ALL of us go out together. There's always things to talk and laugh about when she's there. We became close friends in std 3, I think, or was it std 4? I still remember that 'would you like to have recess with us' written on the timetable thing. That's how we all started. She's always been the kind of person who knows how to blend in and cheer people up. The crazy and fun person who does crazy things till you laugh like a mad cow, and also the mature and caring one. Yea, she's always been mature. Also the stubborn one I guess. One of the most determined and strong person I've ever met. That's why I love you so much. I can't stand people who are too much of a baby, if you get what I mean. Well, it's good to be crazy and act like you're not your age once in a while, but, whatever your age is, You've still got to act it, right? She's always been one of those people I love hanging out with most. I don't know bout the future, I ain't psychic. But, no matter what happens, I just want you to know that I'll always remember you. Even when I do get abducted by aliens, I'll still have a picture of you in my wallet, which follows me everywhere I go. Yes. All 5 of us are in the picture. That's one of my favourite pictures, in fact, most treasured ones. Here's to the crazy, unpredictable, fun, loving, caring, stubborn, funny, determined, mature-yet-sometimes-kiddy (the list goes on) wonderful friend..

Happy 15th Birthday Wong Yoke Lin!

You've certainly grown alot, in a good way. From the not-so-nerdy kid you were back then in primary, you've grown into the beautiful young lady you are today. Seriously, I'm not lying. When mum saw our gathering picture, she was like 'wow, that's yokelin? she's beautiful..' and sis was saying 'jie, yokelin so pretty already ah? is she taller than you now?' Sighs. Yes, you're taller than me now I guess. Last time I saw you, we were about the same height. So, you SHOULD be taller now. =)

Ah, time flies. You're fifteen already. Amazing. I can't wait til we all get our driving licence. We'll get to go out more often, right? Anyway, thanks for being the awesome friend you are. I love you.


Next, you guys should really watch these videos on youtube. 'College Musical' An original musical production by some students. Everything was done by themselves, including the songs, music, script, directing..etc. They're amazing and seriously talented, especially that Sam Tsui guy. His voice is amazing. Go watch their videos. And his friend, Kurt Schneider, is a genius. They're awesome. Go watch.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Choir Party

Just came back from the choir party. It was awesome. I totally enjoyed it. Food was great, though the drinks were too much. Yeah, we thought that there won't be enough drinks, so MANY people brought drinks. And we ended up with a whole bunch of them. Lol.

Oh, we played some games too. You should have seen them playing. It was damn hilarious! Some people took a video of it, I'm not sure if it'll be available. But, anyhoo, I'll post it up if I can find it. And, I'm also waiting for photos from Yi Shuen. So, I'll upload them when I have the time. =)

Feeling darn tired now. I managed to fall asleep around 2 something I guess. The last time I looked at the clock before my eyes closed was 2.14am. Woke up at 5.38am. Couldn't sleep well since then. I kept waking up every hour. Finally got out of bed around 8 something. Breakfast, piano practise, then choir. Went straight for piano lessons after that. That was my last lesson, at least til PMR's over. Sigh. I'm gonna miss going there so much. I wanna see Hannah! Sobs. That baby's been growing so fast. She's super adorable. If I ever have a daughter, I wish she'll be just like her. Well, not exactly the same, but something like that. I don't have a picture of her though, too bad. =(


Friday, September 4, 2009


Short update. Skipped school today. Heh. Anyway, went for choir in the afternoon. It was okay I guess. Kinda enjoyed today's practise. And we have a few more new members. *smiles* Anyone else interested in joining?

Can't wait for tomorrow's party! =D


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If I Could Be Drunk

At times like this, I really wish that there's something I could do to make myself feel better. Not that I deserve it anyway. But honestly, I'm a failure. I'm really disappointed with myself. You know, most people usually just drink and drink and DRINK til they're completely drunk and puke. They don't even care about what they're doing. They don't even know what they're doing. I don't think they even notice anything around them anymore after they're drunk. I have to admit it, I kinda admire these people sometimes. They're brave enough to get so drunked that they can embarass themselves infront of millions of people and not know or give a damn thought about it. Though, I hate people who drink like there's no tomorrow. I hate drinkers. Well, maybe not hate, dislike, perhaps? But the point, at least they have something to drown their sorrows in. I have nothing. Piano doesn't really work that much for me anymore. It still helps, most of the time. When I can slam and play whatever I feel like playing. How I feel, my hands play it. Unfortunately, I can only do that when there's nobody else at home besides me or my sis. She doesn't know what I'm playing, so who cares. She thinks that it's one of my new pieces everytime I play a different song. Which is a good thing. At least she won't go running off telling mum that something's wrong with me. Guitar doesn't help much. I'll probably end up breaking some strings and owe my mum a HUGE explanation.

Call me crazy, but I do wish there's some liqour for me to drink now. Too bad, there's only dad's Stout and my Shandy. I don't really like drinking beer. They taste really horrible. I don't know why people like them so much. Drunkards drink beer when they're sad. I wonder why. Does drowning your sorrow and bitterness with bitter beer really make you feel better? At least Shandy has lemon in it. And now they have more flavours. I currently have raspberry, peach and lemon flavour in the fridge. But those can make me forget anything. They just taste nice, that's all. I drink them for fun. It's not like they really cause any problems to my health, besides the fact that there's less than 1% of alcohol in it. Mum said I got drunk when I was still small because I drank too much beer. I only remembered drinking a few sips from the uncle's cans during CNY. I definitely don't remember getting drunk. Besides, how can a kid who still attends kindy get drunk?

To make things worse, I still have to put on a happy face tonight during ballet. Sighs. I can't really blame anyone. Really. It's all my fault. I'm the one who didn't make an effort to do anything. I'm the one who made what I am today. I'm the one who made the lazy ass I am today. I guess I should really start to study now. Hah. How many times have you all heard me say that? Ten? Twenty? Hundred? Thousand? I don't know either. I keep saying it, but I never do it. I wonder what's wrong with me. I wasn't like this. I used to be a better student. I used to do all my school work and hand it in on time. Well, not always. But I do get them done and give it to teacher either on the exact date or a few days later. Not more than a couple of days I think. Maybe the teachers in primary were more strict. Maybe that's why I used to be good. Honestly, I'm not improving. I'm getting worse. Even my chinese was much better back then in primary. Now, it's just, blargh. All my essays are just like a piece of shit. They don't make any sense. The words are full of mistakes. Heck, I'm doing mistakes that I don't do when I was younger. I make more and more mistakes now. I've forgotten everything I've learnt. Even my english's getting worse, especially my paper 2. What a disappoitment I am. Sighs. I'm hopeless.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We were literally pissed off this morning. At least I was. First, you say that we have to perform today for the Merdeka thingi, which is already kinda late. All the other schools already celebrated theirs BEFORE the holiday. You all wanted to have it today instead. Then, when we're already in school, you tell us that all the performances are cancelled. Why? Because you didn't get the letter from the government. I had to wake up earlier so that I have enough time to apply my make up. After putting on my costume and heels and stuff, after reaching school for barely 5 minutes, you tell us it's off. At least those in the morning session still have classes to attend to. But, the afternoon students? Most of them have no transport. So, they had to stay back until evening, which is the end of their session. I seriously hate these people. What are we? Your chess piece? You say go means go, stop means stop. We practised before the holidays and got ready for today, and you just come and tell us there's nothing today. You could've at least told us on the last day of school before the hols, right? Why wait til today to tell us? That's like, super-duper last minute. Ugh.

Anyway, Chuen showed us the news bout the baby alien thingi in Mexico. I didn't know there were such stuff til she told me. Anyway, I told my dad, and he said I'm talking rubbish. And that chinese newspapers are always publishing all these weird stuff to gain attention. Whatever. So, I Googled it on the net, and, tadaa! Here's your baby alien.


The news were given by Television Station of Mexico. Apparently, they found a trap for animals with an alive “baby alien”. And that’s not all, an UFO expert said: “I dare say that these photos are authentic.”

Jaime Maussan, host star and UFOs expert, exhibited the pictures portraying the discovered baby alien on his TV program and confirmed it was all true.
The report goes on: “Farm workers were terrified and drowned the baby alien in the water. The creature struggled, his body shaked and it screamed for help. The peasants made 3 attempts and forced it in the water for several hours. Finally, the alien baby drowned.

But the story does not end here, it was recently known that the farmer who found and drowned the baby alien in Mexico, known there as “The Being of Metepec”, Marao Lopez, was found dead. And of course his death seems to be mysterious …
Lopez appeared burnt inside his car, parked alongside a road. His body was completely charred. He says the car took fire at temperatures higher than normal.

“This would not be the first case. There are reports and eyewitness of aliens and UFOs that shortly after died,” said German UFO expert Hartwig Hausdorf.

“The deep grief in those baby’s parents would have filled them with revenge. If even animals react like that in a dangerous situation … it’s even more likely in beings who may excel us technologically."

His widow assures Lopez “was killed by aliens …”
See, Dad? THIS is definitely not in chinese, it's ENGLISH. And, it's from the net. What? English papers also want to gain attention by posting it on the net, is it? Heh. Anyway, it's kinda sad that they killed it. I mean, hello? How often do you get to see a real alien that's still alive? You could have at least tried to communicate with it, right? Find out where they've been living, how do they survive out there, are they really super geniuses because of their big brains, what do they eat..etc etc. If I really get the chance to meet one, I would have tried to be friends with it instead of killing it. It's still a baby, of course it'll scream la. When you're still a baby and you get hungry, you'll scream or cry for food right? So just give it some food la. Why kill it? Sighs. Poor baby. Anyway, I don't know if it's true or not. It looks kinda real to me, but at the same time, kinda unbelievable. You guys can google it if you want to know more. Aliens. Wow. Maybe my wish might come true. I'll float into outer space after I'm dead. Hopefully get discovered by the aliens. Hopefully they'll bring me back to life, not have me as their dinner. What do they eat anyway? And, I'll get a member card to join their dance club. =)
So, aliens. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I'm not sure myself either.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Footsteps On My Guitar

yeah, that's my baby =)

School's starting tomorrow. And, there'll be some performance for the late Merdeka celebration. Which means more make-up for me, AGAIN. Ugh. Hate it. And with that air ventilationless costume, worse. Sighs. I'll just have to learn how to cope with it.

Anyway, just came back from aunt's house. I think I might have found my own guitar teacher. Heh. Will tell you who he is when I officially start learning, after PMR. But my fingers do hurt, now. Cause busybody here couldn't keep her hands to herself and kept playing with the guitar. Thank God it was an electric guitar. If it was an acoustic one, my fingers probably need some bandaging right now. And I thought that my blister days were over. Hah. On the bright side, I finaly know what power chords are. And I've learnt a few more chords. So, I guess the blisters are kinda worth it. Hey, no pain, no gain.

Ah, I gotta start getting ready for school tomorrow. My bag needs packing, uniform needs ironing, so does the costume. Oh yea, Happy Merdeka everyone! Malaysia's finally 52 years old. Hah. I'm so much more younger than that. Smiles! =)


Saturday, August 29, 2009


One thing's for sure, I'm hating those robbers more and more each day. How many lives were gone just because some heartless people barged into some people's house, stole their stuff, AND stole their precious lives. The hell, it's already bad enough that you're stealing from them. Just leave. But, nooo. Those heartless people had to kill their victims. For what? To stop them from lodging a police report? To stop them from identifying you on the streets and dragging you to the police station? Puh-lease. People get terrified when their robbed. They panic and get scared. Do you seriously think they'll hunt for you and bring you to justice? All they'll do is just call the cops to let them know that there was a burglary. It's up to the cops to hunt you or not.

Thursday night. I don't know was it a coincidence or was it meant to be. Mum was going to Giant after dropping sis at tuition. Anyway, there was this pair of shorts that I wanted to exchange. At first, I just gave it to mum and asked her to help me do it. I was rather lazy and felt like staying home. But after some time, just as they were going out the door, I changed my mind and decided to join them instead. If I had stayed at home, I don't know what would have happened. Maybe I'd have a chance to stab the stupid robber with the butcher 's knife? I don't know. But I was safe cause I went out with mum. And, with so many cases of thieves entering your houses from the roof, I'm starting to develope a habit of looking at the ceiling each time I go upstairs. Mind you, the part of the ceiling that can be opened is right infront of the stairs, right infront of the toilet, RIGHT INFRONT OF MY ROOM. If some idiot was to enter my house from the roof, I'd be doomed. I hate these people. If you're really that desperate for money, go get a job la. I know that the economy's bad, thousands and thousands of people are losing their jobs. But still, there's always a way to settle whatever financial problems you have. That doesn't mean you have to borrow money from the loan sharks tho. Only idiots would do that. You already know the consequences of getting money from those loan sharks, and you still wanna do it? There's a whole bunch of examples out there in the world. If after seeing all these and you still do it, then you're really an idiot. But, stealing? Robbing? That's too much. And the killing too. Whatever reasons these idiots have, it's still not right. I don't see people from other families I know going around robbing other innocent people. I've never had the thought of stealing when I'm short of money. Why should you steal then? How would you like it if I, somebody you don't even know, came to your house in the middle of the night and steal your stuff? Would you like it? I bet you don't. Well, we don't like it either. It messes up our peaceful lives. And, those who are stealing just because you need some money to buy cigarettes or drugs, go to hell. You're all a bunch of heartless, selfish, brainless, cold-blooded, idiotic morons who have no respect and compassion for others and yourselves.

Gosh, what's wrong with me? Cursing others again. Gah. Oh yea, I just so happened to come across this on the net.

"He broke his left arm and cracked his skull three times, broke his nose while playing rugby union, broke his right leg skiing in Switzerland, broke his left leg in a motorbike crash, broke his right wrist while snowboarding. He also broke his back when he slipped trying to reach a roof terrace of a friend's house and fell three floors."

Guess who? Orlando Bloom. A total of at least 9 breaks and he's still so alive. Amazing. I wonder how many times I can break myself and survive?


Thursday, August 27, 2009


I really feel like hauling a whole bunch of curses at myself for doing so 'well' in my exam yesterday. I totally bombed it. It was like, throwing a nuclear bomb in the examination room. Ugh. I don't know what to say to my teacher now. Worse still, I have to face her tomorrow. I should probably bomb myself.

Nevermind, what's done is done. Forget about it. I'll start crying over it when the results are out. Anyway, today's a very special day to a crazy new friend of mine whom I met this year..


See that picture? (Vi Jia please don't kill me, kay? Love ya =D) That's a picture of her and her ex-boyfan. Yea, boyfan. I don't have any speeching problem. Let me introduce all of you to the used-to-be happy couple. One day during our Footloose practise, Vi Jia was busy day-dreaming instead of paying attention to Nicole's crap. All of a sudden, Vi Jia felt a cool and gentle breeze blowing from her back. She slowly turned her head, and voila, Panasonic was there. It was love at first sight. Vi Jia and Panasonic fell in love immediately. Since then, both of them could not be separated. Vi Jia would not let anyone go near her darling boyfan, and Panasonic would only give out cool air for Vi Jia. Mind you, it was really hot and stuffy hiding at the corner all the time. On their very first date, which was the day they both met, Vi Jia gave Panasonic his very first kiss. Seriously, I'm not lying. I have proof! Look at the picture above. Heh. But, unfortunately, a few days later (or was it the next day?), Panasonic could function no more. He was dead. Doctor Nicole treated him and confirmed that he died of a heart attack. The cause of it was not sure, but she suspects that it was Vi Jia's kiss that triggered the attack. Ah, the kiss of death. Lol. Okay, cut the crap. Here's a more decent picture of our darling pianist.

Pretty, right? After you block out Wei Qin the spoiler behind there, it's purrfecto. Right? Heh. Yea, so this is our beautiful pianist with the sadly abused but beautiful grand piano. Vi Jia, I seriously envy you. You always have that professional and sweet look in all your photos, especially those with the piano. Seriously. Look at the picture above, and the picture in the footloose programs book. People would've thought that you're some professional young pianist. Anyway, today's your special day. Wishing you all the best in the future (which includes your studies, your career, your school stuff and other stuff, and oh, not forgetting, your love life. Heh.) Once again, Happy Birthday! =D


Monday, August 24, 2009

Shopping. =)

Went blouse-hunting yesterday. Yes. I was hunting for a blouse. White one. Practical exam's this wednesday, which is 2 days for now, and my scales are so not ready yet. Sighs. I guess I won't be getting my D after all. Anyway, mum thinks that not a single piece of clothing in my cupboard is 'decent' enough for a practical exam. Well, there is one actually. My favourite brown skirt which I'll be wearing on that day. But, there's nothing to go with it. Well, I do have a few blouses that I could wear with the skirt, but, mum thinks that they're not decent. Wth. FYI, those blouses are very sweet and pretty and they're definitely decent enough la kay. She makes it sound like my whole cupboard is full of nothing but clothes that are full of rat bitten holes. So, nevermind. Mum wants me to get a new blouse, I'll get one. It doesn't hurt to buy a new blouse right? But, you know what really made me mad when I was shopping? If my favourite blue blouse didn't have that stain from who-knows-where, I would have worn it with my skirt. Ugh. Stupid stain. I still want my blouse back. Sobs. Anyway, back to the shopping. After trying a few clothes, I finally found one that is nice to me and decent enough that mum agreed to buy it. It's kinda nice tho. White and sweet with a lil' classical look in it. Not that old-fashioned of course, I can still wear it with my jeans when I go shopping next time. But, the best part ws, I finally got to go out and shop. The last time I went shopping was like, once upon a time. And, cause of the virus, mum wouldn't let me go out with my friends. I was dying to go shopping. Yesterday was great. =)

Ah, 2 more days. I'm so dead. I can't believe I actually spent almost one hour sitting there practising my E minor arpeggios in root, 1st and 2nd position. Not like it did any good. They're still as horrible as the day I first learnt them. One hour for only one key in three positions. After I finished that key, I just shut the piano and started messing with sis's rubiks cube. I couldn't take it anymore. But, still had to resume practise in the evening. I didn't even start on my pieces. Oh, by the way, I almost ruined the cube. I swear, just a slight turn and it would have burst into pieces. Thank God I left it there. I destroyed my very first cube years ago in Penang, and now I almost spoiled Nad's. She would have killed me if it was broken. Sighs. Last lesson with teacher tomorrow before exam. My aural still sucks. Scales and aural. What a torture. Oh, I just remembered, the last time I really did any sight-reading was weeks ago. Great. Just great. I'm definitely gonna flunk this time. Sighs. Wish me luck. =) Bye.
